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Really Old Man

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Profile Information

  • Pronouns
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  • Interests
    Playing Movie Battles 2
  • Gaming Specialty
    Competitive Play
    Moviebattles 2
  • Operating System
    Windows 7

Really Old Man's Achievements

  1. Dude you rock! Looks awesome.
  2. https://jkhub.org/files/file/611-vosa-komari-vm/ By looking at the above link and comparing it to the picture I provided, a recoloring of the leg's so as to get rid of the red coloring further down, maybe an addition of her front and back tattered skirt (Movie Battles 2 uses a Darth Talon model that has a good example of what that front skirt would look like), and then maybe a recoloring of her skin since in the game, it's not really a grey but more that of a normal skin pigment. Also, the leather wrappings on the upper arms and legs of the model look like zebra stripes, so cleaning those up would make it look better Take everything I'm suggesting as you will, since I have a very rudimentary idea of how to create a model skin. And thanks for even paying my suggestion any mind.
  3. Dunno if you take suggestions for model work, but perhaps an updated Komari Vosa model? The one on JKHub currently is nice but could definitely be better.
  4. Dude, your modeling work is amazing! I've just started getting into model replacements for Movie Battles 2 and I love the quality and wide array of models you use. With proper credit, us users are allowed to use your models in replacement packs, correct?
  5. I don't know were you get your delusions laser brain.
  6. Double your search.
  8. I look forward to completing your training. In time, you will call me Masta
  9. Do or do not, there is no try.
  10. NO NO YOU WILL DIE!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. It's treason then.
  12. Are you threatening me Master Jedi?
  13. Impressive Deviance, most impressive.
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