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File Comments posted by DarthDementous

    Less Annoying Rosh

       952    9

    Looks great! Interesting, that Rosh was voiced by the same actor that some might remember through the character of Brejik, a treacherous thug from Taris in KOTOR. His voice is mostly the same there, but it fits nicely the arrogant leader of Black Vulkars. 

    haha yes, and also Dustil - Carth's son, where he is equally as impetuous.  



    John Williams & LucasArts for the powerful soundtrack from the Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer.

    if this isn't from the first teaser trailer then it isn't pure John Williams. its disturbing that so many fans thought that the trailer music was done by John Williams when it is very clearly modernised and not his style because it shows me (and Disney) that people prefer that kind of Hans Zimmer music to the rich, complex and classical sound of all the Star Wars movies. I think Star Wars would lose a lot of its impact if the style of music changed, there's just such a wonderful library of music that has been built up by John Williams that it'd be a shame to disregard it all.

  2. How much of that Korriban and Dantooine map was done? I'm sure that if you released the source files there'd definitely at least be one mapper happy to continue it. This is all dependent on whether the original creator agrees with this I'm assuming, but it would certainly be a boon for those who crave KOTOR maps.

    yeyo JK likes this
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