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I am sick of this... No asking for permission ilegal ports and bullshit Moddb modifications

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Well... I will start like that - I have enough... Not only because i see my works sometimes use without any permission and even without asking about using it.. I see a lot of mods lately that use models without giving shit about the credits and hard work of many of us here on the Hub.


I dont have account on the moddb but someone should stop this bullshit




For example here is my Tatooine Sith Stalker.. It is my first skin.. - https://jkhub.org/files/file/1614-stalker-of-tatooine-sp-customisation/


License: Other players may not share or modify this work without permission from the original author.


and also i gave the credits to the Darth Shiftee


http://www.moddb.com/mods/the-force-unleshead-total-conversation/images/boba-fett-his-weapon#imagebox - here is Boba Fett made by @@Corto


There are also some skins made by @@Barricade24 i believe, Toshi's Vader and good old Han Solo model.


To be honest Our site should not only deals with these kind of problems here but in other sites too.. These guys are taking our works and take all credits to themselves. This shit need to stop here!



And also i want to start discussion about porting models. Kitbashers are making some own creations and they are adding some new stuff on the table.. But Porting lately on this site and frankenstein madness is out of control. I am not only thinking that many of these ported characters are just ported without any reason.. just to port - WHICH is illegal. Even if You are not taking models and get any money it doesnt change the fact that our site is put in danger with every new ported model.

I saw many of them on the topic, on the pics but i saw many of these models in the download section.


Frankestein method and kitbashing is cool.. but ripping models from the games after huge amount is just... not in my taste. Of course it is just my opinion here but i just also want to remind this fact - these models are illegal.


I hope that someone here has a account on the moddb and will contact with these modders to at least contact with the authors..  I am sick of this and.. i think it is getting out of control



I think the people that make those mods don't really know about the norms that communities like this one have. They think it's fair game to take a bunch of different mods, slap them together and make 'Total Conversions' of the game, like that turk did almost a decade ago. They've never heard about giving credit to other authors and don't know (nor do they care) about creating if they can port content from other games. 


People that do learn a craft and begin to make their work known are aware that there's much satisfaction in doing things, and since they are aware of the time it takes, seeing people take the easy route (porting) can be a little bit annoying. Even more with all the requests that've come recently. 


But I do think that maybe the best thing to do is try not to pay attention to the talentless hacks that will wither with time and instead try to hone your skill and slowly get recognized by your peers as the creator that you are. I know that at least here, the people from this community are very aware of your talent Langerd. 

Langerd, Seven, Jeff and 6 others like this
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Ok here is my simple personal point of view. I agree with the opinions of the people in here and not with all on 100% because everyone of us have own opinion and this is the cool part. Yes it is true the lately there are too much full ports that were not re-textured and modified, but it is because of missing characters that other people want to play with in the JKA. Personally I would like to port something I am not even capable to do it myself and if other people don't have the time to make it for my request, because they are not forced to do so. Of course when the certain policy allows such things I think it's not to be a problem. For example with the new EULA for some of the games, personally I am not familiar with the licence for EA Battlefront 2015 because I don't have the time to buy the game and never did a research.

And from the point of view that I personally have as a musician and artist that is making own songs, after long years in the school and high-school with tribute bands making covers of bands I like, now I make my own stuff in one way or another, so they are both "simple - catchy" and yet "hard/advanced" to copy. That's why I will be interested to see if someone is capable to make good cover of my own art if there are such people I would go to their shows and give them all my congrats, because I inspired them and it will mean for me, that they admire the amazing art that I am creating. However if the band/artist just takes my song without any permission and steal the song/lyrics or video material without my knowledge for this, but I have secured with record labels and other things my work I will make them regret the day they were born on this universe. This is my personal point hopefully I don't insult anyone of you guys because there are people in here who i really admire as artists but I am not taking anyone's back we are all free to say/think what we want to and may the Force be with you always!!

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