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  • Location
    Coronet Starport
  • Interests
    Bulls eyeing defenceless wamp rats in preparation of becoming a mass murderer.
  • Modding Interests
    Jack of all Trades

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  1. Does anyone know if there is a way to bind multiple keys to one bind? Eg, using a controller Left trigger + X Button for a force power. etc
  2. Mate, really appreciate it! Do you have discord to just shoot the breeze about this stuff? I actually love it - here's a project I filmed in 2014 utilizing your aforementioned tricks. Only took me 10 days https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdjmKBEmnJY&
  3. Hey there, I have an upcoming video series I wanted to test filming. I wanted to know if anyone in the community know who still films Machinima in JK? Mouth movement and rigging isn't really necessary - I wanted to get cinematic filming of in game in the games. Link to me Youtube channel for legitimacy http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_FoXwVjRM9qgMvNeh92b0g?view_as=subscriber Thank you!
  4. Hi mates, I am doing a series on Single Player mods for Jedi Outcast and Academy. I would REALLY appreciate suggestions I have completed Dark Origins on Jedi Outcast - All Enemies are Sith, Vader Returns to Bespin & Survival Mod 2 for JA. Below is proof that I am a real person completing mod showcases. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TUrGts1RlA& Appreciate your help! Cheers
  5. Greetings Exalted Ones! I was looking to finally master all forms of advanced strafe jumping, circle jump etc. Does anyone know someone who is willing to take the time to teach? Cheers
  6. Greetings Exalted Ones! I am currently looking to make a video in LugorMod (due to its tech capabilities) in FFA3 titled... The floor is lava. HOWEVER, I forgot how involved LM can be... specifically, I wanted to A) Change the ground shader/texture whatever, to lava B) Trigger_hurt on the ground throughout the level C) Create pads in specific places to get around the level then finish it off by Adding a few light side holocrons in some choice perches for jump challenges. Any and all help would be THOROUGHLY appreciated coupled with a shout out in the video, as I am pretty stumped n am driving myself crazy, atm. Cheers! #MTFBWY
  7. Hey there, So pretty simple - I wanted to spawn 100 reborn simultaneously and not crash my map (with OBS running) do you guys know if this is possible - I used to mod maps through notepad + n mess with NPC's + settings but that was pre made maps - this is spawn IN GAME. Thank you in advance for your help!
  8. Is there an eta on it coming back up, at all?
  9. DashStar

    New Staff

    Congrats EZ. Love your previous work. May your collective love bring about a new Jedi Knight game so that I can die happy.
  10. Thank you sir. I hope to get it out there soon...ish xD
  11. Awesome, I hope to see it!
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkEybaCB5Ck Feel free to leave unfiltered feedback. Episode 2, breaking down the combat will be tricky. I want it to be entertaining, but less cut away joke, more saber love.
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