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Everything posted by Darth_Bothersome

  1. I was fully expecting Ninja Turtles...
  2. I am ashamed of the description, and the skin's not that great, either.
  3. Eez, this could be very helpful for tons of SP modders. I'm sure the folks over at Jumansoft would love to have it, and plenty of other TC mods. Heck, this could probably help you with Galaxies. I know that Galaxies is probably consuming a lot of your time, but if you ever get around to this, I'll be first in line to download.
  4. Just thought of this: A scope for the Tenloss Disruptor rifle would probably be necessary, too.
  5. I recently discovered a way to play JA (and JO) on full screen without it being all stretched out. I don't know if everyone knows how to do this but me, or if not a lot of people are aware of the method, but either way, the fix is here. I was wondering if anyone has made or would be willing to make HUD's and menus that would render properly instead of being stretched out, or if there's a known fix for this issue. Thanks, Darth_Bothersome
  6. Version v1.5


    Just a reskin I made of Boba Fett because I was bored one day. (It took longer than one day, though.) V1.5: The tam skins now work correctly, and I've included a jetpack version.
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