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[Released] JKGalaxies Patch 1.2.1

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Use this file if you have not installed Jedi Knight Galaxies:
Use this file if you have 1.2.0 installed:
Use this file if you want to host a server:


This version does not require a full clientside upgrade; seek the patch if you already have 1.2.0 installed.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a critical bug that could result in the server crashing upon clients reconnecting or changing teams
  • Fixed a bug where sorting or filtering the inventory list in the shop would cause the sell button to break
  • Fixed a bug where sorting or filtering the shop list in the shop would cause the buy button to break
  • Fixed a bug related to the above which may have caused items to randomly be incorrectly purchased
  • Fixed a bug where some text ("You killed X") and ("Killed by Y") would not strip out color codes when calculating width, which led to weird alignment problems
  • Fixed a bug where NPCs and players hit by Thermal Detonators would go into a T-pose (or possibly crash the client)
  • Fixed a bug where demos wouldn't save correctly
  • The above fix (possibly) corrected an issue where the scoreboard text would be jittery.
  • Pressing your inventory bind while in chat will no longer cause it to be pulled up
  • Team overlay packets aren't sent across the network anymore unless the client has the Team Overlay feature turned on. Players will now have much less lag when the Team Overlay is turned off, and server owners will see a noticeable drop in bandwidth usage because of this change.
  • Being stunned no longer disables your bounding box. Previously, you could stun someone, crouch-walk into their bounding box and punch them when the stun effect wore off to score easy kills.
  • Corrected a display glitch that occurred in first person when stunned while crouching.
  • Fixed minor Lua errors
  • Fixed a 2kb memory leak on the client every time a player model's animevents.cfg got loaded
  • Invalid g_gametype vote strings now get defaulted to TFFA/Faction Battle
  • The gametypes in the Join Game menu will now work correctly
  • Fixed a bug that caused "Press E to Pick Up Weapon" to remain stuck on the screen in some maps
  • Corrected a visual glitch where screen tints (like the kind from swimming, lava, acid, etc) were applied twice, making the screen darker than they should've been
  • Fixed a bug where saber clash flares weren't showing
  • The flame and freeze debuffs no longer cause (a miniscule amount of) knockback
  • KYD-21 alternate firemode renamed to "Sting"
  • Minor visual changes to the Suppressor Pistol



New Features

  • Capture the Flag mode now working again.
  • The Join Game menu now shows a friendly name of the map the server is running (so "jkg_ctf_bespin" becomes "Bespin Shafts"). Maps from the map pack are shown in cyan, and maps unavailable for public use are in red.
  • Added a new rcon command: cpa <message>  - issues a center-print to all clients in the game
  • Powerups, flags, etc now show "Press E to Pick Up X" of the appropriate type (not just weapons)
  • New cvar: jkg_creditsPerCapture - the amount of credits awarded to the capturer of a flag. Defaults to 300
  • New cvar: jkg_creditsPerTeamCapture - the amount of credits awarded to the whole team (except the capturer) when a flag is captured. Defaults to 100
  • New cvar: jkg_creditsPerReturn - the amount of credits awarded to the returner of a flag. Defaults to 75



  • Now requires 2 kills instead of 3 to trigger a bounty
  • CTF now uses jkg_creditsPerTeamCapture instead of jkg_creditsPerKill for kill credits
  • jkg_bounty raised from 10 to 75 to make bounties more rewarding
  • KYD-21 Pistol: Increased primary fire damage (25 -> 28), increased primary fire firerate (600->475)
  • DE-10 Snub Pistol: Reduced recoil (5.0 -> 4.2)
  • Advanced Suppressor Pistol: Primary fire is now automatic



We are working on rolling out Mac builds as well in this release.

Futuza, swegmaster, MagSul and 5 others like this

@@eezstreet I want to do some bug testing first, to make sure nothing obvious was missed first before you release it, let me know when it's ready. Also was the issue with grenades looked at yet?

JKG Developer


@@eezstreet I want to do some bug testing first, to make sure nothing obvious was missed first before you release it, let me know when it's ready. Also was the issue with grenades looked at yet?

Which issue? You're going to need to be more specific.


Which issue? You're going to need to be more specific.

I mentioned it yesterday on Discord.  I'll see if I can hop on in a bit, but specifically if a grenade item (eg: thermal-e) kills another player, yourself, or an npc it will crash all clients and the server. If the grenade only does damage, there are no problems, only if it does the killing blow.

JKG Developer


I mentioned it yesterday on Discord.  I'll see if I can hop on in a bit, but specifically if a grenade item (eg: thermal-e) kills another player, yourself, or an npc it will crash all clients and the server. If the grenade only does damage, there are no problems, only if it does the killing blow.

I can't seem to reproduce it. I'm assuming it's fixed or just a random bug.


@@Onysfx you mean like while playing a match? Not sure how that would help exactly...?

I can't seem to reproduce it. I'm assuming it's fixed or just a random bug.

It appears it was probably caused by a bad assets5, from what I can tell.  I'm away from home so I can't check for sure, but I've been playing with things on my laptop and it seems to be working mostly (I'm missing some images, but just need to get them from the latest assets on jkhub, we really should get git lfs working :P)

JKG Developer


@@Onysfx you mean like while playing a match? Not sure how that would help exactly...?

It appears it was probably caused by a bad assets5, from what I can tell.  I'm away from home so I can't check for sure, but I've been playing with things on my laptop and it seems to be working mostly (I'm missing some images, but just need to get them from the latest assets on jkhub, we really should get git lfs working :P)

If there are multiple servers up, and I want to check for other servers but not leave the game and miss chat from other players.


I mentioned it yesterday on Discord.  I'll see if I can hop on in a bit, but specifically if a grenade item (eg: thermal-e) kills another player, yourself, or an npc it will crash all clients and the server. If the grenade only does damage, there are no problems, only if it does the killing blow.

Just to follow up on this, I think this might have fixed that, as players were frequently going into a T-pose before - if freezeTorsoAnim was something invalid it could maybe cause a crash if a player was hit by a thermal detonator.

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