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Full widescreen support will require a menu edit, which afaik is not in the scope of OpenJk. You may want to check out JK Enhanced for this feature. You also never had to do any hex editing to get widescreen support or change your fov.


Just open the console and set r_customwidth and r_customheight to your preferred values and set r_mode to -1


You can also change your fov by using the command cg_fov.

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Full widescreen support will require a menu edit, which afaik is not in the scope of OpenJk. You may want to check out JK Enhanced for this feature. You also never had to do any hex editing to get widescreen support or change your fov.


Just open the console and set r_customwidth and r_customheight to your preferred values and set r_mode to -1


You can also change your fov by using the command cg_fov.

Guess he is talking about aspect corrected fov and this is not simply done with setting r_mode -1.
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