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Posts posted by Azatha

  1. The first friend I made in college was as big of a Star Wars buff as I was. He gave me a copied disc of the game (I've since purchased it on Steam) so that we could play together. It was my first multiplayer game, in fact. I'd never had a pc or internet connection before college that could handle games that didn't come out in like.. 1996. I'm glad he introduced me, because if he hadn't I wouldn't have met some of my best friends or my husband.

  2. Jelly is the american name for jam. they are one and the same. Unles you mean english jelly, which is this guy:



    Incorrect! Jello is the image that you posted, Jelly is Jam without fruit bits or seeds, and Jam has fruit bits and seeds.


    - Someone (originally) from America



  3. I wasn't actually a fan of the episode "Midnight" (@@MUG's link)

    My favourite (in no particular order) happen to be:


    The Girl in the Fireplace

    The Big Bang

    Vincent and the Doctor

    Parting of the Ways

    Human Nature/Family of Blood

    The Doctor's Wife


    I've not seen the most recently aired episode, but Asylum of the Daleks was definitely awesome in my opinion. ^_^


    The Empty Child isn't on your list?! Blasphemy!

  4. JKA has also been a gateway into discovering other games through people I meet and make friends with. JKA can actually be quite the social experience compared to other games.


    I met most of my current friends through JKA, including my husband. It's a good community. A unique one, I think.

    Apollo likes this
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