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    Seattle, WA
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  1. I take it your drivers are updated?
  2. Generic indeed, but it's marketed towards kids so they had to keep it simple enough to understand. The Clone Wars had a relatively simple premise also.
  3. Of course not. I said close as we're going to get, not modern.
  4. I disagree. It serves the important function of making my balls explode with excitement since it's the closest thing to JK4 we'll ever get looks-wise.
  5. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think JA is an OpenGL game and pretty much every injector out there is DirectX only. I just want OpenJK to hurry up and finish adding rend2. It looks so awesome.
  6. I prefer using the custom maps that nearly everyone has like Academy V3. The base maps are too small and I've spent far too much time on them at this point. Custom maps are usually funner, bigger, better looking and have better atmosphere than the base maps. Ensuring newbies can join my server by playing on base maps when they will likely only play my server once isn't important. I find that servers running custom maps and mods tend to retain more regular members, not just random FFAers who join whichever server happens to be populated. That doesn't promote community interaction.
  7. I think it's a pointless feature in any game anyways. It would be terrible for saber fighting and is only useful in games that are locked at low framerates. It certainly doesn't make things look more realistic or fluid.
  8. Also what's with that saberstaff? That circle around the handle would make it terribly inefficient to use... And "The Inquisitor"? Really?? That's not the same of a sith.
  9. I'm purposefully avoiding any Episode VII hype or leaks because I want to experience the movie unspoiled and without any prior knowledge of anything about it. However, I wonder if mark hamill will still be taken seriously as luke skywalker now? I don't affiliate the old mark hamill with anything other than voice acting and occasional other screen acting. I certainly don't think of luke when I see his face nowadays. I guess it won't be an issue really.
  10. I have this error as well, and I think adding the missing DLLs sounds like a much simpler solution on the client end. Thanks for the temporary fix advice. I would love to get this working and make some machinima again.
  11. How about a 750ti? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?gclid=CMrpt6bC_L8CFQg0aQodkDsAMA&Item=N82E16814487024&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-_-pla-_-Desktop+Graphics+Cards-_-N82E16814487024&ef_id=U@ECygAAATa2jo9C:20140805161402:s
  12. Impressive work! Some input: 1. The chin needs to taper a bit more I think. Hard to tell without a proper front view. His chin was accentuated by his beard but the chin itself wasn't very prominent. Granted I don't know if it's possible to add an actual beard onto his chin rather than just texturing it on, but I stand by my tapering comment regardless. 2. The face also looks a tad droopy/saggy for someone like Qui Gon who had a very firm, boney, battle hardened face despite still looking old. 3. The mouth seems a tiny bit too wide. 4. Consider making the hair a bit more brown in shade, or darker, or bright purple. I hope this helps. Great job so far!
  13. At least he made a good proof of concept. If he could do that much without the source code, I imagine someone would be able to get a fully functional physics system running in OpenJK.
  14. Edited my post. Thanks!
  15. Some old favorites of mine.
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