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- .Map Source File Included
- Non Star Wars Related
- (and 4 more)
- .Map Source File Included
- Non Star Wars Related
- (and 4 more)
Author: Spineless Website: http://www.spbdesign.co.uk Map Details: ------------------------------------- Brush Count: 22,424 + ~9,000 in ASE Models Entity Count: 3736 Build Time: 6 Years! Compile Time: 30 Minutes Custom Models: Yes Custom Textures: Yes Custom Shaders: Yes Custom Effects: Yes Custom Sounds: Yes Custom Scripts: Yes Botroute Support: Yes About (History): ------------------------------------- As many of you will know, (and for those who don't), I created a rough-round-the-edges representation of Joss Whedon's Serenity back in 2003 that I thoroughly enjoyed making - but in hindsight - could have done with a few more brushstrokes of accuracy. So, 6 Years in the making and (I fear) 4 years too late, I have finally got around to releasing it! I firstly have to apologise to all those I have kept waiting. The problem with it all is that I'm too much of a perfectionist. Something that I will have created 3 months ago, will look dated to my eyes and need updating. Besides, bug fixing bores the ^&*! out of me, and the larger part of entity/script work is by it's nature - bug fixing. So, as far as I know, this is about as close as anyone's come to completely recreating both the exterior AND interior of the ship. I will be the first to admit that there are currently many and far superior exterior models out there, but I don't think anyone has tackled the interior with any gusto. (Correct me if I'm wrong). Design: ------------------------------------- I am not ashamed to admit that this effort is far far far superior to its' predecessor. I have embellished the ship with every conceivable detail, and poured through tons of reference material in order to conceive the closest possible representation of the ship you all know and love so well. This map is largely overscaled, around 20-25% to allow for a reasonable chance at role-play/game play. Serenity, as mentioned by it's design team, is one of those few sci-fi space vessels that doesn't suffer from the Tardis effect. (Being much bigger inside, than out). All that said, I couldn't for the life of me fit all the interior into the outer shell, without warping one or the other. I decided very early on that I would have to split the map into too. Besides, with Quake III's modest capabilities, a joining of the two parts would *slay* the user's fps. This, in turn, created a whole heap of problems which I have had to work around. Firstly I have taken liberties with some of the design. The hangar-shuttle connection in the film and tv-series is pitched at being set at the top, roof level of the hangar. Yet the blueprints rest both on the level of the kitchen. This led to a design compromise, where the shuttle access ports rest in two side areas, either side of the kitchen with a ladder down to the hangar. I have also taken liberties with all the secret passageways and any design element in between the areas seen on the show. I have included a fuel-room, (a mighty powerful engine needs one I figured) a nav control room, a light control room, a kitchen stock room, and a spare 'crew quarters' room. These are all accessible via secrets and secret passage-ways. (Explained below). Features: ------------------------------------- - Every possible area of Serenity seen in both tv-series and the movie. - Scripted tiered secret system. Allowing you to unlock: - The Medbay - The Explosives Room - The Main Hangar Door and Side Airlock - Both Shuttles - Navigation Controls - Toggle-able Engine Thrusters - Asteroid Script - Sound Clip Easter Eggs - Cockpit & Kitchen Light Switches - Master Room/Airlock Override Switch Secret Area Unlock System: ------------------------------------- There are 10 secret areas in the map, (and one somewhere on the exterior). Discovering 2 secret areas will unlock a sealed area of the map in the order layed out above. If your stuck, look for the shady corporate (and blue) symbol that lies close to every secret. Oh and press your "use" key whenever you see a Tracey's mp3 Player! Other Notes: ------------------------------------- Please refer to the Readme.txt for Known Issues/Bugs, Notes on Modding and how to access the Role-Playing version of the map. Acknowledgements: ------------------------------------- - A big thankyou to Erwino and ReVa who have nudged me more than anyone to get this thing finished. - The Whole of the {OJK} Clan, (particularly Marro & Predator) who have supported me throughout the project. - Szico VII and Robophred for script inspiration and advice. - ent for bug testing the open BETA vigourously. - Lord Revian, Circa and the JKHub community for showing continued interest. - AshuraDX for texture and shader help. - General Jaxun for the "No Teleport" .pk3 Idea. - Crazy Assassin for inspiring the Secret Area System. - To the loyal followers of my Gamingforums thread: (Korro, Nozyspy, Zeig, S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Raz0r, NAB622, Botdra Lar'les and the rest, you know who you are!) Thanks for your patience and hope you enjoy it, Spineless 16/06/2014 -
Serenity - Firefly (Re-Release) Open BETA
Spineless replied to Spineless's topic in WIPs, Teasers & Releases
I'm glad to help If anyone else has found any bugs, please let me know. I would like to release the map by the end of the weekend! -
OMG The new serenity firefly map for JKA is...
Spineless replied to Merek's topic in Jedi Knight General Discussions
Nope. Try here: http://jkhub.org/topic/4154-serenity-firefly-re-release-open-beta/ -
Well, here it is at last - the open BETA. Besides Shepard Book's bible sitting IN his bed covers and not on top of them and a little asteroid glitch - I consider the map FINISHED! For any of you that wish to try it out (and send me feedback), the download link is below, please test it with as many people as possible. Hopefully there won't be anything too major (because I've bug fixed for the last month) and I plan to release it this weekend if all goes to plan. Thanks a bunch for sticking with me guys, oh and if I've missed anyone out of the acknowledgements section that should be in there... pm me. Download via Mediafire Edit: Download link nulled (16/06/2014). I have submitted the file for approval from the JKHub staff. Thanks for everyone's continued support. Spineless out.
OMG The new serenity firefly map for JKA is...
Spineless replied to Merek's topic in Jedi Knight General Discussions
Great, something to work on when I get back then! There's a reflective water tutorial out there I gather although it doesn't sound that complicated. Do you know of any maps that use a similar technique that I can download for reference? -
OMG The new serenity firefly map for JKA is...
Spineless replied to Merek's topic in Jedi Knight General Discussions
Holy moly it's like a new map! Thanks for that, one more question: Is there anyway to add a realistic spaceship sheen (env map) to the shader without it looking false. All the env maps ive used for my other textures look so bad I've been forced to use them on small brushes. -
OMG The new serenity firefly map for JKA is...
Spineless replied to Merek's topic in Jedi Knight General Discussions
One little question before I head up the east coast of Oz for a few weeks. Does anyone know anything about shaders, this is my poor attempt at a specular outer ship texture: Link To Textures: http://imageshack.com/a/img842/5521/x5ea.jpg (panels_ext) http://imageshack.com/a/img842/9485/t805.jpg (panels_ext_bright) Shader: textures/spine/serenity_rp2/panels_ext { q3map_material HollowMetal { map $lightmap } { map textures/spine/serenity_rp2/panels_ext blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO } { map textures/spine/serenity_rp2/panels_ext_bright blendFunc GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE detail alphaGen lightingSpecular alphaGen const 0.75 } }I would prefer it to look something like this: Any ideas? -
OMG The new serenity firefly map for JKA is...
Spineless replied to Merek's topic in Jedi Knight General Discussions
I think I've tried all your patience long enough. Here's the BETA release. Thankyou all for sticking with me (if anyone is still around, that is) and I'm sorry for the thousandth time that it's taken this long. Details: (Extracted from Readme.txt) As many of you will know, (and for those who don't), I created a rough-round-the-edges representation of Joss Whedon's Serenity back in 2003 that I thoroughly enjoyed making - but in hindsight - could have done with a few more brushstrokes of accuracy. So, 6 Years in the making and (I fear) 4 years too late, I have finally got around to releasing it! I firstly have to apologise to all those I have kept waiting. The problem with it all is that I'm too much of a perfectionist. Something that I will have created 3 months ago, will look dated to my eyes and need updating. Besides, bug fixing bores the ^&*! out of me, and the larger part of entity/script work is by it's nature - bug fixing. What is included in this file is around 98% complete of what I will call perfect, and it will do for now. I have still got some ideas for the final release which I have listed below. Design: I am not ashamed to admit that this effort is far far far superior to its' predecessor. I have embellished the ship with every conceivable detail, and poured through tons of reference material in order to conceive the closest possible representation of the ship you all know and love so well. This map is largely overscaled, around 20-25% to allow for a reasonable chance at role-play/game play. Serenity, as mentioned by it's design team, is one of those few sci-fi space vessels that doesn't suffer from the Tardis effect. (Being much bigger inside, than out). All that said, I couldn't for the life of me fit all the interior into the outer shell, without warping one or the other. I decided very early on that I would have to split the map into too. Besides, with Quake III's modest capabilities, a joining of the two parts would *slay* the user's fps. This, in turn, created a whole heap of problems which I have had to work around. Firstly I have taken liberties with some of the design. The hangar-shuttle connection in the film and tv-series is pitched at being set at the top, roof level of the hangar. Yet the blueprints rest both on the level of the kitchen. This led to a design compromise, where the shuttle access ports rest in two side areas, either side of the kitchen with a ladder down to the hangar. I have also taken liberties with all the secret passageways and any design element in between the areas seen on the show. I have included a fuel-room, (a mighty powerful engine needs one, I figured) a nav control room (currently unscripted), a light control room (currently unscripted), a kitchen stock room, and a spare 'crew quarters' room. These are all accessible via secrets and secret passage-ways. (Explained below). Features: - Every possible area of Serenity seen in both tv-series and the movie. - Scripted tiered secret system. Allowing you to unlock: - Med-Bay - Explosives room - Airlocks to the outside - Both shuttles To Be Completed: - A navigation/skybox cycle script system (already scripted) - Weather cycle system - Complete silence in space (like in the tv-series) - Zero gravity in space - Toggleable lights - Engine stop and restart script (like in Out of Gas) - A host of sound clip easter eggs, including: - Jayne's weight bench - Kaylee's dress - Vera & more... Download: I will limit the testing on a first come first serve basis to at least hold some suspense for the final release. If you are willing to bug test the map for me (not just send feedback), download the file from the link below, and PM me a message and I'll give you the password for the .zip. http://www.filedropper.com/serenityrp2beta -
From the TV-series 'FireFly' and the 2005 film of the same name. A planet, complete with orbiting asteroids are also featured. Aplogies for the large .zip file size; the .bsp turned out to be bigger than expected. The size of the planet's textures, shaders and .ase file didn't help much either. I figure if you're a big enough fan of the series/film, you'll spare the extra bandwidth anyway. Hard-core fans will realise that some areas seen in the tv-series and film is missing: (the crew and passenger quarters). This wasn't intentional, I found the online blueprint and scale model replica late into the process, I was working with movie stills up until then and consequently had to make some compromises. Also note that some areas of the ship are hard to get around, (mainly because it's a trade freighter rather than a luxury cruiser, giving me less room to work with.) Try walking (rather than running) through the doors/small passageways; that way, you'll get stuck less often. I have included bot-support but don't be suprised if they get stuck too, they aren't as clever as we all wish them to be. This map has been tested on a Pentium 4 with 2.99 GHZ, 1.50GB of RAM and a NVIDIA FX5200 128MB GFX Card, and another Pentium 4 with significantly lower specs. Due to the high-poly nature of the map, I recommend using a PC with similar or higher specs to avoid lag spikes. I have included the source .map file if it is of any use to anybody. You may copy any parts of the map as long as you credit me somewhere in the readme and ask permission first. (For email addresses see the footnote.) Secrets There are two secrets in the map; both accessible from the cargo bay. If you are having trouble finding them, load up the .map file in the 'source' folder of the .pk3. Bugs If you look at 90' away from the planet (but with the planet still in view) the outer-planetary glow shader appears to go through the planet. Once in the medical bay looking back at the (open) entrance doors, they seem to go through the medical bay door-frame. Arg! Copyright The music was composed by David Newman and produced in the Serenity (2005) Official Soundtrack Compact Disc. I claim no ownership to these files; all credit goes to original authors. Most of the custom textures and shaders have been written or created by myself. A few exceptions (e.g. the Serenity Logo) are appropriable to other authors. Again, I claim no ownership to these files; all credit goes to the original authors. Thanks to Marro, ReVa, Alien and Seij and Predator for BETA testing. The Order of Jedi Knights clan for supporting me throughout the project. Isla Kamamee for general shader help and for spending nearly a day trying to convert an .ase into an .md3... ( ) Footnote If you need any help, want to inquire about any techniques I’ve used, or would like to import the ship into another Serenity or Firefly themed map, then email me via my website: http://www.chromecreations.co.uk I'll be glad to help. ~ Spineless 30/10/07