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Files posted by NTxC

  1. < NT XII > Public Clientside for JK2 1.02

    < NT > XII Client
    created by NTxC (reality~)
    This clientside works best with servers that have the < NT > XII Server Mod installed, but should also work with servers without it.
    Navigate to your jk2/GameData/ directory (jk2 is where you installed the game). Copy the ntxii folder from this package to the GameData directory so that in the end the path looks like this: jk2/GameData/ntxii/
    Inside that folder you should have the ntxii.pk3 file, which is the actual clientside containing all the data needed to use it.
    That's it. You can now go to a server and play with the newly installed clientside or you can always load it manually by entering the Main Menu and going to Setup -> Mods -> pick "ntxii" from the list -> Load Mod.
    After first-time use on a server, a customhud.cfg file will be generated in the ntxii directory. Review it. You can use it in combination with nt_customHUD 1 to customize your HUD to a great extent, as you are now presented with the ability to move the HUD elements on your screen.
    WARNING: customhud.cfg isn't updated by the game, so you have to manually update and save it!
    Watch out for the evil tactic of Windows which sometimes results in your game-generated data like demos, screenshots landing NOT in your jk2/GameData/ntxii/ folder as they normally should, but in: C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\. That's where you will find the JK2-generated user data. A solution to counter this Windows behavior is to always run JK2MP.EXE with a right-click -> Run as administrator. You can also disable UAC (User Account Control).
    if you can't set r_gamma to your likes, and/or you get a "SetDeviceGammaRamp failed." error, then right-click JK2MP.EXE, select Properties, change to the "Compatibility" tab and select Windows XP SP3 compatibility. Press OK and the gamma bug will then be fixed.
    Clientside features:
    - Crash fixes
    - Built-in JK2 minimizer (default: CTRL+Z and CTRL+SHIFT+Z, use cvars/settings menu to customize)
    - New gametypes (Double Domination, Hold the Point)
    - Random Model feature
    - Ignore feature
    - Integration with NT's Fix functions, such as admin commands
    - Ultra-fast HTTP pk3-downloading system
    - Ingame serverlist (made by Nerevar)
    - Optional mouse movement smoothing
    - Enabled console and key input during demo playback
    - Support for JK2 DeFraG
    - Accel-Meter which will help you strafe properly
    - Visual support for Client Zero serverside bugfix
    - Removal of the cg_fov 97 limit
    - Instant import of the old NT XI config file
    - Demos: you can now change the RECORDING caption into a little *REC caption or disable it completely
    - 52 new color codes for you to use freely! (use /colorguide)
    - custom HUD
    The clientside supports Windows XP SP2+, Windows 2000, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.
    Questions? Bugs?
    xfire: ntxc
    msn/e-mail: nontoxic_1@hotmail.com
    Copyright © NTxC 2011-2014
    Visit the home page:
    http://jk2nt.cba.pl/ (now defunct)
    Accel-Meter code provided by Dzikie Weze


       (4 reviews)



  2. < NT XII > Public Serverside for JK2 1.02

    The < NT XII > serverside and clientside modification, created by NTxC for Jedi Outcast v1.02 enhances the experience of players and server administrators.
    It includes many server and client fixes and add-ons to the vanilla Jedi Outcast v1.02 multiplayer gameplay.
    Please read the readme file included in the ZIP for installation instructions and more.
    List of features and fixes:
    - Fixed: q3msgboom (vsay aaaa...)
    - Fixed: q3dirtrav (downloading e.g. server.cfg with sv_allowDownload 1)
    - Fixed: /say exploit (where the person can write as someone else without having to rename)
    - Fixed: Forcepowers crash
    - Fixed: Sentry/blaster crash (with Auto-Kick of the malicious players who try to do it!)
    - Fixed: Empty userinfo crash
    - Fixed: galak_mech crash
    - Fixed: g_dismember! Enable it to have dismemberment!
    - Fixed: Client0 bugs (weak saber, weak mines of client #0)
    - Added: New administration system: powerful and easy to use!
    - Added: Event logging - see who was on your server in just a few clicks!
    - Added: Anti-Userinfo-Flood - no more userinfo flooding or DFA bugging!
    - Added: MOTD - Message Of The Day displayed to the players connecting to the server!
    - Added: Built-in JK2 minimizer (Client feature)
    - Added: Random skin feature!
    - Added: Ignore feature!
    - Added: Integration of the clientside with serverside functions, such as admin commands!
    - Added: Ultra-fast HTTP pk3-downloading system! Download new maps in just a few seconds, without having to quit the game!
    - Added: Ingame serverlist! (made by Nerevar) (Client feature)
    - Added: Optional mouse movement smoothing!
    - Added: Enabled console and key input during demo playback! (Client feature)
    - Added: A new banlist which doesn't get cleared on server restarts!
    - Added: PK3 exclusion system to prevent your private server mods from being downloaded by clients!
    - Added: Extended name length limit to 35 shown characters and 122 in total (including color codes)!
    - Added: Pause Mode! Use nt_PauseGame 1 to freeze everyone in place!
    - Added: Optional Mine Bug Fix for server administrators! (you can now use nt_MineBugFix 1 to prevent people from getting 3 mines even if the previous owner had less)
    - Added: Accel-Meter which will help you strafe (hop) properly! (Client feature)
    - Added: Visual support for Client Zero serverside bugfix (Client feature)
    - Added: Removal of the cg_fov 97 limit (Client feature)
    - Added: Instant import of the old NT XI config file (Client feature)
    - Added: Demos: you can now change the RECORDING caption into a little *REC caption or disable it completely (Client feature)
    - Added: 52 completely NEW color codes for you to use freely! Color Guide Included! (Client feature)
    - Added: Custom HUD! 92 new client Cvars to customize your on-screen HUD. Review customhud.cfg in the ntxii directory! (Client feature)
    - New Serverside Cvars include:
    - nt_MOTD
    - nt_DisableVCommands
    - nt_LogEvents
    - nt_UserinfoChangeLimit
    - nt_ForbidModifiedMaps
    - nt_Banlist
    - nt_Fix_GalakMech
    - nt_Fix_ForcePowers
    - nt_Fix_Msgboom
    - nt_Fix_SayExploit
    - nt_Fix_Dirtrav
    - nt_Fix_SentryCrash
    - nt_ServerCaption
    - nt_ClientZeroMineFix
    - nt_ClientZeroSaberFix
    - nt_PauseGame
    - nt_DisableDuelWaitingPeriod
    - nt_AllowMultipleDuels
    - nt_AllowBlackInNames
    - nt_MineBugFix
    - nt_AdminSystem
    - nt_AdminLevel1Cmd
    - nt_AdminLevel2Cmd
    - nt_AdminLevel3Cmd
    - nt_AdminLevel4Cmd
    - nt_AdminLevel5Cmd
    - 109 New Clientside Cvars:
    - nt_accelMeter
    - nt_accelMeterScale
    - nt_accelMeterBlueLineScale
    - nt_DrawClock
    - nt_ClockType
    - nt_DrawSpeedometer
    - nt_DrawInputRing
    - nt_HighDpiMouseSupport
    - nt_Announcer
    - nt_ColorfulInputRing
    - nt_MinimizerEnabled
    - nt_MinimizerCombo
    - nt_MinimizerRestoreCombo
    - nt_SpeedometerUnits
    - nt_RecordingCaption
    - nt_dfAutoRecord
    - nt_customHUD
    - nt_HUD_ArmorX
    - nt_HUD_ArmorY
    - nt_HUD_ArmorCounterColor
    - nt_HUD_HealthX
    - nt_HUD_HealthY
    - nt_HUD_HealthCounterColor
    - nt_HUD_AmmoX
    - nt_HUD_AmmoY
    - nt_HUD_AmmoCounterColor
    - nt_HUD_ForceCounterX
    - nt_HUD_ForceCounterY
    - nt_HUD_ForceCounterColor
    - nt_HUD_LeftFrameX
    - nt_HUD_LeftFrameY
    - nt_HUD_LeftInnerX
    - nt_HUD_LeftInnerY
    - nt_HUD_LeftFrameWidth
    - nt_HUD_LeftFrameHeight
    - nt_HUD_LeftInnerWidth
    - nt_HUD_LeftInnerHeight
    - nt_HUD_RightFrameX
    - nt_HUD_RightFrameY
    - nt_HUD_RightInnerX
    - nt_HUD_RightInnerY
    - nt_HUD_RightFrameWidth
    - nt_HUD_RightFrameHeight
    - nt_HUD_RightInnerWidth
    - nt_HUD_RightInnerHeight
    - nt_HUD_SaberStyleFastX
    - nt_HUD_SaberStyleFastY
    - nt_HUD_SaberStyleMedX
    - nt_HUD_SaberStyleMedY
    - nt_HUD_SaberStyleStrongX
    - nt_HUD_SaberStyleStrongY
    - nt_HUD_SaberStyleFastWidth
    - nt_HUD_SaberStyleFastHeight
    - nt_HUD_SaberStyleMedWidth
    - nt_HUD_SaberStyleMedHeight
    - nt_HUD_SaberStyleStrongWidth
    - nt_HUD_SaberStyleStrongHeight
    - nt_HUD_ForcePowerTicsX
    - nt_HUD_ForcePowerTicsY
    - nt_HUD_AmmoTicsX
    - nt_HUD_AmmoTicsY
    - nt_HUD_TheirFlagX
    - nt_HUD_TheirFlagY
    - nt_HUD_TheirFlagWidth
    - nt_HUD_TheirFlagHeight
    - nt_HUD_OurFlagX
    - nt_HUD_OurFlagY
    - nt_HUD_OurFlagWidth
    - nt_HUD_OurFlagHeight
    - nt_HUD_LagometerX
    - nt_HUD_LagometerY
    - nt_HUD_ScoreTextX
    - nt_HUD_ScoreTextY
    - nt_HUD_PowerupX
    - nt_HUD_PowerupY
    - nt_HUD_PowerupWidth
    - nt_HUD_PowerupHeight
    - nt_HUD_DefragTimerX
    - nt_HUD_DefragTimerY
    - nt_HUD_DefragMaxX
    - nt_HUD_DefragMaxY
    - nt_HUD_DefragAvgX
    - nt_HUD_DefragAvgY
    - nt_HUD_OuterArmorX
    - nt_HUD_OuterArmorY
    - nt_HUD_OuterArmorWidth
    - nt_HUD_OuterArmorHeight
    - nt_HUD_InnerArmorX
    - nt_HUD_InnerArmorY
    - nt_HUD_InnerArmorWidth
    - nt_HUD_InnerArmorHeight
    - nt_HUD_OuterHealthX
    - nt_HUD_OuterHealthY
    - nt_HUD_OuterHealthWidth
    - nt_HUD_OuterHealthHeight
    - nt_HUD_HealthTicX
    - nt_HUD_HealthTicY
    - nt_HUD_HealthTicWidth
    - nt_HUD_HealthTicHeight
    - nt_HUD_ArmorTicX
    - nt_HUD_ArmorTicY
    - nt_HUD_ArmorTicWidth
    - nt_HUD_ArmorTicHeight
    - nt_HUD_SpeedometerX
    - nt_HUD_SpeedometerY
    - nt_HUD_ClockX
    - nt_HUD_ClockY
    - nt_HUD_InputRingX
    - nt_HUD_InputRingY


       (3 reviews)



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