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    Windows 7 64x

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  1. TomsRocc

    Armored Fitty

  2. Happened to me the first time, but it built as jampgamex86 every next compile. More importantly, could you get it to run?
  3. Any chance of a version compatible with processors that don't support F16C functions, or will we just have to recompile on our own?
  4. 301 downloads

    Old attempt at a recreation of the Master's screwdriver from season 3 of Doctor Who. Three thin blades, saber damage set to 0.33 in the .sab file because I wasn't sure how JKA handles it. If that's not the optimal setting, please tell me and I'll update the file.
  5. That was the very next thing I tried after jampded failed to load the .dll. Has anyone who posted so far ever compiled and successfully ran MakerMod? I'm starting to doubt that this is an issue on my end.
  6. Dunno about OP, but I had the same result with both jamp and jampded. Have you ever personally compiled and ran the Makermod code off GitHub, Didz?
  7. Yeah, it's in the makermod directory. I'm using the default makermod.cfg out of the JKHub release, which works flawlessly with its original .dll.
  8. Same issue here, compiling from source without any changes made. Tried both 2012 and 2015 compilers for all of Release, Final and Debug configuration. Had a friend of mine do the same with 2015 only, and his .dll yielded exactly the same result. I'm guessing this isn't a problem with the source code itself, but what could it possibly be?
  9. JK WW is a roleplaying community set in the Star Wars universe, powered by a modded Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy server running a roleplay adjusted version of the Open Jedi Project mod and a forum complement. Help in acquisition of the game and required assets will be provided to those who do not own it. Our welcoming core group of veteran OJP roleplayers will get you up to speed with the game mechanics. The highlights of our community include: Fall of the Empire, The Old Republic, Ancient Golden Age - three distinct settings from which one will be chosen in a majority voteForce Sensitive factional based roleplay, with full opportunity for player made and secondary factionsWork your way from Initiate to Master, Acolyte to Lord. Lowest ranked starts are enforced on new FS player characters after the initial groups of Knight-levels are decided onThe Open Jedi Project mod provides a saber and gunnery system vastly different from vanilla Jedi Academy, enabling epic saber duels and heated blaster battles much more reminiscent of the Star Wars movies Currently seeking potential staff members and applicants for high ranked characters, especially from the United States and areas close in timezone.
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