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Posts posted by spior

  1. Saywhut? o_o


    There are plans like that for that specific project, but the bar itself is simply a javascript file and some CSS.

    You know, when you're connecting to a server and you see that text "Welcome player #<random numbers>". That's the motd coming from the update server.

    If we had our own, we can send our own message.

    But yea, totally unrelated to the bar :P

    EDIT: Actually, it /might/ not be the update server. I am 90% sure it is, but I could be wrong. JKA uses a lot of servers <_< >_>

  2. There's actually a discussion about this?
    As much as I like to shit on anyone who has any sort of Apple product, this is just stupid.
    The iPhone is easy to use and almost never breaks, because Apple developed its iOS only for 2-3 devices so they support only a couple of devices. Most of the old iPhones don't even get the new stuff in the newer iOS'es anyway.
    Android is kinda harder to use (according to iPhone users, I had no trouble at all with mine) and breaks sometimes, because Android is made for > 9000 devices. Most people who use it don't mind its occasional crashing anyway, myself included.

    If you want to argue about that, please, visit #jacoders sometimes and I will make sure to bury you in a billion .jpegs I found on the internet about how Apple is Satan.


    EDIT: I always get < and > mixed up >:| This edit better not bump the thread...

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