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File Comments posted by MineAndCraft12

    Player NPC Fix

       301    9

    Have you tried it with one of the default/base playermodels?


    I haven't used a default playermodel for quite a while now I'll have to try it out again.

    All Sabers

       626    7

    this is a bit lazy


    if u want to give assassin droids, rockettroopers and hazardtroopers lightsabers just change their model and class

    same for saboteurs, just give them CLASS_SHADOWTROOPER and they work fine


    I wanted to do this mod without changing the NPC's into different ones. Changing the models of the assassin droids and hazardtrooper essentially changes who they are.


    However, you are right about the saboteur -- I will do that in an update soon.

    bigphil2695 likes this


       58    8

    You could make this even more challenging by making all reborn sabers have vanilla length and only the player's saber(s) to be shortened, I bet that'd be fun! :lol:


    Sounds like a new Hardcore Mode, without actually modifying the game binaries!


    Your idea is coming soon.

    the_raven likes this

    Player NPC Fix

       301    9

    Huh, that's kinda strange. I've never heard of it crashing before. Perhaps it's the Playermodel you're using?


    In my experience, the game would crash every time the 'player' would get within range to start attacking with his saber. It would do fine if he wasn't near anybody, but the instant he gets within attacking range, the game would crash.


       58    8

    How practical is this? Gameplay-wise, I mean


    It actually makes fighting a bit harder. You have to get right up on your opponent to hit them, and when you're that close, you're also within range of their attacks too.

    It's easier for dark Sith to grab you and do their Force Drain hold as well, so keep and eye on your Force energy so you can escape.


    It's not really impractical... I'd say it's more like a handicap that adds difficulty.

    Player NPC Fix

       301    9

    I'd change the 'weak' to only use medium/ yellow style, but that's just me.

    Did you take inspiration from the Reborn?

    That's a good idea. I'll do that soon. The mod will go down though once I make an update, and it took quite a while for my other mods to come back up. Took a number of days. (not bashing jkhub, I know you guys have lives :P)


    I mainly made this because I was sick of the Player always crashing my game and not working properly. I think for the Force attributes, I did copy a bit from some of the Reborn.


       191    12

    Did you use some kind of saber blade color mod? That green looks so tasty!


    I'm not sure if this is the right mod, but I have a PK3 in my base folder called "zzzzzzBlade_Animations.pk3" which I think is the mod that does it. I don't know for sure where it came from though; there's no readme and I can't find its zip file.

    the_raven likes this
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