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Posts posted by Petzi

  1. Yeah, lets not be posting our emails on a public forum. That’s exactly how the spam demons find you.


    Just use the PM system.


    Sorry for going off-topic, but does it really make a difference, in this day and age? I mean, it's seems perfectly wise not to post your email in public forums, but if I go check my spam folder, I get like 5 spam emails per day, and it's rare for one to get past Google's filter. Aren't all our email addresses already on every single list of addresses to spam?

  2. Update! I've finally uploaded the mod files. Thanks to everyone for your kind feedback :) I want to remind you all that the source code is included, if anyone is crazy enough to check it out!


    Unfortunately, I edited the submission and it seems JKHub requires it to be re-approved every time you edit it, so you might not be able to see it until they do. Hopefully it will be quick, though! I'll avoid editing in the future.

    Smoo and Raz0r like this
  3. Hey, everyone! So some of you may know about or played Modwooty. There was one server that ran it for many years, but sadly it's now gone. Worse than that, the mod's website berealistic.com is gone, too. Thankfully, I anticipated this and downloaded and kept some of the mod files. I have the files for hosting a server, the source files, the optional client files (hadouken sound effects!) and what appears to be a custom map.


    I emailed Bubba (the author) yesterday, but I doubt bubba@rubbernub.com is still used, so I'll probably have to wait 30 days without a reply, as per JKHub rules. In the meantime, I was wondering if anyone had other ways of contacting the man or if anyone has the mod's files saved somewhere, as well. It would be interesting to interview him, and so on, if we can somehow find him. And there might be different versions of the mod out there, so if someone has something, we should compare it to try and make sure we're upload the latest version of Modwooty.


    Anyway, Modwooty nostalgia thread!

    Smoo likes this
  4. Man, I recognize the name Tusken King!


    Is the Makermod Test server still up nowadays? Man, all the stuff I built there years ago, and I can't even remember a single freakin password for them.

    Nope :( I lost all my stuff because the server disappeared.

  5. From the Makermod welcome text:



    ------------------------Welcome to MakerMod------------------------

    This mod protects against poking (a saber exploit), lets people

    build on the map and makes cheat servers safer.


    Toast wrote it to celebrate our ability to learn to make things

    that improve our lives and the life of the species as a whole.

    Scooper has taken over coding for the mod, but continues with

    the same goals in mind as the original creator.



    That kind of sums it up. You should just find a makermod server and try it out.

  6. Makermod and Lugormod were the ones I played almost exclusively.


    Another mod I find very unique is modwooty. There's pretty much no information about it online, but it's a Power Duel mod with a lot of stats and special moves and so on. One interesting aspect is that you can but sub-admin once you've won enough gold, which allows you abuse other players if you want to.

    eezstreet and Smoo like this
  7. KotF installs itself on a folder separate from your normal JKA folder.


    Like The_CrY said, it doesn't do anything that the base game doesn't do with cheats enabled. I can understand that people who'd never played with cheats enabled could find it fun, but at the same time, cheat servers were around when I started playing in 2003. Heck, godmod (now known as Makermod) was already around back then. On the other hand, this mod is all about wanking over the film series and Movie Battles may not have been a thing at the time.

  8. Oh, so he actually tried to sell KotF? That explains the DVD-case image on the website. It explains the entire project, in fact! It was a fraud all along, the comments were fake and his claims were exaggerated. Man, that's a relief. It was a pretty elaborate hoax, though!


    KotF was fun when I was involved with it, for what little time I was. It had plenty of potential and epic multiplayer Force Mod additions that were never brought to fruition. The only reason people are butthurt about this mod is because no credit was really given to anyone, but at the same time...


    The creator was an inventive human being, but he worked alone as well. (I think.) If I were him, I'd probably be too lazy to give credit to anyone myself. :P


    Lack of credit won't hinder your ability to enjoy the mod, so just enjoy the mod it for what it is and quit yer whining. Not sure I speak for anyone else, but I might be happy to see KotF return better than before. ;)


    Not giving proper credit can be really serious, dude. Besides, what is there to enjoy? There's next to no gameplay in there, it's an awful mess! Why do you describe him as inventive?

  9. Yes. And it's hated by the modding community because the author of it gave no credit to the authors of all the content.


    Really? It's weird because as I said, the credits list is huge.



    I did get the feeling that this was some elaborate virus or hoax, but it is definitely a sort of mod. I just tried the thing and it couldn't have been any more disappointing. For some reason, it kept undoing some of my changes to the controls, it was really really annoying. After running the SP executable directly and trying to get the mod to work by navigating some awful glitchy menus for a while I finally read online that you're supposed to run the executable for the little menu and that let's you play the missions properly. Most of them weren't even available, they looked achingly short and all the characters vomited ripped audio from the films. In case I haven't gotten my point across, the whole thing is rubbish. I've removed it and deleted the torrents and I hope I don't ever look at it again.


    I'm still in shock, though, this mod really had be fooled for a while there. I thought I'd discovered some cool campaign that I'd somehow missed and everyone knew about it. From the way the guy writes I'm convinced that this took a lot of work to do and that plus the large amount of content on the website really made me believe that this was a grand project. I was expecting it to be glitchy and poor quality, but I wasn't expecting it to be unplayable, much less lacking in content. There may be something buried in that mess that's worth trying out, if my controls didn't keeping getting screwed up. Man, the way it's presented really got to me, what a disappointment. It's sad to see something that comes across as a labour of love, with a fair number of long-time fans, whose author decided to quit because it was consuming too much time from him and then you go to try it an wham! Stone in the face! And that's what I'm having trouble coping with. Unless those comments from fans are fake and the author is a big fat liar, how the hell did so much effort amount to this garbage? There's a video of the man showing the project off at a convention for god's sake!


    Sorry for writing so much but as I said, this touched me. It's funny, I know. Anyway, I'd like to hear some more of the story/your opinions on this mod.

  10. This isn't a release or anything, but there isn't really a proper board for this. So I just came across this JKA mod ("expansion pack") called Knights of the Force, you can check it out here: http://kotf.com/


    Apparently it's kind of a big project, with two parts in multiple languages. There's a bunch of videos and mods for it that people made, the site seems to have a lot of content. Though the site is awful and feels like it's ten years old, the last news post is from April 2013 in which the guy says he's cancelling part III because he's become too addicted to the project and that he's deleted all the files permanently.


    I'm shocked that I've never come across this, was the rest of the community aware that this thing existed? I'm sure some of you knew, because the credits are huge.

  11. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!


    (Also, omg Petzi is still around)


    The same!


    Heh, I may only visit every month or so, but I reckon I'll always be around in some way or another =)

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