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Everything posted by Hugo

  1. Haha, alright then. I noticed a couple of very long replies above here. Which I haven't read. I'll keep the honour to myself and pull out. This is too much nonsense. Think what ever you need to think. By the way, to people reading this. I hope this is clear by now: http://www.upsgaming.com/stats/ Look up the people that are active, and then have a look at the replies in this topic. If there ever was a bias ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryDOy3AosBw
  2. When will it stop, grab my hand @@Ping Pull me out /me fades
  3. @, quickly read over your reply. Can be very true. Obviously siege isn't jactf. Not sure why you felt the need to clarify more. We kind of already all agreed on this sidetracked topic But, okay. I guess Edit: why are you all doubting me on the strafe / quake / circlejump theories and all. I have a feeling there are some butthurt so called 'strafe experts' in here. Because the siege thing is TOTALLY, off-topic :s
  4. @@videop Ah, been busy. I see people reacted in this threat. videop, I am aware of what you said. Also, I still believe they ran a modification back then. I played it, and I can feel if there is strafe or not. The code example you gave is useless. "and if you didn't know that then you never played siege or don't understand quake movement.", that doesn't make any sense, and it's an attempt to look smart and seemingly outsmart me, stop being an arsehole. Then regarding the people: http://www.jkasiege.com. Also, why would I even answer from this point on? To finish, you did not clarify any misinformation. You stated what we already knew, good job.
  5. By the way, if you people doubt things I tell you. A lot of my gameplay reference world can be found in here: http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/74-terminative-3-education-centre-demo-pack/ As well as files - opensaber / t3home2 - via my profile page on jkhub
  6. Hm, now that you mention it. It could be that the default gamemode is using single player yes. Managed to digg this up for you: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/15525178/siegepug.dm_26 Back then there were jactf and some siege specific gamers playing using ventrilo which I was on too, because I research communities ... incognito or not. Either way, I think I see a normal ctf-like ruleset. I can see people not be limited to strafing. So maybe the server was running a custom modification. You'd have to digg further into the community to find that out, and ask around. Edit: I believe raz0r, turkey, or teh probably know the answer.
  7. http://www.jkasiege.com/ - small community, played by both jk2 and jk3 experienced people with normal jactf. Not sure about the current state. But it includes strafing, high damage saber contact and force tactics. Granted, the nature of the 'siege' game is not really meant to be played seriously like that of course. But people have been doing it either way. People that also play jactf. Because frankly, jactf can get a bit boring when you are good at all the things you mentioned
  8. Hugo


    I removed this post.
  9. No idea what you are on about. This was a serious poll, not sure why the joking was needed.
  10. Admins, close the topic please. Will remove at the end of the day if not
  11. I forgot about this: 600+ people viewed this topic. 14 people voted. That's enough to conclude on the mainstream interest via jkhub is not sufficient
  12. By the way It's fine Masta. No hard feeling what so ever. You and I both know how the people in jka are, mostly ego and young-adults. I think people might not even have read the first post properly. I mention that I am aware of all the things mentioned in the comments after. Besides the things you mentioned What I was asking - besides the fact whether I can do it or whether if would be effective - is for people to show if they would be interested in supporting a tiny bit of money into such a project. It could have been anyone doing it as far as I am concerned. Apperantly even that is already too much to ask for. So, that was the goal of the poll Obviously it's hard for people to not go on a 'rofl plz, paying up to a euro or 5 a month to support a serious project, 'hell no' - circle-jerk
  13. Okay, boys and girls. Thanks for the voting. Results: Two people were interested. Twelve weren't interested. Totall votes were 14. That's all I asked for. I suppose I'll just keep my harddrives with production ready assets in the dust. Again, thanks very much. As I mentioned in the topic post already. I was expecting many of you to go 'rofl, please Hugo'. So don't worry I'm glad I made this post. Because creating a patreon page with content ready, would have been quite the task, to then find out that nobody wants to / can contribute In the upcoming 6 months I'll have to decide as to whether I want to keep traces of my work online. Because people still contact me about that, new and not so new people. Chances are I will take most of it offline, to not be bothered with it again. So if you would like to get the 2011 content I mentioned earlier. Now is your chance. That's all people, love to you. My intention wasn't to go into a discussion about this. I may have done so at the first comments. That's my bad
  14. Okay, I suppose I'm just imagining things then ... :')
  15. For anyone reading this. Just vote. No need for long replies or questions. I only need to know how many people would be interested or not. Not why
  16. You mean the same shake that I got on my skype list because he's been asking me how jka works? okay .... Free is nice. Have been doing that for the most part of the past 12 years. A lot more structured and with research than is probably hard to imagine for most of the people reading this. But besides that, try to see the bigger picture here. A community supporting a proper series for the money that you can get a piece of candy for. A series that will be something for everyone to be able to view, people can point towards, and frankly does not consist out of outdated and incorrect statements made by different type of players. A proper series, based on how the game works from a code level, up to gameplay exercises and theory that has been proven to work from all perspectives possible. I'm really serious about this. If it can be done, it'll help the community greatly. Remember, I'm not a 14 year old person trying to make money. I'm an established adult with a proper background and I know how to do this and make it appeal to a larger audience better than anyone around currently. I'm also just polling this once. If nobody really cares. Then that's it for me. I'm proposing this, because I literally get people contacting me, asking me to train them. I even had people offer me money to train them. Which seems just silly to me, if it's not a community effort If nobody is interested though. Then I will have to side with what Caelum did when nobody cared to use his service, and let things die. Like this website is currently
  17. You could have also just said: "not interested". The point of patreon is that with enough people paying a small amount, you can make things happen. A video series might not be ideal. But, if you are willing to support it with like a euro or two a month, and enough people do so. Then it can be made reality and serious time can be put into it. Which is a whole lot better than having to digg through tutorials on the web, connecting with people who aren't motivated to coach you or people who will charge you a lot more. That's why this is an option and why I put it forward Not meant to be offensive. But I think you are a little ill-educated on how media can be used to train people. You seem to be one of the persons who could maybe be convinced with a proof of concept, that's fair
  18. To keep it short. I'm sitting on a pile of experience, connections and knowledge regarding jedi academy. Which, honestly I've never properly presented to be very useful. I made this once: http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/74-terminative-3-education-centre-demo-pack/ But that's outdated and not very accessible. I however, am in my mid 20's now and can't afford to dedicate a lot of time into creating a proper video series, or a book, or guides for people that want to get into jedi academy and for people that want to understand the game better. Or do weekly streaming sessions (I used to teach people at least three times a week, three - five hour sessions over mumble, for about three years). So I thought, let's see how many people would want to chip in for a professional jedi academy educational video series using either https://www.patreon.com to monthly support it per product, or use https://www.udemy.com and one-time purchase a series (not preferred). I'm purely posting this to see how many replies I can get. I'd be willing to spend 1 - 2 days a week doing this properly, if I can get around 100 - 200 euros a month in support. I will also use a part of the budget to give to people I consult (#jacoders for example) or a community server / media assets I need to buy. Now, I'm not sure if there is any interest at all. I know this audience. I know some of you work, most of you are young, some of you are students. Also, some of you do not care or think there isn't anything new to learn, see or value. I agree, it needs a proof of concept first. But, before I do this and possibly create a patreon page. I would like to poll how much interest there is at all. Keep in mind by the way, that since I was young and organised the Terminative 3 thing. I have studied to be a private editor / film montage for a year, got my certificate. I've also got a diploma and real life experience + years of ingame experience with teaching people and educational theory methods. I can be very effective, and 100% understand that gaming is about training habits, not so much spreading 'knowledge'. I think I can provide something interesting, that would benefit more people than just me. Also once and for all possibly change the knowledge base that most players are still working with in different communities. So, I created a poll. Please vote. All I'll do is look at the results, and then see if I care enough to put effort into it in the upcoming 6 months.
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