You guys are jerks. There's just no sense of decency here. If you had wanted to right the wrongs and be fair, you would have taken steps to make sure that people don't feel this kind of abuse. Just so you don't say I didn't warn you, abuse on the Internet is just as much a crime as abuse in real life, and one of you will end up in a lawsuit one of these days because of your ignorance. I'm outta here, this is just not worth my time. There are better communities out there, and better people who tolerate each others' presence and actually work together to achieve things instead of pissing on each other to no end in order to satisfy their own egos and I don't know what else. I am fully disgusted with your attitudes. Crimson, I'm sorry but I don't feel that your assessment is entirely just. I know you have the best of intentions, and you're one person I actually honestly respect in this community, but I must say that I sincerely feel that CaptainCrazy is just as much a victim as all those who have left before him and that there is something seriously wrong with your attitude here guys. For all my efforts I have spent here I don't see much appreciation. I think most of you are incredibly selfish and should be ashamed of yourselves. (Apologies to the few decent people who still stick around and tolerate all the bullshit they have to deal with every day from jerks around here. Don't put up with it guys, just leave. Form your own community site with actually decent rules that make sure no-one gets hurt. It's not that hard. Don't let a bunch of hypocrites dictate what is right and what is wrong for your work. Most of them are not as experienced as they make themselves out to be -- especially if their ego is more important than their work.) I'm done. Gone. Out.