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Bridge (Func_Door) Not Lit

Go to solution Solved by IrocJeff,

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I made a bridge using a func_door. It works well but the only issue I have is that its not lit when extended. Its black. But, Lightsaber glow will illuminate the texture.


Here 's a shot of what I made. Bridge extends out from under the floor. I also included my entity window view.


Now, how can I get this bridge to be illuminated when extended. Does it have to start extended or something? If I tick the box for start open it stays where it is and when activated doesn't move.


Any help on this would be great.



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Since you already tried start_open, I'd suggest you to deal with it through scripts. The bridge is completely dark because it is being compiled at light stage under the floor, with no source of light around him. A slight rework of the bridge (to give it an origin brush) along with a few BehavEd MOVE commands should do.

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