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Posts posted by BruceJohnJenner

  1. Ive been thinking of trying out some of the heavily modified source forks of OpenJK that add on more features to the original base game. I dont mind breaks in compatibility with the original game, just interested in seeing how far the engine could be modded for new features. I heard rumours that there were forks out there that had added on things like grappling hooks and new fp/moves to the game, but Im not sure which fork has that and is most stable/well developed for features.

    Whats the best fork of OpenJK for spicing up single player?

  2. You just made me realize it's Ord Mantell, same as the last background. :lol: That was by chance, obviously. This is based on a different map than the last one though. The last one was t3_bounty, this one is a duel map.

    It is the Ord Mantell map, but it looks totally different than I remember it in the base game.


    Not a huge fan of the new theme, its too bright, and the image draws too much visual attention away from the UI.


    I like the idea of a new theme, but I would much prefer if the image used was looking up into a starfield like the old one. That was part of what made it great for me...

  3. Well, I cant believe it, but it almost works:






    I converted the existing system with OpenJK running properly to the Pitft touchscreen, but the OpenGL support does not work quite right (verified by glxgears and this). The menu and the game overall are super laggy, probably something like 2-3 fps at best, but I was able to load mp/ffa5 and run around a bit. As mentioned, the game runs super slow, but its just fast enough that I can navigate through the map and explore somewhat. You can see in the final screenshot that the skybox doesnt render at all, instead we just see what we get when we look into the void. (ie out of a visually leaked wall in the map)

    Most of the settings are as low as they will go, but I was wondering if theres any way to squeeze just a few more fps up to 10 to make this barely playable?

    Raz0r, Exmirai and Futuza like this
  4. It'd be cool if you put up a tutorial for how you did everything, I think people would find it interesting.

    I followed most of the build instructions that @@capturesteve originally laid out here:





    sudo apt-get install libjpeg8-dev libpng12-dev zlib1g-dev freeglut3-dev cmake git make vim
    ## install the software packages that we need to build and run OpenJK
    sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev
    ## this might not be 100 % necessary, I think the latest raspbian with
    ## jessie now includes SDL2 by default
    cd ~
    mkdir dev
    ## go to home directory and make a development folder to store source in
    ## change this if you have a different preferred development folder
    cd dev
    git clone https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK.git
    cd OpenJK
    ## clone the source and go to the new directory
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/jka/
    ## shorter directory path to make it easier to navigate to the
    ## game in terminal
    make -j4
    ## this will pretty much lock everything up for a while using all
    ## four cores on the Pi 2, but build takes long enough as it is
    ## compilation on the Pi B+ took absolutely forever
    make install

    Next we need to copy the bare minimum pk3 files over to the pi via usb stick. I dont particularly recommend ftp for this unless you have a ton of time on your hands.



    cp /memory_stick/assets*.pk3 ~/jka/base
    ## can someone double check the path for ~/jka/base for me
    ## I think this should be the right path to the base directory
    ## where the pk3s need to be stored
    ## if not, just put them in the base folder 1 below wherever
    ## make spits out the openjk_sp.arm executable

    Now we need to enable the full OpenGL support now available on the Pi 2 (and only on the Pi 2). Up until recently the Raspberry Pi had OpenGL ES support, a limited subset of OpenGL that isnt good enough to run OpenJK. The latest Raspbian Jessie has a super buggy OpenGL driver which we can use however.



    sudo apt-get install xcompmgr libgl1-mesa-dri
    ## OpenGL support needs some additional software
    cd /boot
    sudo vim config.txt
    ## we need to modify the boot config to avoid an odd issue with the
    ## GL driver. Editing the config.txt, we need to add a line
    ## avoid_warnings=2 wherever you like. Save and close the file
    sudo raspi-config

    In raspi-config, select Advanced Options, and enable OpenGL support. Reboot when prompted to make the changes take effect.


    Once the system comes back up, open your terminal, cd to the directory where the build is and run


    cd ~/jka/
    ## cross fingers and may the force be with you

    Hopefully I didnt miss anything important. Please post any issues with this guide here and I will try to fix them.

    SomaZ, Cerez and Futuza like this
  5. Just thought I would post this, I finally got OpenJK running on the Raspberry Pi 2 with the new experimental OpenGL driver, and I check youtube and aww dammit, somebody beat me to this by two weeks :rolleyes: . Well at least I can confirm that it runs on the Pi as well.

    Im gonna give converting the system over to the PiTFT screen a try, but for the moment it at least works more or less on the HDMI output.






    Overall performance wasnt too bad, although model and textures are best on low setting, or sometimes the game will crash when loading a large map like kor2. The entrance to Ragnos Tomb in kor2 seems to have some issues with the base flickering through when looking from across the valley, but that might just be an issue with the low model detail setting. 

    Cerez, ChalklYne, Smoo and 1 other like this
  6. Raspberry Pi Master Race !


    r_mode -1

    r_customWidth 320

    r_customHeight 240

    doesnot work ?

    The resolution itself isnt the problem, when I run it without those commands the program correctly detects that it needs to run in 320x240 resolution (I can see it in the console output). The real issue is that the Raspberry Pi only really has proper support for OpenGL ES (a reduced version of OpenGL for embedded systems). OpenJK does not yet have an OpenGL ES renderer, although it is possible to create one, it probably wont happen any time soon.


    The most recent version of Raspbian can apparently use full OpenGL on the Raspberry Pi 2, but the driver is said to be very buggy and unstable, and it doesnt work on my system at any rate.

  7. Sorry I don't know a ton of stuff about the Raspberry Pi, but just as a haphazardly guess, possibly opengl is installed, but not enabled?


    I did the whole thing all over again from scratch on the Pi 2, unfortunately it looks like the drivers for the new (experimental) OpenGL support might conflict with the device tree that adafruit installs to make the PiTFT screen work. Im not 100% sure on that, but I doubt I'll be able to make it work with this screen. As far as I can tell, OpenJK is looking at the library for OpenGL ES (/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libGL.so) and thinking that its a full OpenGL when its not, hence the crashes.



    On the bright side, I can confirm that openjkded server does run properly on the Raspberry Pi 2. I connected the Pi to a router, connected a desktop to the network, scanned for the Pis IP, then connected using connect [iP], and mp/ffa1 worked flawlessly. @@capturesteve, maybe give the repo another pull, and try again?



    I did a bit more digging and realized that the Quake3 port they have running (https://github.com/raspberrypi/quake3) was specifically ported for the RaspberryPi (I think they set a bounty for it a few years ago), and it almost undoubtedly uses OpenGL ES (presumably with some features ripped out of the renderer to accommodate this). @@mrwonko, I know writing that ES renderer isnt a top priority, but if you can ever get it done, I would really be excited for the chance to get this running.



  8. So after playing JKA single player through for the bazillionth time, I was thinking of finally checking out multiplayer for once. I know a bit about how the server itself works, as well as how to  connect both from the menu and the console (/connect [ip address] which will try to connect through port 29070 on the ip given), but I dont know of any servers to connect to. Do most people just set up a home server running Jedi Academy, and them distribute the ip address?

    Is there a server out there that many people on JKHub like to frequent? I was thinking of giving siege or CTF a whirl first if I can.

    Smoo likes this
  9. By default JKA will start up with r_mode 4 (and it will also try to fall-back to this mode if it can't create a window). From what I can see though, the only available mode is '320x240' which would be mode 0. Perhaps you can try setting the mode on the command line? Something like this:

    ./openjk.arm +set r_mode 0
    I guess this is a corner case which hasn't been encountered yet.



    Gave that a try, it did seem to choose the correct resolution this time, but it still crashes. I think it might be an issue with the openGL extensions,



    tty]    OpenJK: v1.0.1.1 linux-arm Mar 21 2016
    tty]    Initialising zone memory .....
    tty]    ----- FS_Startup -----
    tty]    Current search path:
    tty]    /home/pi/.local/share/openjk/base
    tty]    ./base/assets3.pk3 (16 files)
    tty]    ./base/assets2.pk3 (62 files)
    tty]    ./base/assets1.pk3 (8320 files)
    tty]    ./base/assets0.pk3 (15346 files)
    tty]    ./base
    tty]    ----------------------
    tty]    23744 files in pk3 files
    tty]    execing default.cfg
    tty]    execing openjk_sp.cfg
    tty]    couldn't exec autoexec_sp.cfg
    tty]    Running Jedi Academy Mode
    tty]    ----- Client Initialization -----
    tty]    ----- Initializing Renderer ----
    tty]    Trying to load "rdsp-vanilla_arm.so" from "."...
    tty]    -------------------------------
    tty]    ----- Client Initialization Complete -----
    tty]    --- Common Initialization Complete ---
    tty]    SDL using driver "RPI"
    tty]    Initializing display
    tty]    Display aspect: 1.333
    tty]    ...setting mode 0: 320 240
    tty]    Using 24 color bits, 24 depth, 8 stencil display.
    tty]    Available modes: '320x240'
    tty]    Initializing OpenGL extensions

    Does it support Open Gl?  I know by default it isn't turned on for Raspberry Pi.

    I just checked that, yeah, I think you're right. I ran raspi-config and tried to initialize OpenGL, but the dialogue told me it was only available on the pi2 (and up now :) ). I guess the native Quake III port that comes with RetroPie must rely on OpenGL ES that the Pi was originally equipped with. Next step, I guess I'll have to retrieve my Pi2 from home and work through the whole damn process again.


    The thing that was odd though (and might be worth a look for you) cmake did not see any issue with finding OpenGL, I saved the output of cmake .. to a text file:



    -- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.9.2
    -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 4.9.2
    -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
    -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works
    -- Detecting C compiler ABI info
    -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
    -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
    -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
    -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
    -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
    -- Looking for sys/types.h
    -- Looking for sys/types.h - found
    -- Looking for stdint.h
    -- Looking for stdint.h - found
    -- Looking for stddef.h
    -- Looking for stddef.h - found
    -- Check size of void*
    -- Check size of void* - done
    -- Found JPEG: /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libjpeg.so  
    -- Found ZLIB: /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libz.so (found version "1.2.8") 
    -- Found PNG: /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libpng.so (found version "1.2.50") 
    -- Looking for XOpenDisplay in /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libX11.so;/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libXext.so
    -- Looking for XOpenDisplay in /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libX11.so;/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libXext.so - found
    -- Looking for gethostbyname
    -- Looking for gethostbyname - found
    -- Looking for connect
    -- Looking for connect - found
    -- Looking for remove
    -- Looking for remove - found
    -- Looking for shmat
    -- Looking for shmat - found
    -- Looking for IceConnectionNumber in ICE
    -- Looking for IceConnectionNumber in ICE - found
    -- Found X11: /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libX11.so
    -- Found OpenGL: /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libGL.so  
    -- Looking for include file pthread.h
    -- Looking for include file pthread.h - found
    -- Looking for pthread_create
    -- Looking for pthread_create - not found
    -- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads
    -- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads - not found
    -- Looking for pthread_create in pthread
    -- Looking for pthread_create in pthread - found
    -- Found Threads: TRUE  
    -- Found SDL2: /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libSDL2main.a;/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libSDL2.so;-lpthread  
    -- Configuring done
    -- Generating done
    -- Build files have been written to: /home/pi/dev/OpenJK/buildcheck

    Which seemed really weird that apt wouldn't allow me to install dependencies like libjpeg8-dev, but cmake thinks everything is A-OK for compilation?

  10. Well what architecture is it?

    I was hoping I could get this working on my own as a surprise, but that probably isn't going to happen now  :rolleyes: 


    The platform is a raspberry pi B+ with a 320x240 touchscreen from adafruit called a Pitft




    The Pitft normally would be useless for this, as it doesnt normally have access to the GPU, but I followed the instructions here




    which basically trick the HDMI output into displaying on the Pitft. I dont know much about the specifics of how it works, but it does work with RetroPie (a RaspberryPi gaming distro) for running Quake III Arena, which you can see above.


    I did the basic setup described in the guide, and got everything working, then cloned OpenJK. I originally tried to follow the install steps that @@capturesteve used here , but libjpeg8-dev couldnt install because of dependency issues. I figured the project was done at that point, but when I ran cmake, it appeared to find all of the dependencies that it needed (including libjpeg oddly...) I ran make -j2

    , then make install, which took the better part of a day to compile.


    I tried running it off of the command line first, which failed, not too surprising since I figure OpenJK requires SDL, which in turn needs to talk to something like the X server to create/manage windows audio, whatever. I then tried to run it from the RetroPie EmulationStation, and I get this before it segfaults,



    tty]    OpenJK: v1.0.1.1 linux-arm Mar 21 2016
    tty]    Initialising zone memory .....
    tty]    ----- FS_Startup -----
    tty]    Current search path:
    tty]    /home/pi/.local/share/openjk/base
    tty]    ./base/assets3.pk3 (16 files)
    tty]    ./base/assets2.pk3 (62 files)
    tty]    ./base/assets1.pk3 (8320 files)
    tty]    ./base/assets0.pk3 (15346 files)
    tty]    ./base
    tty]    ----------------------
    tty]    23744 files in pk3 files
    tty]    execing default.cfg
    tty]    execing openjk_sp.cfg
    tty]    couldn't exec autoexec_sp.cfg
    tty]    Running Jedi Academy Mode
    tty]    ----- Client Initialization -----
    tty]    ----- Initializing Renderer ----
    tty]    Trying to load "rdsp-vanilla_arm.so" from "."...
    tty]    -------------------------------
    tty]    ----- Client Initialization Complete -----
    tty]    --- Common Initialization Complete ---
    tty]    SDL using driver "RPI"
    tty]    Initializing display
    tty]    Display aspect: 1.333
    tty]    ...setting mode 4: 800 600
    tty]    Using 24 color bits, 24 depth, 8 stencil display.
    tty]    Available modes: '320x240'
    tty]    Initializing OpenGL extensions

    The last part when it segfaults doesnt get caught by my log file for some reason, so I took a screenshot of what happens:



    Smoo, Xycaleth and Cerez like this
  11. Hey, so Im currently working on a project to get OpenJK running on a device with a small screen. It appears that the smallest window resolution that is supported is 640x480, but the screen I am planning on using is only 320x240. I am guessing that I might need to turn off the Hud at a resolution that small, but I am not entirely sure if I need to modify anything in the source as well?

  12. Rough outline of what I was able to produce if anyones interested


    wait 20.0
    wait 20.0
    wait 120.0
    wait 300.0
    wait 25.0

    It does exactly what I wanted, although if you accidentally hold down the key it is bound to, the script keeps getting executed forever for some reason.

  13. +forward is stopped by -forward.

    Thanks, I just knew it was going to be something glib like that :)


    Does the game input client itself use the +forward/-forward commands when listening to the states of the keys?


    Keep in mind that wait is in frames and thus depends on your frame rate. As such you might want to limit it using com_maxfps to get reproducible results.

    Is there any better alternative to using the wait command? Im tempted to write a delay.cfg file to call but I dont know if its possible to pass arguments with an exec command? (ie exec delay 5 for a delay of 5 seconds...)


    My concern is that com_maxfps does deal with high framerates, but not low ones, dont know if theres any way of dealing with that.

  14. Hey, so I wasnt sure if scripting questions should go under modding assistance or, here, but here goes,

    Im working on a handful of small scripts to automate some of the clunkier special moves in Jedi Academy. For example if you have dual or staff saber, crouching, then coming up out of the crouch forwards and hitting attack does a sort of "scythe" move with the lightsaber(s), which for the saber staff is one of the most effective attacks in the game against other Jedi. On a keyboard/mouse at least, this is always really awkward and annoying to do.

    Anyways, I wanted to write a script that automated this, but I had a bit of trouble figuring out how to effectively emulate these keystrokes in a script. I checked the keybindings in the console with the bindlist command, and then wrote a script scythe.cfg with something like


    in it and executed it. The player character simply walks forward constantly and wont stop. If I counter this with


    the player no longer walks forward, but pressing W or S no longer works for walking forward or backward, although I can shuffle left or right (I don’t know if the "walk forward" and "walk backward" commands simply are canceling each other out?)

    Is there some way to write a script that causes the player to walk forward for a certain delay time (using wait for this, although its not a good option) then stop? Sort of like,

    wait 300

  15. Im surprised noone has mentioned the Falling Ship level from Dark Forces II, the one where you not only have to find the Moldy Crow, you have to find the controls to extend the platform to reach it, and get back to the ship while on the clock (what is it, 2-5 minutes depending on what your difficulty setting is?). Oh, and yeah, gravity will be changing continuously throughout the level, which makes navigating almost impossible.

    I loved the Cairn stealth level though. Jedi Academy would have been so much better if Taspir and/or Korriban were done similar to that.

  16. Would it be possible to load weapon damage & other values that are defined in the source code from an external config file? I like to adjust weapon damage values in my personal build of openJK, might be nice to be able to change how much health a shot takes without building from scratch.

  17. I've compiled the whole MP codebase on an RPi before, but only successfully ran the dedicated server with jampgame and confirmed it working online.

    So you were able to get around the issue that @@capturesteve ran into with the server not being visible on the network?




    OP, if you change your mind on cross compiling, the instructions to build OpenJK on the pi are in the link above.

  18. I like to download lots of ffa maps and play them in single player, usually spawning lots of hostile npcs to battle and whatnot. To start each map, I use the console command

    map <map_name>

    where map_name is the name of the bsp file in the maps subfolder of the pk3. I usually just look up the map name in the pk3, since the map command is sensitive to spaces/underscores/capitalization, but I find this is a bit of a pain to do every single time I want to switch to a new map. Is there any way to list all available maps from the console in Jedi Academy? Kind of like running ls (or dir for windows users) in the OpenJK console.

  19. I'm sorry you didn't like the movie bro. But I honestly don't understand a lot of your complaints.


    The film had incredible, tactile sets. Sets like the Star Destroyer and Starkiller base were shiny and glowy, but that is just the new First Order aesthetic (a very awesome aesthetic, imo). Look anywhere else (Jakku, the Falcon, Maz's Castle, or the Q'dar - the Resistance's base) and you'll see that the film is dominated by very physical and fleshed-out sets. I also don't see the point about that action scenes. If anything, they seemed a bit too short (except for the Rathtars...not so sure how I feel about them yet...I just don't buy them as monsters). The action sequences were dominated by interesting action moments and accompanied by great humor (when needed). As for the CGI, there were only a few moments where it was bothersome. Mainly the Rathtars and Snoke (but I'm getting over Snoke upon repeat viewings).

    Its hardly your fault that I hated it. It is only a movie after all, and we all have our opinions :)


    About the sets, I thought plenty of the sets and models in the film looked good, but there is a certain visual style that pops up towards the end of the film in the first order base that literally looks exactly like some of the sets from the last two star trek movies. I'll try to find some screenshots from the two films to make my point.


    As for the action sequences, I totally disagree. The fight scene between Kylo and Finn/Rey near the end of the film looked sloppy in terms of the action, and felt like it went on forever. Compare that scene to Luke and Vaders duel in ESB, which builds tension with all of the pauses, and Vader verbally breaking down Lukes defenses throughout.


    The rathtars did seem like ugly CGI work, but I thought Snoke was much more bothersome. Just a very bland villain, already depicted as disfigured/hideous, does the classic angry raised voice at his underlings. Hes like a clown compared to Palpatine.




    Truthfully, there were several nods to the OT. I can see that. But they weren't ever overly distracting. Again, this is after the prequels, and people need to be reassured that the new filmmakers share their love of the OT. So did they go a bit overboard in some places? Yep. Was it needed? I think so.




    And I do see a lot of the similarities to ANH that are present in this film. They are undeniable. But like many others have already said they don't ruin the film for me. And, personally, I don't see a lot of the connections until the plot is laid out in synopsis form. When I'm actually IN the movie and experiencing the action and plot, it all feels very new and fresh (minus a few moments), and it really is. These are new characters acting out familiar beats in new situations and settings. Again, its similarities are something I saw after reflection, rather than being yanked out of the film by them.

    Honestly, find one plot point in A New Hope that didn't show up in this film. It was absurd.




    Again, I don't see what you are saying about the characters. Rey is incredibly detailed in her characterization. We spend lots of time with her on Jakku and we get to see her arc unfold as the story progresses. She has two main conflicts: one with her past (her parents, etc) and one with these new force abilities. I love Maz's line to her about finding her belonging in what's ahead, not behind. I also really liked Finn. He's a very authentic hero who acts initially very unlike Poe (who is our one-note B.A. hero). He's afraid and he's selfish. But he finds his place with his friends and finds that there IS a fight that can be won against evil. As for Ren, I'm still picking apart his story. Such an interesting narrative...the idea of being pulled to the light side, rather than the dark. That idea of making the pain in his life more present and dominating so that the darkness will never leave him (see him killing his father or him punching his wound during the fight with Rey). In my opinion, those are our three best new characters. Han is also spectacular. He doesn't have MUCH of an arc, but he's got some interesting beats. I love his hug with Leia towards the end. She asks him, all sad-face-like, to bring their son home. Han just stares into the sky, knowing the impossibility of the task, but knowing that he has to try to bring his son back. Good stuff. I won't lie though. Leia didn't do great in this film. She did well post-Han's death, but her performance was a bit off to me (after she met up with Han again). So while you may not enjoy some of the narrative characterizations, I think it would be silly to say that it isn't there.


    The score isn't like the other films'. Their are more intimate moments (ones that I've latched onto and enjoyed) rather than sweeping themes. But the music is still quite good in my opinion (minus the altered crawl soundtrack...not a fan there!) Plus, the visuals in this film were simply stunning, so the music didn't need to do as much legwork as it needed to do in the previous films.

    Reys backstory is such a tired cliche. Separated from parents as a child, forced to work in some hellhole. It would have been more interesting if they had left it as nothing at all, like if she had somehow lost her memories or something? Otherwise she was a good character.


    As for Ren, hey if you like him, roll with that, but I thought he was as forgettable a villain as possible. He does evil things because... he wants to be his grandfather? No explanation of why he thinks this is a good thing? And every single time anything goes wrong, he spends 5 minutes trashing the room hes in before bothering to do anything productive?


    I hate his character because Abrams is too lazy to develop him beyond "Hes evil because hes evil". Just tired, 1 dimensional storytelling

  20. Hands down the worst movie I have ever seen. The sad part is, the new characters were great, and the first third of the movie was terrific. Apparently originality is not a concept that J.J. Abrams is familiar with, so he literally went out of his way to rip off scenes from A New Hope. Kylo Ren was the most comical villain I have ever seen, and all of the characters from the original trilogy save for Han were as wooden as cardboard cutouts.

    And all of the aggravating Abrams tendencies dialed up to 11. The sets constructed from nothing but shiny chrome and red lights (unless theres a computer screen, in which case its always blue for some reason). The sound of a lightsaber now apparently needs to destroy my eardrums every time it gets activated, even though it sounds nothing like what it sounded like in the other six films. The nods to the original trilogy done with all of the subtlety of a hammer. Fight scenes that drag on forever with no change in the mood or pace of the scene (or, I don't know, the occasional line of dialogue?). A movie that drags on forever somehow cant spend more than 15 seconds dealing with why we should care about some random planets being destroyed. Characters are introduced, given 5 minutes of character development, expected to somehow play a big role in important scenes, then completely disappear for the rest of the movie. Characters participate in an emotional, complicated moment that changes the outlook of the story, which is instantly reversed for no reason at all other than shock factor, and keeping the story moving in its original (predictable) direction. CGI heavy battle scenes that last for 5 minutes but don't advance the plot at all. Musical themes from previous movies blared as loud as possible during important scenes in an attempt to make them seem meaningful.



    Im out

    Acrobat likes this
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