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Posts posted by DrXann

  1. The hammerhead-class interior is reused and expanded on in KOTOR 2 so why not that instead.Also I'm surprised no ones ever mentioned making maps of the Ravager, an Interdictor-class sith destroyer,Malachor V's surface and Trayus Academy.We have the bridges of two of these already but they are really hard to find.Does Movie Battles II  actually have a map for the interior of an interdictor sith destroyer.


    Making the interiors of the two ships shouldn't be too hard just like at maps like dreadnaught and carrack which are role playing maps.

    axanik likes this
  2. Well you need a replacement for R2D2's actor. Like I've been saving its going to repeat the process of 5 and 6 .Eight having the heroes be chased around various worlds by the First Order in a similar fashion to ESB.As for Nine it'll be a lot like Return of the Jedi if not something else.Rey and Co.are on a mission to stop Kylo and Snoke for good this time with the help of the New Republic and the Resistance with a large scale fleet battle against possibly a fourth Death Star(Starkiller Base II) inspired super weapon and First Order Fleet but who knows this might actually happen in Eight.Everyone knows  history can repeat itself.

  3. I have a feeling she's either Luke's daughter or Obi-wan's niece.By the way what sort of prophecy is there now since Anakin brought balance to the force after he turned on Palpatine during Endor.I mean we have two darksiders if not more vs whats left of Luke's Jedi Order.Or  it could be a complete twist have both Rey and Ben/Kylo related much like the expanded universe did with Jania and Jacen.But I'd rather go with the latter.

    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
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