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Darth Reborn

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Everything posted by Darth Reborn

  1. im think that too
  2. одежде, мне кажется, не хватает роскошности и архаичности, в РВ можно заметить что их традиционные одеяния именно такие, полуюбки какие - то, широкие воротники, плащи и куча узоров. правда сделать это будет не просто. Лично я так ничего в 3D моделировании и не понял.
  3. Not all of them, but you right. xD Well...look on hes shoulders...what will happend when he will forced to rise his hands up? Its so funny xD And many of SWTOR sith has have armors like this...for exemple - this things on shoulders (dont know how this colled on english xD) some of them looks like wings. Its strange
  4. He does look...strnge xD This armor absolutlly uncomfortable for movement. How he even gonna fight i wonder
  5. @@Vegeta you making a really nedeed thing. Thanks you
  6. Well...i just don't understand, its Star Wars game, right? Or i missing something? This is no place for american presidents, anime characters, Doctor Who's and another useless things.
  7. Just wondering, what do you gonna do with it?
  8. Hello everybody & sorry for my bad english! I seek everywere...i even try to do it myself with some models i found here,(by just reskinning them) but at some point i realaized that i will never reach the desired result on my own. And here i am, asking for you to make it. Sombody saw the сutom sith model? Not that one by Spanki. I mean real sith...hoods, cloaks, armors, robes and all that stuff. I saw many models, even unrelated with SW, but never saw a model like that im talking about and it's a shame. it can be usefull in many ways. I even can't understand how that can happend. So, here is my idea: make a model which will include several outfits and races. Offering outfits: - Acolyte - simple dark coloured robe without any armor, hood, or cloak - Apprentice - black robe with hood and without any armor or cloak (an perfect example on immage 1) - Adept - it should be something practical and comfortable. maybe black uniform,something like Luke's outfit in "Return of the Jedi" and black cloak with hood. - Sentinel/Warrior/Destroyer - something with many elements of heavy armor hood and cloak - Shadow/Inqusitor/Assasin - outfit like on pic1, but with minimal armor on chest and shoulders, hood and cloak - Dignitarys/Consulars - something elegant,brightly red coloured and figured with sith simbolics Offering races: Humans Miralukas Arkanians Twi'leks (hood propably should be allways down with head of that size ) Zabraks Devaronians All male and female. I know, thats what im asking for it's not an easy task at all. Maybe its a greatest challange of all requests here, but i have a hope that someone will do it. Thank you for your attention, and may the Force will surve you well
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