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Everything posted by brushworks

  1. I will start using it on my server today probably I will be building a linux build this afternoon XD!
  2. Dunno, I figured out how to reproduce it but I guess nothing can be done about it. The server IS using OJK. I can't switch to JA++ until you gimme hint to what I sent you in a MP
  3. I'm currently setting up a server.cfg for JA++ and I will switch to it today. I will use our clanmembers to report all bugs and missing things we find. I thought it was some sort of hax such as BobaFett's. He could move from one place to another, but he was still slept. I tried it out and it worked, without using hax just JKA cmds
  4. Hi guys Yesteeday a swedish guy came to my server and he started to create meses, laming and so. He was slept and then somehow he got rid of ir and could move. He wasn't admin and the amwake cmd wasn't applied nor through admin ir rcon He also faked players witjout changing name and used multilinel names How did he get rid of sleep? edit : i managed to move lagging myself, is it that? Tho I can't move freely, but I can move while slept.
  5. In JK2 there was a npc in cairn_bay i think, which uses alt-fire. Stcommander, two of them are place on the top of the elevators and using alt fire mode. Dunno if they are scripted or using npc files.
  6. well, in my experience they are friends of the guy who codes de hax so i guess nothing can be done about this.
  7. I guess if you don't know what it checks for it to be valid there would be no problem, but most cheaters aren't coders as they are using someone else's tool
  8. We used this : http://puu.sh/aRYsW/5b541f7cf8.jpg and that way we determine the modified client. When it says "Unknown", you aren't using the original client but a modified version not known by the JK2MF, probably a CVAR unlocker or eVc bypass I didn't try the demos but it might work, though it's only serverside.
  9. In JK2, JK2MF allows everyplayer to know who has a modified client or not, that way you can guess he's using a CVAR unlocker, JKBOT(eVc), a bypass etc... I was asking if there's someway to do that in JKA, I know I won't be able to stop them from using mombots, esp hacks and scripts, but if they have to bypass the macroscan they'll need a modified client and that way I'd know.
  10. To be honest I didn't expect this to become an argument or something like that nor to instigate chaos but to find a way to recognize cheating such as JK2MF does. IF that's TOO HARD to understand then I guess I will close the topic or something because the only answer to what I asked was provided by @afiNitor
  11. Well I will use base I guess they won't even have to bypass it
  12. I'd be interested, since there are ppl with ui_macroscan bypasses and that'd be enough for me if I knew who they were.
  13. Is it possible to recognize whether a player is cheating or not? Poke, wiggle scripts. Ks is easy to recognise
  14. Where could I find this? Not adding a whole mod like JAPP for example
  15. It happens when an user attacks another, a concrete one. What is happening? Memory leak?
  16. IP : JA+ with MP DMGS.
  17. Looking more at the most active part of the community, Clans and so which usually bring up 10 / 12 players Contradictions start
  18. http://screenshot.xfire.com/s/100146253-3.jpg I found that pic, but it doesn't look like the default stance right? More like the JK2 one. Which one is it?
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