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Everything posted by lil_binger

  1. Lots of progress has been made on the couple maps I am working on. I will try to get something added to the WIP before too long. I may request some collaborative help for the WIP for a little somethign here or there. I might could use some assistance with some custom water shader work. Possibly a waterslide or during WIP will take some suggestions for making one. I've got some pretty crazy ideas, just trying to make the best one work. If this ctf map works out well like it's been, it should be quite memorable.
  2. Kool. When I started jk2 and loaded my first cutom map I wanted to know how to do it. 8 years ago I think lol. I talked to shroom a little by email recently and he logged into jk2 not too long ago. U still playing JK2? Or mapping for JA now or something? The stuff I am working on might need a beta tester or some help converting the maps to JA as I have no clue where my copy of ja is.
  3. It can be hard to find the brush. You can go through deleting sections of that map until the problem is fixed. You can see the error during the compile so no need to try to open the map in game. Delete stuff and recompile until it goes away. Click undo and delete a smaller area in that area you deleted and repeat until you find the brush causing the problem. That process usually works for me. Isolate areas for the compile if possible to speed things up. Make a test map to do this so you can go back to the original and delete the brush causing the problem.
  4. thought I might post a couple pics.....I think these by far are my best made maps. I never really learned how to make maps until the end of my mapping career. And now that I am back it seems I learn some more.
  5. I've been gone a long time and haven't exactly made my return but all the old days modding has brought me recently into working on a project I am hoping to release before too long. I've saved much of my old map files and have gone through them and reworked many of them into two possibly 3 maps for JK2, one of which was intended to be a no force ctf map which (as of yesterday), just aquired a major addition and rework that has sparked my interest in finishing the map. I do not currently have a way to convert them to JA yet but it is planned at some point before release. Good to see a community here for the JK series is still alive. I will be adding more posts in the modding section and willl try to lend out my mapping expertise to those in need when I can.
  6. the glass problem I believe with the wierd lighting is caused by a structural brush nearby or the glass being structural itself, Try turning the glass brush or some of the brushes nearby into detail brushes. Basically the vis compile is adding a space behind the glass and when looking at the glass the space is not visible due to the vis node created.
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