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  1. Really should have written this out some time ago but better late than never i say. A few people in the JA community will know me as Azra'el/Will from the roleplay community of ::JEDI::. While i havn't set foot outside the communities doors in quite some time now a number of people that have come and gone should recall the name. I've been on the JA multiplayer circuit since 2008 and have spent just under all that time with ::JEDI::, so while not as 'long-lived' as some in the JA community i've been around several years now. Aside from the lengthy time spent roleplaying i'm a self-confessed lore-nerd when it comes to Star Wars and have probably speant more time reading about the franchises three biggest organisations (Jedi, Sith, Mandalorians) than is perhaps healthy. All in all i'd just like to finally say hello officially and hope to get to know many of you better when it comes to JO/JA and their many projects.
  2. The original Jedi Knight by far. Whilst Dark Forces will always hold a special place in my heart, the growth of Kyle Katarn into a fledgling Jedi and learning about his past got me hooked. That and of course the original Jedi Knight was before 'every bad-guy and his dog' had to be a Dark Jedi. There were only 7 in JK1 and each fight was memorable in its own way. And omfg, Deadly Sight and Force Destruction... Will never forget those. The story was also far better than its successors. Jedi Outcast added a very cheesy romance subplot and a wimpy villain and Jedi Academy's plotline was laughable at best. Jedi Knight all the way.
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