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Everything posted by Xycaleth

  1. I take it by the number of likes and responses that people want an updated ModView
  2. We have the original ModView code I was in the middle of making it cross platform but it got put to the side. If there's demand for it, I can go back and try to finish it off and adding improvements. I was in the middle of wiring up the UI to the old code so all the functionality is still there, but needs to be made accessible again to the user. https://jkhub.org/files/file/3051-modview-for-windows-and-mac/
  3. Rule N+1: See rule #1. Absolutely what @@Didz said. The client can never be trusted to provide valid information to say whether it's clean or not.
  4. When you make a post that reads like a lecture, some people may get the feeling that you're trying to be over-authoritative which obviously not everyone likes, or that you're assuming none of us already know what constructive criticism is. Especially in writing only, it's hard to get across the right tone that everyone will be fine with. I don't doubt that you want what's best for the community, nor am I saying I don't disagree that the way people post their criticisms on these forums could be improved on the forums. Perhaps it should be looked at from both sides: improving constructive criticism and also learning to have some leniency where criticism isn't constructive as words alone are one half of communication and ask for the constructive bits if it's lacking. EDIT: PS: Writing a post on a phone sucks
  5. Xycaleth


    Oh look... https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK/wiki/Debugging-in-Visual-Studio
  6. The easiest way to do this would be to read the current server time, store that in a variable somewhere, and every frame, keep checking how much time has passed. You can read the current time (in milliseconds) using level.time.
  7. Xycaleth


    All the debug stuff is useful. It's not something that everyone would know, even if they were a knowledgeable programmer.
  8. There's definitely nothing like fake light coming from the players view I did notice the model disappears when you don't look at it face on (that is, if you have it at the side of the screen). I'm not sure how you define the bounding box for glm models not where they are read from in the game.
  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loudness_war /me runs
  10. Okay, maybe I can't reproduce it. It looks the same to me in SP as it does in MP O_o Can you post comparison screenshots @@AshuraDX?
  11. I had a quick look at AT-ST_static in OpenJK MP, with the default renderer. I don't see any problems with it in MP. Can you make a screenshot of the ATST in SP and MP with roughly the same lighting conditions? Nevermind, I see the problem now
  12. One or two months to get the basic thing working I think. You would probably need a another few months to get it really polished off and well-integrated.
  13. I don't really see that many topics being created in off topic so it's hard to "lose" a topic. It might not be the first topic in the forum but it's certainly going to be in the top 10.
  14. What do the normals look like in ModView?
  15. Do you have the shader in a PK3? If not, do you have sv_pure set to 0 - the game won't try to load your shader otherwise.
  16. You could try running the Windows server executable in Wine. This way is untested though as far as I know, so it's not guaranteed to work.
  17. From small descriptions of such a method, I recall the creases are done in a second normal map which gets applied in addition to the original normal map. While it's possible, you would still need additional code (probably in cgame) to drive the change in normal map which lies outside of rend2 :/ You could potentially do it with only changes in rend2 but it would feel a bit hacky to me;..
  18. But you would also need a way to tell the engine when to animate the normal map...
  19. Did you check in ModView as well?
  20. @@AshuraDX Look in the console - scroll up lots, and you should see something that says GL_VERSION... and then the OpenGL version that is in use by JKA. It should be 3.2 or higher. Also check for anything that looks like an error message
  21. You've probably checked already, but are all normals pointing outwards from the model?
  22. It might be you're missing the lua files needed. I have a feeling they're not downloaded by the JKG installer.
  23. I haven't been working on it for a while. Was getting a bit bored of it hopefully will get back to it soon.
  24. What graphics chip/card do you have?
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