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Everything posted by Megakyle

  1. I'd be delighted to have your help! I'll send you a message.
  2. I've frankensteined a little before, but only by very closely following tutorials. This opening gap appears during animations, but isn't visible during A or T posing. Maui's great guide seems to imply that the problem here might be weight painting (but both are the same deep blue color) or perhaps the vertices not matching (however they do seem to match since the default poses match perfectly). I've had very little time with Blender, I hope it's something simple I'm missing. Any advice or things to look into?
  3. Your comment made me want to double check that I had indeed removed everything, which was what I had done initially. But I realized that since JA Enhanced loads mods from it's own folder, I hadn't checked the original Base folder, and lo and behold - the assets from Jedi Outcast were there thanks to running the Outcast campaign mod. That was indeed the case; for some reason, Outcast's datapad.tga and datapad_screen.tga are those weird development textures, and it's a mod I had loaded during both playthroughs. For anyone in the future, it's under Jedi Outcast's 'assets0.pk3', then 'models/items'. I opened up the pk3 using pakscape, replaced the textures with JA's good ones found in its assets, then repacked. Fixed it right up! Thanks for the chat, mrwonko. Just verbalizing it a little got the brain gears working to finally find it.
  4. I've had a glitch in my last two play-throughs that I haven't been able to pin down the cause of. Racto's datapad isn't loading the texture. Instead, it actually seems to be loading some sorta WIP texture of the model's vertices from when the developers were working on it. I've seen this TYPE of thing when editing character textures, often when a part of the texture is unused. But I can't figure out what is causing it! I was running OpenJK on the first play-through, now Jedi Academy Enhanced on the second. I believe Enhanced is based on OpenJK? And to test this out I removed all other mods, I figure it HAS to be something from that. Anyone seen this before and know what I can do to fix it?
  5. A+! A great step up from my own attempt a few years ago. I think I'll be using your version from now on.
  6. Any one ever have trouble showing the inside of two sided surfaces like this? It happens on at least one or two other occasions for me. Can't figure out if it's a model problem or a setting problem. (Used modview's options to illustrate problem, but the helmet on the left is what appears in game) Vade Parvis's Imperial Army Trooper Pack shown as an example.
  7. 378 downloads

    Inspired by the new New Republic Officer seen in Episode 6, The Prisoner, of "The Mandalorian" on Disney+. New textures and a new Rebel/Imperial model that replaces the default Rebel. Includes Team Support to be fully multiplayer compatible. To spawn in game: <npc spawn rebel> or <npc spawn rebel2> (This hasn't changed, it was the same for the original rebel too) This is my first public mod in a LONG time. You can find some of my old ones from when they were backed up from file front, and they were... not great. This is the first mod I've made since then that I feel confident enough to upload. Please feel free to use my models or textures from this or any of my mods. If something more high quality can come from my starting place, I'd love to see it!
  8. Where'd you get that white Ep7 Blaster Rifle? Any way to download it?
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