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dark soul

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Everything posted by dark soul

  1. Well apparently I can't use two or more waits in the script. If I do it the cinematic never finishes no matter what. I put waits in the affect block and made the only wait(outside of the block) be a second longer than the affect block. Still, I need an explanation for the multiple waits not working
  2. Apparently that wait kills it... Dunno how to do the waiting honestly, unless I can think of something... Probably gonna have to create tasks and include the wait there but I'm not so sure edit: whenever i put a wait the script doesn't go on..
  3. i followed this, but only the first part of the script runs. until the first wait 25000 (in comented the code that doesn't run) //Generated by BehavEd affect ( "saber_master", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { set ( "SET_PLAYER_TEAM", "TEAM_NEUTRAL" ); set ( "SET_ENEMY_TEAM", "TEAM_NEUTRAL" ); set ( "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", "BS_CINEMATIC" ); set ( "SET_INVINCIBLE", "true" ); } affect ( "saber_student1", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { //$"default"@6 set ( /*!*/ "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", /*!*/ "BS_DEFAULT" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_CHASE_ENEMIES", /*!*/ "true" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES", /*!*/ "true" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_IGNOREALERTS", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_WALKING", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_RUNNING", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( "SET_IGNOREENEMIES", "false" ); set ( "SET_ENEMY", "saber_student2" ); set ( "SET_LOCKED_ENEMY", "true" ); set ( "SET_INVINCIBLE", "true" ); set ( "SET_PLAYER_TEAM", "TEAM_PLAYER" ); set ( "SET_ENEMY_TEAM", "TEAM_ENEMY" ); } affect ( "saber_student2", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { //$"default"@6 set ( /*!*/ "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", /*!*/ "BS_DEFAULT" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_CHASE_ENEMIES", /*!*/ "true" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES", /*!*/ "true" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_IGNOREALERTS", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_WALKING", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_RUNNING", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( "SET_IGNOREENEMIES", "false" ); set ( "SET_ENEMY", "saber_student1" ); set ( "SET_LOCKED_ENEMY", "true" ); set ( "SET_INVINCIBLE", "true" ); } wait ( "25000" ); // DOESN'T RUN affect ( "saber_student1", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { task ( "go_start" ) { set ( "SET_NAVGOAL", "fight_place1" ); } //$"runOnly"@7 set ( /*!*/ "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", /*!*/ "BS_DEFAULT" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_WALKING", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_RUNNING", /*!*/ "true" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_IGNOREALERTS", /*!*/ "true" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( "SET_IGNOREENEMIES", "true" ); set ( "SET_PLAYER_TEAM", "TEAM_ENEMY" ); set ( "SET_ENEMY_TEAM", "TEAM_PLAYER" ); set ( "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", "BS_CINEMATIC" ); set ( "SET_LOCKED_ENEMY", "false" ); set ( "SET_ENEMY", "NULL" ); wait ( "3000" ); set ( "SET_SABERACTIVE", "false" ); dowait ( "go_start" ); set ( "SET_DYAW", "135" ); }
  4. well i was actually trying this: //Generated by BehavEd camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ ENABLE ); camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ MOVE, $tag( "startcam", ORIGIN)$, 0 ); camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ PAN, $tag( "startcam", ANGLES)$, < 0.000 0.000 0.000 >, 0 ); affect ( "fakeplayer", FLUSH ) { set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ANIM_BOTH", /*@ANIM_NAMES*/ "BOTH_STAND9" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ANIM_HOLDTIME_BOTH", 2000 ); wait ( 2000 ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_WALKING", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "true" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_NAVGOAL", "walkspawn" ); } wait ( 20000 ); affect ( "fakeplayer", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { set ( "SET_FORCE_LIGHTNING", "true" ); } task ( "death" ) { kill ( "st1" ); kill ( "st2" ); kill ( "st3" ); kill ( "st4" ); kill ( "st5" ); kill ( "st6" ); kill ( "of1" ); } dowait ( "death" ); wait ( "1500" ); remove ( "fakeplayer" ); camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ DISABLE ); (i'm using an enemy-team npc in the meanwhile to use the lightning) if i don't put wait after dowait, the thing goes fine, stormies die but the lightning is unseen whereas if i put wait the cinematic doesn't end edit: apparently fixed the cinematic
  5. i have been trying it with Npc_player but nothing happens :/ I'll try with other and see edit works with ohter npc, gotta check how to mod npc_player
  6. just to add, i tried with a snowtrooper getting as enemy an imperial (entity) and it was invincible but didn't attack him even when he was right in front of him
  7. i'm trying to make NPCs fight each other (just like in yavin_temple). i saw that in JK2 there were 3-4 scripts for doing it but I think it can be done in one (looping it, of course). this code doesn't include the loop cause it's for testing purposes. if i create a target_scriptrunner and add Usescript : training - none happens. if i add to the npc the spawnflag spawnscript training, then the first block of code seems to do something (it sets the npc to invincible) but none of the rest is executed (or looks like that). it doesn't even target the npc i told to. i used jedi and cultists for the example, all of the same class but nothing :/ is anything wrong with the way i scripted it or do I need to fix something in the map? cc: @@Asgarath83 //Generated by BehavEd rem ( "FIGHT S1 S2" ); affect ( "saber_student1", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { //$"default"@6 set ( /*!*/ "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", /*!*/ "BS_DEFAULT" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_CHASE_ENEMIES", /*!*/ "true" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES", /*!*/ "true" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_IGNOREALERTS", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_WALKING", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_RUNNING", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( "SET_IGNOREENEMIES", "false" ); set ( "SET_ENEMY", "saber_student2" ); set ( "SET_LOCKED_ENEMY", "true" ); set ( "SET_INVINCIBLE", "true" ); } affect ( "saber_student2", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { //$"default"@6 set ( /*!*/ "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", /*!*/ "BS_DEFAULT" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_CHASE_ENEMIES", /*!*/ "true" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES", /*!*/ "true" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_IGNOREALERTS", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_WALKING", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_RUNNING", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( "SET_IGNOREENEMIES", "false" ); set ( "SET_ENEMY", "saber_student1" ); set ( "SET_LOCKED_ENEMY", "true" ); set ( "SET_INVINCIBLE", "true" ); } wait ( "25000" ); rem ( "STOP - SIT (S2)" ); rem ( "RESTORE S1" ); affect ( "saber_student1", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { task ( "go_start" ) { set ( "SET_NAVGOAL", "fight_place1" ); } //$"runOnly"@5 set ( /*!*/ "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", /*!*/ "BS_DEFAULT" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_WALKING", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_RUNNING", /*!*/ "true" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_IGNOREALERTS", /*!*/ "true" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( "SET_IGNOREENEMIES", "true" ); set ( "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", "BS_CINEMATIC" ); set ( "SET_LOCKED_ENEMY", "false" ); set ( "SET_ENEMY", "NULL" ); wait ( "1000" ); set ( "SET_SABERACTIVE", "false" ); dowait ( "go_start" ); set ( "SET_DYAW", "135" ); } rem ( "SIT S2" ); affect ( "saber_student2", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { task ( "go_starts2" ) { set ( "SET_NAVGOAL", "fight_place2" ); } task ( "go_sit" ) { set ( "SET_NAVGOAL", "student_start2" ); } task ( "sit2" ) { set ( "SET_ANIM_BOTH", "BOTH_STAND5TOSIT2" ); } //$"runOnly"@5 set ( /*!*/ "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", /*!*/ "BS_DEFAULT" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_WALKING", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_RUNNING", /*!*/ "true" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_IGNOREALERTS", /*!*/ "true" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( "SET_IGNOREENEMIES", "true" ); set ( "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", "BS_CINEMATIC" ); set ( "SET_LOCKED_ENEMY", "false" ); set ( "SET_ENEMY", "NULL" ); wait ( "1000" ); set ( "SET_SABERACTIVE", "false" ); set ( "SET_ANIM_HOLDTIME_BOTH", "0" ); dowait ( "go_starts2" ); dowait ( "go_sit" ); set ( "SET_SABERACTIVE", "false" ); set ( "SET_ANGLES", "0 270 0" ); dowait ( "sit2" ); set ( "SET_ANIM_BOTH", "BOTH_SIT2" ); set ( "SET_ANIM_HOLDTIME_BOTH", "-1" ); } rem ( "WAKE MASTER" ); affect ( "saber_master", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { //$"runOnly"@5 set ( /*!*/ "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", /*!*/ "BS_DEFAULT" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_WALKING", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_RUNNING", /*!*/ "true" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_IGNOREALERTS", /*!*/ "true" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES", /*!*/ "false" ); task ( "go_start" ) { set ( "SET_NAVGOAL", "fight_place2" ); } task ( "stand5" ) { set ( "SET_ANIM_BOTH", "BOTH_SIT2TOSTAND5" ); } dowait ( "stand5" ); set ( "SET_ANIM_HOLDTIME_BOTH", "0" ); dowait ( "go_start" ); set ( "SET_DYAW", "315" ); } wait ( "12000" ); rem ( "START FIGHT S1 MASTER" ); affect ( "saber_student1", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { //$"default"@6 set ( /*!*/ "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", /*!*/ "BS_DEFAULT" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_CHASE_ENEMIES", /*!*/ "true" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES", /*!*/ "true" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_IGNOREALERTS", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_WALKING", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_RUNNING", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( "SET_IGNOREENEMIES", "false" ); set ( "SET_ENEMY", "saber_master" ); set ( "SET_LOCKED_ENEMY", "true" ); set ( "SET_INVINCIBLE", "true" ); } affect ( "saber_master", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { //$"default"@6 set ( /*!*/ "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", /*!*/ "BS_DEFAULT" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_CHASE_ENEMIES", /*!*/ "true" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES", /*!*/ "true" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_IGNOREALERTS", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_WALKING", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_RUNNING", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( "SET_IGNOREENEMIES", "false" ); set ( "SET_ENEMY", "saber_student1" ); set ( "SET_LOCKED_ENEMY", "true" ); set ( "SET_INVINCIBLE", "true" ); } wait ( "25000" ); rem ( "STOP - SIT S1" ); rem ( "RESTORE MASTER (1)" ); affect ( "saber_master", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { task ( "go_start" ) { set ( "SET_NAVGOAL", "fight_place1" ); } //$"runOnly"@5 set ( /*!*/ "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", /*!*/ "BS_DEFAULT" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_WALKING", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_RUNNING", /*!*/ "true" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_IGNOREALERTS", /*!*/ "true" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( "SET_IGNOREENEMIES", "true" ); set ( "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", "BS_CINEMATIC" ); set ( "SET_LOCKED_ENEMY", "false" ); set ( "SET_ENEMY", "NULL" ); wait ( "1000" ); set ( "SET_SABERACTIVE", "false" ); dowait ( "go_start" ); set ( "SET_DYAW", "135" ); } rem ( "SITS1" ); affect ( "saber_student1", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { task ( "go_starts2" ) { set ( "SET_NAVGOAL", "fight_place2" ); } task ( "go_sit" ) { set ( "SET_NAVGOAL", "student_start1" ); } task ( "sit2" ) { set ( "SET_ANIM_BOTH", "BOTH_STAND5TOSIT2" ); } //$"runOnly"@5 set ( /*!*/ "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", /*!*/ "BS_DEFAULT" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_WALKING", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_RUNNING", /*!*/ "true" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_IGNOREALERTS", /*!*/ "true" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( "SET_IGNOREENEMIES", "true" ); set ( "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", "BS_CINEMATIC" ); set ( "SET_LOCKED_ENEMY", "false" ); set ( "SET_ENEMY", "NULL" ); wait ( "1000" ); set ( "SET_SABERACTIVE", "false" ); set ( "SET_ANIM_HOLDTIME_BOTH", "0" ); dowait ( "go_starts2" ); dowait ( "go_sit" ); set ( "SET_SABERACTIVE", "false" ); set ( "SET_ANGLES", "0 270 0" ); dowait ( "sit2" ); set ( "SET_ANIM_BOTH", "BOTH_SIT2" ); set ( "SET_ANIM_HOLDTIME_BOTH", "-1" ); } rem ( "WAKE S2" ); affect ( "saber_student2", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { //$"runOnly"@5 set ( /*!*/ "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", /*!*/ "BS_DEFAULT" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_WALKING", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_RUNNING", /*!*/ "true" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_IGNOREALERTS", /*!*/ "true" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES", /*!*/ "false" ); task ( "go_start" ) { set ( "SET_NAVGOAL", "fight_place2" ); } task ( "stand5" ) { set ( "SET_ANIM_BOTH", "BOTH_SIT2TOSTAND5" ); } dowait ( "stand5" ); set ( "SET_ANIM_HOLDTIME_BOTH", "0" ); dowait ( "go_start" ); set ( "SET_DYAW", "315" ); } wait ( 12000.000 ); rem ( "START FIGHT S2 MASTER" ); affect ( "saber_master", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { //$"default"@6 set ( /*!*/ "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", /*!*/ "BS_DEFAULT" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_CHASE_ENEMIES", /*!*/ "true" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES", /*!*/ "true" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_IGNOREALERTS", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_WALKING", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_RUNNING", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( "SET_IGNOREENEMIES", "false" ); set ( "SET_ENEMY", "saber_student2" ); set ( "SET_LOCKED_ENEMY", "true" ); set ( "SET_INVICIBLE", "true" ); } affect ( "saber_student2", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { //$"default"@6 set ( /*!*/ "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", /*!*/ "BS_DEFAULT" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_CHASE_ENEMIES", /*!*/ "true" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES", /*!*/ "true" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_IGNOREALERTS", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_WALKING", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_RUNNING", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( "SET_IGNOREENEMIES", "false" ); set ( "SET_ENEMY", "saber_master" ); set ( "SET_LOCKED_ENEMY", "true" ); set ( "SET_INVINCIBLE", "true" ); } wait ( "25000" ); rem ( "STOP - SIT MASTER" ); rem ( "RESTORE S2" ); affect ( "saber_student2", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { task ( "go_start" ) { set ( "SET_NAVGOAL", "fight_place2" ); } //$"runOnly"@5 set ( /*!*/ "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", /*!*/ "BS_DEFAULT" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_WALKING", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_RUNNING", /*!*/ "true" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_IGNOREALERTS", /*!*/ "true" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( "SET_IGNOREENEMIES", "true" ); set ( "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", "BS_CINEMATIC" ); set ( "SET_LOCKED_ENEMY", "false" ); set ( "SET_ENEMY", "NULL" ); wait ( "1000" ); set ( "SET_SABERACTIVE", "false" ); dowait ( "go_start" ); set ( "SET_DYAW", "135" ); } rem ( "SIT MASTER" ); affect ( "saber_master", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { task ( "go_starts2" ) { set ( "SET_NAVGOAL", "fight_place1" ); } task ( "go_sit" ) { set ( "SET_NAVGOAL", "master_start" ); } task ( "sit2" ) { set ( "SET_ANIM_BOTH", "BOTH_STAND5TOSIT2" ); } //$"runOnly"@5 set ( /*!*/ "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", /*!*/ "BS_DEFAULT" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_WALKING", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_RUNNING", /*!*/ "true" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_IGNOREALERTS", /*!*/ "true" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( "SET_IGNOREENEMIES", "true" ); set ( "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", "BS_CINEMATIC" ); set ( "SET_LOCKED_ENEMY", "false" ); set ( "SET_ENEMY", "NULL" ); wait ( "1000" ); set ( "SET_SABERACTIVE", "false" ); set ( "SET_ANIM_HOLDTIME_BOTH", "0" ); dowait ( "go_starts2" ); dowait ( "go_sit" ); set ( "SET_SABERACTIVE", "false" ); set ( "SET_ANGLES", "0 270 0" ); dowait ( "sit2" ); set ( "SET_ANIM_BOTH", "BOTH_SIT2" ); set ( "SET_ANIM_HOLDTIME_BOTH", "-1" ); } rem ( "WAKE S1" ); affect ( "saber_student1", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { //$"runOnly"@5 set ( /*!*/ "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", /*!*/ "BS_DEFAULT" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_WALKING", /*!*/ "false" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_RUNNING", /*!*/ "true" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_IGNOREALERTS", /*!*/ "true" ); set ( /*!*/ "SET_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES", /*!*/ "false" ); task ( "go_start" ) { set ( "SET_NAVGOAL", "fight_place1" ); } task ( "stand5" ) { set ( "SET_ANIM_BOTH", "BOTH_SIT2TOSTAND5" ); } dowait ( "stand5" ); set ( "SET_ANIM_HOLDTIME_BOTH", "0" ); dowait ( "go_start" ); set ( "SET_DYAW", "315" ); } wait ( 12000.000 );
  8. Is it possible to use force lightning in an Icarus script?
  9. Jk2mv isn't it a mp mod? ++? I would love to use some jk3 models in jk2 so but can't find the way
  10. The walking scenes are eternal and the attack scenes I just don't get them
  11. Then get a male and paint the face, you said you'd do alteration's if you got the model so...
  12. They are human-like beings, just get a girl model and add the paintings you need... At least from what I saw in the link
  13. What exactly do you want to disable? The saber clash fight or the amount of blocks
  14. Sounds like mode Console or centerprint
  15. Is this (npc walking around the map) achievable in mp? @@eezstreet Before I had problems with ibi scripts(server crashes, I was using retail jampserver though l so I'm not sure about it (currently using ojkded)
  16. Sorry I don't have the time for this, but I think I got an old build compiled somewhere.... I'll try to get it for ya
  17. Apparently it has been happening for more than a week, admins will have the word eventually
  18. Guess so, just wanted to know what was happening
  19. http://jkhub.org/files/file/2495-academy-of-skill/ Been receiving complaints that it's been unaccessible for more than a week, what is happening? I already sent a pm to the person who approved it, read it and no response so far.
  20. 1,384 downloads

    ========================= Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy ========================= TITLE: Academy of Skill (Clan map) AUTHOR: Prospero E-MAIL: prospero.gf@hotmail.com WEBSITE: aosclan.foroactivo.com FILENAME: AoS.pk3 FILESIZE: 34.5 MB **NOTE: Playing with r_vertexlight 1 will make a few areas look really ugly. Please disable vertexlighting before playing my map. *COMMENT: I'm AøS|Sideous AoS(Academy Of Skill) Clan Leader. Prospero doesn't want to / have a JKHUB ​account so I'm uploading his file on behalf of AoS|Prøspero -> Installation: In order to install the map into your game you must: Extract the folder then put the AoS.pk3 file in your Jedi Academy "gamedata/base" folder. -> Information: So this is my first finished map, it is an academy I made for my last clan. However you are welcome to use it on your servers. It's highly inspired by Academy 1.2 map. This map contains a lot of rooms: - Bar - 2 Duel rooms (one is bigger, for tournament purposes) - Medic - Council - Npc room - Garden - Prison (with security system) - Bathrooms - Sauna - Admin rooms - Generic padawan rooms I included bot support, it's a very simple bot route (we all hate those kangaroo bots). It also contais a lot of secrets that should not be easy to find (room locks, some extra secret places...). It does include custom shaders and textures, models, botroutes and a few sounds. There are a lot of custom textures, if you see some textures on the map you might want to use, you DO have my permission to do so, as long as I recieve some sort of credit. -> Credits: AoS clan for their support and some ideas. Szico VII and 3DRegenerator - Blue car, campfire, beds, toilet and armchair (read readme_szico_models for more details). Skeleton and Crow models - from Omnicrypt map (Crow was retextured by me). Guitar model - sent to me from a friend, all I know is that QkennyQ made it for Quake. Footlocker and locker models - from KotoR model pack (borrowed from Massassi temple map as I couldn't get the originals to work (missing textures). It's a great map which you can dowload at jkhub.org << http://jkhub.org/files/file/2107-massassi-temple/ >>). Some textures (and shaders) from Jedi's Home II, OoF Sanctuary and Tendron. And you, for downloading the map. -> Known bugs: The mirrors in my map (or cameras) make a Hall of Mirror if you look at them from the sides but it should be fine if you look at them directly. Depending on your cfg, the map might cast strange lights, such as purple lights in some corners or other places (with a default cfg I did not get strange lights. However, I did get some purple lights using my modified cfg). If you find any bug that is not listed there, do not hesitate to contact me. Constructive feedback is very welcome. ================================================================================================================================================================================================ **THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY ACTIVISION, RAVEN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS. ================================================================================================================================================================================================ ​
  21. Honestly it's horrible. I find better the Indiana Jones-like Republic bounty-hunter.
  22. Because someone needs the time and interest in making it
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