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Revan's Cosmetics Workshop (Old and New Skin WIP Thread)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wouldn't want to fight these guys in a dark alley, am I right? These guys were mostly deployed on Mustafar as far as I remember, but I'm sure the Empire deployed them in other places as well. Got it as close as I could. Credits to Free Radical for the model and I believe Jeff ported it and gave it to me. Feel free to correct me guys, I haven't had the best week.









No worries folks, I am going to keep my promise on releasing my stuff in a pack, or individually on Dropbox. I really want to make sure I have a significant amount of content to release. I aim to still fix the carbon scoring on the ProtoFett, of course, by making him a bit whiter. I figure I'd show something new. It's really simple, but it's based on a skin someone made on Gametoast for their Rebel pack for Battlefront 2, and I really liked the scheme:






Long live the Republic!

DTIII, swegmaster and krkarr like this

Elder Jedi Master Karag Drakas. At 24 years after the Battle of Endor, Master Drakas would be assisting Luke (along with other masters) in training a new generation of Jedi - at least until the massacre by Kylo and the Knights of Ren.












I figured since he's such a central part of my story, The Exile's Voyage, I wanted to show him at the age of 71. The reason he doesn't look so wrinkly is because, despite his scars left by his old apprentice from the Clone Wars, Kahlar Saric, he was able to maintain his physical appearance rather well through various means. Also, some surgical procedures were involved in replacing some of his skin. Some scars just never healed properly from the test of battle, which is why you still see some scars around his eyes and cheeks, along with some bruises. Some scars are from recent duels. He is an elder member of Luke's new Jedi Order and senior commander of New Republic forces (who, of course, later backed the Resistance).


Thanks to Jeff for kitbashing HS Kenobi's head and robe onto HS Dooku's body/outfit.


Delmi, Smoo, Dark_Reaper and 4 others like this

I have quite a list of characters I will require (and of course will be tweaked texture-wise, I am sure), if anyone would want to help: A male Zabrak head on Jedi Robes (Kahlar Saric, his old apprentice. Eventually I'll need a model where he has a similar body like X1 with the black armor, etc, during the GCW), HS Obi-wan's head on Han Solo's body (a more casual version of Karag, more middle-aged, late 30's - early 40's), HS Obi-wan's head on Luke Bespin body, Kanan Jarrus' head (or even Jedi Trainer's head) on Mercenary Kyle Katarn's body (Rath Deris, Karag's old friend - texture would be modified, and hopefully will be on the JA skeleton - it's a pain to always switch _humanoid folders), this guy: http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/swg/images/9/93/200px-Mellichae.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20061103041226 


This guy: http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/5/55/Mort.png/revision/latest?cb=20080219203636


This is Darth Avarus (I had to spell it Avarrus in-game because some meanie had it already):




He's wearing the Vanquisher set, minus the mask because I liked the re-breather look better, where you can still stare into his eyes. I hope to have a JKA version of him sometime soon, to serve as a character in a flashback. He's Karag Drakas' ancestor, but as to what role this will play is yet to be determined. I've been working on this in my mind for years.


And I'll definitely need some modifications of Ashura's clone if I am to pull off Commander Phalanx: https://jkhub.org/images/78ySs2l.png

ARC Commander Phalanx went not only through the normal officer training, but he had ARC training as well. He's not afraid to get his hands dirty. :P

  • 1 year later...



This is ARC Commander Phalanx (I'll try and get a model with the pauldron soon. I was hoping to make him look like his Battlefront 2 counterpart). He started out as a Clone Captain by the time of the outbreak of the war on Geonosis and has led the 514th Pathfinders Regiment to victory several times. After the Westar-M5 was issued to ARCs, he favored the weapon in combat for its power and high rate of fire. He fights under Jedi General Karag Drakas and apprentice Kahlar Saric. The 514th often works along side Jedi General Rath Deris and his apprentice Serra Fless, in charge of the 12th Assault Brigade. He has many battles under his belt. His final major battle was at Kashyyyk during the time Order 66 was issued. During the battle, the chip malfunctioned in half the batch of 514th clones, leaving an inner conflict between those that executed the order and those who denied it, and eventually the legion broke apart with the best being placed under the 501st, and others being spread about the newly formed Galactic Empire. He let his General go and later presumed that his general died, although in reality he escaped in a stolen Y-wing and managed to exile himself to Dathomir. Phalanx continues to look for Karag to this day, but eventually gave up and started taking up drinking after his command shifted to a less desirable location in the outer rim where he polices local riffraff.

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