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Everything posted by Boothand

  1. Yes of course. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58757568/ovenmap.pk3 Stripped down to just the oven in question.
  2. I saw @@MoonDog do this in a script - getting a targetname to affect, by using the trigger_multiple's parm3 value. Here's how mine looks for now - I had to remove some parts of the script while troubleshooting: affect ( $get( STRING, "SET_PARM3")$, /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { rotate ( < 0.000 90.000 0.000 >, $get( FLOAT, "SET_PARM2")$ ); } This is supposed to run on the trigger that uses the scriptrunner. The trigger has parm3 - ovendoor. The entity I want to affect has script_targetname - ovendoor. Getting the time using parm2 works, but not getting the targetname. Ideas?
  3. I've already tried the bounce-8 and didn't have any visual effect in this case. I'll experiment with it more though. I'll probably go for using a lightimage with my glass shader though. The sun position had a small effect, but nowhere near a realistic result, for lighting up the room.
  4. I've been thinking of that. Could solve the problem, but I was thinking... in cases where you want a sun higher up in the sky, there must (should) be a reasonable way to light a room realistically still. Normally, ambient lighting would come in through the window unless it's pitch black outside. Wanna work with realistic light sources here, so don't wanna make unique shaders for this room etc, too. Hmm.
  5. I'm testing out some lighting, just to help me get further ideas for the design. I was under the impression that sky-lighting would add at least some light entering my room through the windows. I even took away the glasses on the windows to confirm. How come skybox lighting doesn't enter through here? What are the criterias? Placing strong lights outside my windows and targetting them inside makes the physical window seen from the outside seem very unnaturally lit up, not like skylights at all. Without manually placed light: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58757568/withoutLights1.jpg https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58757568/withoutLights2.jpg With manually placed light: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58757568/withLights.jpg
  6. I'm aware of some bad functionality in 1.5, so I use 1.6 for my vertex editing. It has some clunkyness though, like refusing me to move it to certain points under certain conditions, and sometimes the vertex bugs out of the triangle in some weird way, when doing some quite crazy shapes. As for the brush cleanup tool, it has helped me out solving some problems when saving and opening files between GTKradiant versions. But no invalid brushes in this case. I use the clipper for simple things, but using the three-point method only occasionally for some things. It's a bit (read: very) hard to use compared to the visually aiding (and sometimes buggy it seems) vertex tool. I'll just remake these brushes then.
  7. I use it quite a bit too, without too much trouble these days though. Made my own gray image files named after what the editor asks for when you start up - dirt.jpg, stucco.jpg, none.jpg, brick.jpg, and put them in the Tools folder. In case someone missed that!
  8. After compile, some brushes show these kind of splits, unless I remake the brushes (with the exact same structure). It sometimes happens on brushes that are split in two. The gaps don't show in the editor, on those brushes, but sometimes these gaps appear in the editor on other brushes that don't have this problem in-game. Is there any rule that makes these gaps happen, or do I just have to remake these brushes when it happens? https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58757568/shot0001.jpg https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58757568/shot0002.jpg
  9. I also remember that some shaders with certain blend parameters or so, show up as missing image in the editor, but working in-game.
  10. Does that mean that you can run all the enhances/changes (graphical, gameplay, map possibilities etc) on JO? And can you for example have Jedi Outcast servers using OJK stuff and also have servers running baseJO?
  11. There's plenty of suggestions given on things you can experiment with. What build method do you test the lights with? Post screenshots etc
  12. The boat is just a small part of the level, which in turn is a cooperative multiplayer campaign. Not an option
  13. Either works, for me
  14. Haha yeah, wish it was that easy
  15. Yeah it can be pushed.
  16. Hmmm I'm getting close to a potential solution. I have achieved to move the doors in alignment with the boat and rotate them when pressing another trigger. Without any of the things I considered above. It only uses scripts, its own origins and waypoints that it travels to. I have to sleep now, but I'll continue tomorrow. I'll let you know what I did and how it works so far: I still don't know if I'm gonna get around the issue of potentially rotating the whole boat. NOTE: Blocking the doors get them out of sync. So it probably has to be a one-shot that opens out-wards, if the player starts inside the boat's control room. Real behaved code, for those who want that instead:
  17. Sounds appealing, but I'm imagining things like... it will get the origin of its centered self (thus rotating the door not around the hinges) while the boat is moving, and even if it's possible to rotate around this origin, this origin would stay behind after it was gotten, and the doors would rotate out of the boat. It did give me another sliiightly possible idea though, where I'd need 2 entities placed where the hinges of the door should be, moving towards 2 different ref_tags placed accordingly with the ref_tag of the boat itself, so that they would always be lined up. This is hard to position when rotating the boat, I think. Then I would get the origin of those two entities and copy it to my own doors. I doubt however that it will constantly get the origin (which is moving) instead of getting it when the script runs and then forgetting about it. Are ROFFs supported for multiplayer (type OpenJK/JKG possibly), let alone the existence of exporters for it? (seem to remember a temporarily unresolved thread concerning this)
  18. It actually sounds like it could work, but I tried it and the boat does not move its targets along with itself.
  19. I'm making a boat, big enough for about 2 people to be in. I was wondering if there's any way to move and rotate a group of objects consisting of several entities, OR with several origins. Here's an example of what I'm facing: A boat (func_static) with doors that can rotate open. This requires one origin for the movement of the boat, and two different origins for the doors to rotate with. If I was to move this boat with a script and even rotate it, the doors wouldn't be part of the same func_static, thus have different origins and not rotate around the correct origin when the whole boat moves. Is there a way to do something like... setting a set of targetnames to be the children of a parent entity with one origin, to manage them all in situations like that? Or any other ways around it?
  20. OK, and sorry, also forgot to ask - saving games, and loading next level (through script)?
  21. I'm actually making a map which will be the beginning of a co-op multiplayer campaign for 2 players. Does OJP support things like cutscenes and camerashakes in multiplayer?
  22. Asgarath, I know you're trying to be helpful, but a few things to consider: There is no way I can relate to a script that takes 20 minutes to read, which has something to do with the +1 command, which I requested a simple explanation for (read: Veeeeery small portion of a script. One or two sentences summary) - which in turn, turned out to not have a clear relation to what I was trying to achieve, which you said aaaafter the wall of code I appreciate your effort to help, but maybe hold yourself a bit more back when you're aware that you don't have a solution. Way too much information. I do think I get what the +1 thing is though. But let's not talk more about the +1 deal. @, thanks for the insight!
  23. That's correct. Another way to do it, which gives you more overview in the big picture is to set the targetname of the elevator yourself (one of the brushes). Then set the target of the trigger to the elevator's targetname, and it will connect by itself.
  24. Wasn't aware of this. That's great though. The "add to entity" feature isn't on my GtkRadiant 1.5 unfortunately. For 1.5. users, Entity > Ungroup will reset it to worldspawn.
  25. I don't know where you got all these ideas from - no. I don't want to make anything randomized or appearing away from each other. All I'm interested in, in this thread, is finding a way to do math in Behaved. I want a script to get an entity's origin. Then take that origin and do for example "+ 0 30 30". What this means: You could make a brush and a trigger. Everytime you press the trigger, the brush moves 30 units on the Y axis and the Z axis (0 30 30). So, in theory, you could press that trigger forever, and it would move everytime. You could use two steps to make a stairway to the sky, if you wanted. I'm not talking about adding steps either. Only moving the brushes that I have. Another example of usage for this method: You could have a floating platform that would go wherever you wanted. Pressing the trigger would loop an offset on the X axis. So you would constantly be moving in one direction. The next time you press the trigger, it offsets on the Y axis. Please don't give suggestions on how to do this now - this is not something I want to make. Again, all I'm interested in, is getting a vector, and adding values to the vector. You mention something about "+1" here. Try to explain in a simple manner what you mean here. And how would you do + in Behaved?
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