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Everything posted by dark_apprentice

  1. iClone until version 5 with version 6 I am not familiar how it's done but here's a video u can check for the software and how this happens, however after that when u export the model u will need to know how to "cut" only the head and port it on a JKA/JKO character for example and how to fix issues that Blender might notice in the process. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKEQr9KncSM
  2. Ok, so I had to reinstall my laptop PC and made clear installation of Windows 7 professional 64bit. I installed most of my previews settings, programs, drivers etc. However when I installed JKA again I ran into the well known issue with the OpenGL subsystem. I checked few threads here and on the internet as well and still nothing helps. I patched the game to 1.0.1 and also I have extracted the "opengl32.dll" in my GameData still doesn't seem to work. Reinstalled the game, tried different suggestions that I found nothing is working. Game doesn't start for both SP and MP. My laptop is very old doesn't have any ATI or Nvidia it runs only with a Intel Core 2 Duo Centrino. I either have to try with NVIDIA drivers installed or something else, because every single step and suggestion I have found over the internet doesn't work and I'm out of ideas I thought, that it will work with the "opengl32.dll" file but still no.
  3. I will only say one thing regarding the comment of Jeff
  4. That is why I personally love the kitbash of Ruxith with snake's body.
  5. Actually @@Ruxith made it from there but he never released it.
  6. Hey @@Seven very good work with BF Luke over TFU ROTJ body. I guess this might be a texture issue or needs a good shader?
  7. Attempt based on a fan concept for "Rebels Season 3" not sure if it's even legit for now or jut a fan rumor, but decided to give it a try even that it's not that good.
  8. When the last 2 days of the week your office managers put a huge YT loop of only Star Wars soundtracks to inspire you!

    1. Bek


      I love star wars and all, but that'd get annoying after awhile.

  9. There are already Kanan, Hera, Ezra and Dark side fan-art Ezra created as well as Chopper, Zeb and Sabine just search them around.
  10. I tried to do this mix of the old JKO Han body and the TFU-Wii version of his head.
  11. @@Kualan Sadly dunno why, but turns out that on side view when working with any picture/model over the iClone it only takes the ears as a texture and nothing else. I found the few minus details in iClone that doesn't allow the 3D heads to be so good as we would prefer (at least for version 4.3 that I use not 100% sure if the same for versions 5 and the latest 6): * Whatever photo the user is using as reference, the base 3D head generated by iClone is the same shape. * When using a character that is for example from photos like the Battlefront 2015 Luke Skywalker or any other character like this the "Man" shape is not very accurate to use, so it's better to stick with the "Neutral". Because the man shape again is using some genereated shapes that are not allowed to be touched from the user so much as in other softwares where you are creating the model from scratch. (Well maybe it can work for a base/starting head shape and if time allows the user and his/her knowledge in 3Ds, Blender, etc. to edit the shapes). * Side view is not so accurate as the front view, it does not "ripp off the image. * When on the detail options to set the right position of a character's eyes, eyebrows and nose / mouth ---> the eyebrows are together with the eyes and you will be able to create a horror-ish creature instead of what you really want to as a result. Perhaps with little more tweaks around and in other softwares different from the iClone it can work at the end. So I guess that at some point you'd be able to make a good Donnie Yen.
  12. Actually, I forogot to add it and now i have to do it from the beginning (front + side), but still even now he looks ok on the sides. Here is the model from the photo above it will be good for starting version, it's using the default human male body. https://mega.nz/#!R11mAJST!o4JSBMuuBxom6Fs92qct4VjsJZ_NupQOu6wJBVvgaHU
  13. Ok, so here's what i managed to bring from this same images. They are not the best quallity but at least fora quick one I hope it's good to start with. If we don't mind that he needs hair and maybe some touches over the face texture.. P.S. if you think this is working for you as a starter head, than I can provide you tomorrow after i come back from work with the .obj file
  14. When my girlfriend finds out about Cryengine and is going crazy...

    1. Bek


      Lucky to have a girlfriend that gives a shit about engines lol.

    2. dark_apprentice


      Well, after a few long months of basic lessons in a course for C# and willing to make PC games, I guess she does.

  15. I think that the "free" version on their website is of the lastest 6.5 and it's trial only. I am not sure if they have in the website the older versions I personally managed to get a cheap copy from a local store, that I didn't thought they will have such a software in there. But you may try with a cracked version? Other wise i need good images of the actor's head as close as possible and I'll try to rip off his head in 3D
  16. It is very simple, as long as you have a good close photo of the actor you want in both: Side & Profile view (profile like for a passport) and just put the shapes around his head. After that it's very catchy to get the right positions in detail for the nose, mouth and eyes but if you play with it in the zoom you'll be good. Plus the arrows are to move it around on 360 and the icon next to the 3D head, that's created is to zoom in/out to see the model. I can show you a small tutorial if you want.
  17. Yes, but the default one is blonde and I added a new image with new name that is more brown-ish hair. So whoever wants to finish the model can change it.
  18. If @@Seven or someone else is willing to help you with the rest... Here's little something I managed to do. Hair does look strange in here but actually it will be much better in ModView or when in game i guess.
  19. I think this is because of the hair used from HS_Kenobi model, not that good for this model in particular. However if you take a look at the head itself it's ok, just needs to be smoothen a little bit for in game. And the textures is "ripped" from the 2D image into a 3D head with this same method: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKEQr9KncSM
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