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Looking for a Custom Mission Creator (Willing to pay a small fee)..

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@@Cerez I had an idea.. If you're good with cinematics, is there any likelihood of adding in a cut-scene before the mission starts. (So, once you've selected the mission from the menu, basically). I don't know if you're any good or have any experience of .roq file editing, Cerez, but I just thought that we could maybe take a cut-scene already in the game, where Jaden's flying his X-Wing to a planet, maybe mirror it (so it doesn't just look like a carbon copy), and change the planet in the video to look like Coruscant (picture below)





Just another word, guys @@Asgarath83 & @@Cerez, the Cantina/Bar areas will need some sort of background ambience (this is probably possible by a sound file already in the game's base assets). It could either be background music (similar sort of thing maybe, to something you'd hear in the Tatooine Cantina's). Or it could possibly just be citizens and civilians talking and mumbling. It wouldn't have to be that loud, at all, either. But it just adds a bit more authenticity and atmosphere to the Cantina's, because obviously, you're not gonna walk into a Cantina and all you can hear (or not hear, should I say lol) is dead silence lol. That would just seem weird and awkward. But if possible aswell, it'd be good to add in either of those two YouTube video links (as .mp3's) as background ambience/noise for the outside areas of the map.


@@Cerez I had an idea.. If you're good with cinematics, is there any likelihood of adding in a cut-scene before the mission starts. (So, once you've selected the mission from the menu, basically). I don't know if you're any good or have any experience of .roq file editing, Cerez, but I just thought that we could maybe take a cut-scene already in the game, where Jaden's flying his X-Wing to a planet, maybe mirror it (so it doesn't just look like a carbon copy), and change the planet in the video to look like Coruscant (picture below)








Just another word, guys @@Asgarath83 & @@Cerez, the Cantina/Bar areas will need some sort of background ambience (this is probably possible by a sound file already in the game's base assets). It could either be background music (similar sort of thing maybe, to something you'd hear in the Tatooine Cantina's). Or it could possibly just be citizens and civilians talking and mumbling. It wouldn't have to be that loud, at all, either. But it just adds a bit more authenticity and atmosphere to the Cantina's, because obviously, you're not gonna walk into a Cantina and all you can hear (or not hear, should I say lol) is dead silence lol. That would just seem weird and awkward. But if possible aswell, it'd be good to add in either of those two YouTube video links (as .mp3's) as background ambience/noise for the outside areas of the map.


check MP box. for cantina is possible to add a target_noise with a looped ambience sound of chatting room. there is a sound like that into the JK assest.  sound/ambience/students_chatting.wav

Ps: sure the chatting loop sound should be stopped or removed if in the cantina start a shoot fight XD

Cerez and Darth Sion like this

@@Darth Sion @@Cerez


okay guys. I'm really fought but I want to say this.

Following a malaise had today I realize that I am pressing too much on my body. It may seem like an excuse or drivel but in real life I have health trouble not indifferent. Usually massive and stressful jobs as the map editing I keep them in the cold months when my health problems are less pressing. Unfortunately in the summer months my illness reached its peak, so really with the best will not think I can keep this thing quickly. I was hoping to at least place all entity and the NPCs, but at this point I think at this point i will place the point combat, i will up the map decompiled and will pass it to you two private message. I'm sorry I can not do anything at this time of year.

@@Darth Sion seen much you want this project, I think you can take over the reins of the situation. ultimately abbisogno only esttrarre the Jedi Academy PK3 files from the game, put them in an internal "base" folder gamedata \ base and compile there all the loot, set yourself up gtk radiant 1.5.0, charge up the map and place the NPCs you want the points of the map you want. then pass the file to Cerez and she will take the size of the map and will merge to the original of cullen with ent modding.

At that point, she takes care of cinematic and scripts and will fix the textures of Padmé's ship and voila you're done. I remain at your disposal for advice and technical support.

Now I place the Point Combat all over the map in the most strategic locations in which to shirk the shooter and you step everything.

Good luck and sorry, but just the heat can not do it. >. <Map is heavy, is not how to make two lines of code, or riggar a low poly model, or have special effects or shadering to some model or sword. It requires a lot of energy for me. is all interdipente and interconnected and need to be very lucid on what you are doing. entities need to interface properly to the Icarus script and is not a small job.

I regret not being able to get us another, but it's the wrong time of year for me to do these things.


PS: sorry for my grammar. i used google translator for this message >.<

Ok, @@Asgarath83.. No problem. Just return to the project when you can. Your current situation and predicament is understandable, so obviously we can appreciate what's happening. Me personally, I don't have any experience with this type of modding work. My expertise only goes about as far as replacing items in the base game with various .pk3 files and what not. So nowhere near yours or @@Cerez's sort of standard that'd be required to continue this.


So yeah, just return to it when you can, as it's pretty clear we're still gonna need someone with your skills, participating in the development. I mean, I guess even if you sort of broke it down a bit and did little adjustments here and there and what not. But the main thing is, at least we've made some sort of a start on the project, so it's got the ball rolling, so to speak.


Ok, @@Asgarath83.. No problem. Just return to the project when you can. Your current situation and predicament is understandable, so obviously we can appreciate what's happening. Me personally, I don't have any experience with this type of modding work. My expertise only goes about as far as replacing items in the base game with various .pk3 files and what not. So nowhere near yours or @@Cerez's sort of standard that'd be required to continue this.


So yeah, just return to it when you can, as it's pretty clear we're still gonna need someone with your skills, participating in the development. I mean, I guess even if you sort of broke it down a bit and did little adjustments here and there and what not. But the main thing is, at least we've made some sort of a start on the project, so it's got the ball rolling, so to speak.



There is so many mapper more good of me and more ables for continue this project.

you need just to put NPC entities on the map and leave to Cerez the scripting part.

it's not so difficult learning to use radiant. i learned basic simply with the rich diesal tutorial why you not study these?

you can learn the basic of mapping, for make what you wanna make for this project these knowledge is sufficient:

https://jkhub.org/mapping/richdiesal/richdiesal.htm <- take a look ;) i learned following these tutorial. if i did it, why not you?


Basic entity tutorial, npc spawning and npc routing tutorial contains the answer and teaching that you need to know for make this work.

Cerez likes this

okay guys. I'm really fought but I want to say this.

Following a malaise had today I realize that I am pressing too much on my body. It may seem like an excuse or drivel but in real life I have health trouble not indifferent. Usually massive and stressful jobs as the map editing I keep them in the cold months when my health problems are less pressing. Unfortunately in the summer months my illness reached its peak, so really with the best will not think I can keep this thing quickly. I was hoping to at least place all entity and the NPCs, but at this point I think at this point i will place the point combat, i will up the map decompiled and will pass it to you two private message. I'm sorry I can not do anything at this time of year.

You've done more than plenty. Thanks so much for working on this project and helping out with so much, Asi. ^_^ Rest, and take care of your health. Do the things that make you feel good, and are relaxing. We'll keep you up-to-date on the progress of the project, and ask for help in case we need a tweak here or there, but I expect we should be fine, and whatever needs tweaking I can do through ent modding (or by firing up GTKRadiant myself).


I don't know if you're any good or have any experience of .roq file editing, Cerez, but I just thought that we could maybe take a cut-scene already in the game, where Jaden's flying his X-Wing to a planet, maybe mirror it (so it doesn't just look like a carbon copy), and change the planet in the video to look like Coruscant

This is beyond the scope of what I'm willing to do. I hate video editing. Pre-rendered video cutscenes are so past century. >.<'


You're gonna need to find someone who's into video editing, or DIY.


Me personally, I don't have any experience with this type of modding work. My expertise only goes about as far as replacing items in the base game with various .pk3 files and what not. So nowhere near yours or Cerez's sort of standard that'd be required to continue this.

Don't be afraid to try new things and learn. I started with the Ahsoka project by asking other, experienced modellers to make the model for me. Then I sat down, and, with the help of the community (@@AshuraDX deserves a huge credit for never giving up on me, and keeping a close, critical eye on my learning progress -- I'm indebted, Master ^_^ -- and Asi for helping me whenever I got stuck, and with the tools I was using), and my own research, in the end learned how to do it myself, and produced a fully weighted and textured model -- without formerly knowing how to do either -- in just a few months' time. And I can recommend it wholeheartedly. It feels great to DIY -- it totally beats sitting around and waiting for things to happen -- and you discover new things you never knew you could do, and actually enjoy doing. Anyone can do it, you just need to work hard at it -- just as ol' HS says in my sig:


"I don't crap gold people. I'm not an amazing artist...I just work hard at what I do... and it's still not anywhere near 'perfect'." ~ HapSlash

Asgarath83 likes this

This is beyond the scope of what I'm willing to do. I hate video editing. Pre-rendered video cutscenes are so past century. >.<'


You're gonna need to find someone who's into video editing, or DIY.

Yeah, that's fair enough. I don't wanna "push" too hard or ask more than what people are willing to do. The whole point of the project was to hopefully encourage someone or a small group of people to work together and by their own enthusiasm (not forcing or trying to make people do something against their will).


I'll ask around on the forum and see if I can find anyone who's willing to delve into that sort of thing. I do have a bit of video editing experience, myself. Using "Windows Movie Maker", mainly.. But I wouldn't really know where to begin on this one. All to do with converting the video into a .roq file and what not.

Mert-K likes this
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys,


Managed to find the old source files and have now provided these to the devs.  Sorry for the delay, 3D work commitments in real life are much and varied so it's a busy time.  I haven't read the entire thread but just to confirm, my inaction is not due to me not caring, it's just a busy time.  Good luck with the mod, I look forward to seeing it progress!  I'll check back from time to time.



Asgarath83, Langerd, Cerez and 4 others like this

I love video editing, just saying.

Is that something you'd be willing to or reckon you could have a go at doing? And obviously we'd also give credits to you either in the file's credits or the readme file, upon completion and upload.

Mert-K likes this

Hey guys,


Managed to find the old source files and have now provided these to the devs.  Sorry for the delay, 3D work commitments in real life are much and varied so it's a busy time.  I haven't read the entire thread but just to confirm, my inaction is not due to me not caring, it's just a busy time.  Good luck with the mod, I look forward to seeing it progress!  I'll check back from time to time.




Hello Culley. :)

I think we can start some Mp conversation with cerez and darth sion regard this.

i have checked your source map and is fine. this afternoon i merge it with the waypoints node i created, i remove padmé ships and i place the z95 jaden model on landpad, so i can host up the files. i am sorry but i am too much busy and lazy this months for work on the project. basically it need just to place NPC entities and to script they. but for scripting i think Cerez will manage it. for placing entities, if after i host the map can do that @@Darth Sion should be great, really this need just gtk radiant, the map file and... placing entities. basic mapping, men! right click of mouse on map grid, choose the entities, place in the coordinates, nothing of more easiest.

i cannot end the job until september because i cannot stay too much on computer with hot weather of the summer. >.< i have not a good heal. also this weeks i am busy with another project of my personal life. sorry for that. :(

Cerez and Darth Sion like this
  • 1 month later...

**Just as a quick update**
Due to Cerez's hiatus for the foreseeable future, for personal reasons.. If there's anyone that would like to step in and contribute to this mod in any way, it'd be greatly welcomed. The mod itself, is almost complete and everything is pretty much in place and there's just a few things that need finalising. If @@Asgarath83 and @@Cerez would just like to specify what has been done, next time they are on the forum, that would be appreciated. We are currently looking to get this mod completed, so it can be integrated into redsaurus' JK Enhanced, when that next update rolls around. So if there's anyone that has any experience in entity modding and what not, then by all means step forward. All help and input is welcome.


Cerez and Asgarath83 like this

I am sorry but for my heal trouble i need to leave the project.


however, Darth Sion, i will answer to your questions as possible:


- there is the source file of cullen map available for all that want to end the projects

- i provided to delete padme's ships and replace with z95 misc_model_static with collider.

- i put the intro_player_start located near z95 into the landing pad.

- i put rakto with 2 rodian escorter for first cutscen, the cams entities for cutscene movie are already setted into the landping pad, the intro cutscene need just to be scripted. at the end of cutscene rodians need to be turn by BS_CINEMATIC to BS_DEFAULT for attavk jaden. rakto need to run to the waypoint navgoal at the end of landing pad.


-after a little hallwaty jaden will found a first wave of smugglers of various kind.

he need to kill him alls and activate some switch for spawn a swoop.

- at this point he can go into the swoop race. they will spawn mercenaries and other alien smugglers on swoops (i placed just the first swoop gangster) to stop him.



- jaden need to find a hallway that lead to a suburban complex. here will be full of smugglers and civilians.

- there is a cantina in this area when jaden need to have a dialogue with a bartender (like kyle on nar shaddaa on JO)

- there all some path that lead to upper urban quartuer and to a place with roofs and skyscrapers. the first bartender will lead jaden to find rakto in this area with skyscrapers and motels. here there is will two special assoult team: one saboteur cloacked team and one himan merc team against him. the paths upon the platforms of the area will be with snipers , grenadiers, and also some rocket launcher smuggler.

- spared to all level will are the assassin_droid, they need to be scripted for embraced various weapons, not only rifles, so the fight against droid will be more interessing.

- at the end jaden understand is a trap. so he will found another cantina into an upper quartiere and the bartender tell him where is the true rakto hideout.

- jaden need to turn back to fhe first cantina, on the back of the tavern, there is a motel with rooms. rakto is hidden in the last room of motels. in the various rooms the "clients" are smugglers boss (maybe shield with SET_ARMOR script ) and assassin_droid

at the end will be two jedi hunter droid models with saber. they are the final bosses and the body guards of rakto.



what need to do the mapper:

- Place all this entities

- Configures all this NPC for script icarus interface

- adding ambience sounds

- adding some civiian alien model (quarren, rodian, etc ) that walks on streets or are sitted on the two cantinas.

- scripting the cinematic and the NPC combat behavours.


Wso what @@Darth Sion need:

basically, mappers and scripter. the map is already done, so all is necessary to be done is to place NPCs and script themselvesm.

it's not so difficults, right?


Now excuse me but I go to bed . I have fever.


good luck with your project @@Darth Sion. i hope you will find some mapper that can do the NPC stuff.

i am sorry i cannot continue the project and i need to dismiss that. ._.

if someone has seen, in the last time i am likely a ghost on this forum. sorry i cannot stay , but... is a bad time .

i will return when things will goes better.

Darth Sion and Cerez like this

I wish you good recovery, @@Asgarath83. Please take some time off to recover, and take care of yourself. Thanks for all this. ^_^


On the scripting side, we also need to hook up the cinematic scripts to work the new NPCs and adjust the camera and NPC positioning/angles for the new environment. The bar coversations, however, will need to be scripted pretty much from scratch (unless the script from the bar scene in JO can be of use).


I suppose they will also require new voice acting for the first/second bartender? (It seems to me we've deviated from the original, voiced and scripted, Raven story a little bit with this plan...)

Asgarath83 and Darth Sion like this

Yeah, thanks for everything you've done, @@Asgarath83. You've really laid down the ground-work for this mod and I/we thoroughly appreciate your input. But as Cerez says, take some time off and recover. The last thing we want is you falling seriously ill and in a hospital bed, somewhere. So focus on your health and hope that you're back to 100% soon.

I agree, @@Cerez.. There are still some things that could do with looking at. I don't have Jedi Outcast, myself, but I certainly don't see any problem or reason as to why the bartender/bar conversations can't be ported over from Jedi Outcast. I'm guessing that we'll probably need a sound engineer or someone who's proficient with sound editing to step in. I think I have a coupla' names I could go to, but can't think of them off the top of my head. @@Mert-K, didn't you say you love video editing lol.. And could help with this project, in some way?

Mert-K and Asgarath83 like this

Well, maybe i will call some force healer jedi... >_>

stupid real world >.<


it's a cystitis. bad beast, but i had already fight in past. i will see you when i will was okay again. :)

thanks for all guy.


oh, i forget a last idea:

the motel area with raktor hideout has very small hallpaths so a combat here against bosses is not much handful.

- the final fight against rakto saber droid should be done into the rancor arena near the start level of landing pad, the arena is closed. jaden can be take down by some rakto trick (is sufficient some flashbang \ stunning grenade i think. is not sufficient to make effect or expliosionj: in the cinematic you can make a fading screen with the noise of noghri_stick poison gas cloud XD and a jaden choke \ gasp sound )

when he capture him into the motel room and so he awake into the rancor arena for final fight with rakto that enjoy to assist to show, and watch him to be ripped by jedi hunter droids. :D

PS: SET_ORIGIN on icarus allow to set the player origin by raktor hideout to the arena in easily way. is possible to use a navgoal as helper of origin indication

some like SET_ORIGIN "jadenarena" origin as script.

in that way you teleport jaden into the final area of the level. :)

Now i go.

Bye. :)

Cerez and Darth Sion like this

Hey @@Mert-K, if you're interested in coming onto the project, that's great! We could do with a NEW cinematic, actually.. If you've got the experience in video and .roq editing. Were looking for a pre-mission cutscene, that shows Jaden flying his X-Wing to Coruscant. I know there are already some cinematics in the game that share this same type of video footage, but they are for other planets and we could really use one for Coruscant. I'll try to pull up the sort of thing this mod is looking for;


The footage below is taken from the game's mission on Kril'dor, to destroy the mining platform. But the actual footage we're looking for is around the 0:37 mark, in the video, to the 0:47 mark.

However, the green planet of Kril'dor needs replacing with Coruscant; which I'm sure you're probably already familiar with the look of, but here's some useful images to look at, if you're unsure;



(More images)

@@Cerez & @@Asgarath83 Just a quick question.. With Coruscant being one, big civilian populated city, are we running the risk of any problems or will we encounter any problems of populating the map with civilians? It's just wanting to try and get the map/mod to be as lore accurate as possible. But obviously don't want to run into the risk or have any problems of the game crashing. That would just undo all the work we've done, thus far.


@@Cerez & @@Asgarath83 Just a quick question.. With Coruscant being one, big civilian populated city, are we running the risk of any problems or will we encounter any problems of populating the map with civilians? It's just wanting to try and get the map/mod to be as lore accurate as possible. But obviously don't want to run into the risk or have any problems of the game crashing. That would just undo all the work we've done, thus far.

Adding a lot of NPCs is always performance intensive, but I think we can manage with a balance between not having too many to clog up today's systems, and having just enough to provide the right atmosphere.


What suffers most is the dismemberment feature. Having more than a certain amount of NPCs on a level will trigger the rest of the NPCs to be non-dismemberable (i.e. we'll hit the cap for it).

Darth Sion and Asgarath83 like this

The main problem of massive NPCs placing into a level is the FPS drops of quake 3 engine. >.<

is possible to avoid it placing trigger_once spared into all map for spawning smuggler (so smuggler appear when jaden hit a trigger_once that activate a scriptrunner that "use" the NPC with the defined targetname.)

all sp combat map use the trigger_once interaction with NPC, or the trigger_once -> script-> npc spawning as way for spawning Just the NPC in the next area jaden need to to reach.


You can use for civilian a trigger_multiple, system: simply you need to "split" into your mind the map into various area. every area is rounded by a trigger_multiple that remove civilians if you leave the area and spawn the civilians if you are entering in a new area, in that way, also if the map get dozens or a thousand of civilian, there is never a massive NPC loading, because they are only into the area that jaden explores.

tplace also around every area brushes with system/hint texture can give you some help to reduce loading trouble for the more complex map area... but that way work basically for misc_models, not for NPC.

the area of the maps need to be splitted by triggers are:


- the landing pad

- the swoop trace

- the rancor arena

- the lower city

- the first cantina  and rakto model hideout area.

- the upper city.

- the second cantina

the lower city and the upper city area are the more vaste and expensive areas, so also if there can be some problem of FPS drops caused by NPC, is on that area.

about crashes, JKA crash if they are hitted some code exception, but if NPCs are good configurated and the code is okay there are not crash. if the mod is of for JAE, i think jkhub staff had take care of all eventually code troubles.

personally i am using a custom version that i coded by myself of Openjk for my mod so i cannot tell it.

Darth Sion and Cerez like this

Hey @@Mert-K, if you're interested in coming onto the project, that's great! We could do with a NEW cinematic, actually.. If you've got the experience in video and .roq editing. Were looking for a pre-mission cutscene, that shows Jaden flying his X-Wing to Coruscant. I know there are already some cinematics in the game that share this same type of video footage, but they are for other planets and we could really use one for Coruscant. I'll try to pull up the sort of thing this mod is looking for;


The footage below is taken from the game's mission on Kril'dor, to destroy the mining platform. But the actual footage we're looking for is around the 0:37 mark, in the video, to the 0:47 mark.


However, the green planet of Kril'dor needs replacing with Coruscant; which I'm sure you're probably already familiar with the look of, but here's some useful images to look at, if you're unsure;





(More images)


@@Cerez & @@Asgarath83 Just a quick question.. With Coruscant being one, big civilian populated city, are we running the risk of any problems or will we encounter any problems of populating the map with civilians? It's just wanting to try and get the map/mod to be as lore accurate as possible. But obviously don't want to run into the risk or have any problems of the game crashing. That would just undo all the work we've done, thus far.


I'd love to do it, but my gut also says MAKE IT FROM SCRATCH. Last time I did that sorta thing it looked like this = 

Cerez likes this

I'd love to do it, but my gut also says MAKE IT FROM SCRATCH. Last time I did that sorta thing it looked like this = 

Hmm.. Well, it's not absolutely essential that the mod has to have it. I just thought it'd maybe be a nice addition to spice it up a little. If it's going to be too much of a problem or not really possible, then don't worry about it. We can leave it out.. If you happen to maybe think of a way around it, then go with your gut instinct. But again, it's not a necessity.. So don't worry.

Mert-K likes this

Adding a lot of NPCs is always performance intensive, but I think we can manage with a balance between not having too many to clog up today's systems, and having just enough to provide the right atmosphere.


What suffers most is the dismemberment feature. Having more than a certain amount of NPCs on a level will trigger the rest of the NPCs to be non-dismemberable (i.e. we'll hit the cap for it).

Yeah, I was kind of thinking that, myself. The last thing we need is to get everything in place and have the map functioning correctly, only to get so far around the map and have some error message come up on screen with a warning about reaching the character limit or something.. Or the game just crashing out back to the desktop. That would pretty much void everything we've put together. But having said that, I'll leave it in your capable hands of putting together, what the game is capable of running. I guess I could kinda' see why the original base game wasn't "overcrowded" with enemies or npc's. I think for the most part, the most amount of enemies I've seen on screen at any one time, in the base game was on Korriban, during the Sith Temple run, before Marka Ragnos.


Again, I'll leave that for you and @@Asgarath83 to deal with as you're both more educated about that than I am.


The main problem of massive NPCs placing into a level is the FPS drops of quake 3 engine. >.<

is possible to avoid it placing trigger_once spared into all map for spawning smuggler (so smuggler appear when jaden hit a trigger_once that activate a scriptrunner that "use" the NPC with the defined targetname.)

all sp combat map use the trigger_once interaction with NPC, or the trigger_once -> script-> npc spawning as way for spawning Just the NPC in the next area jaden need to to reach.


You can use for civilian a trigger_multiple, system: simply you need to "split" into your mind the map into various area. every area is rounded by a trigger_multiple that remove civilians if you leave the area and spawn the civilians if you are entering in a new area, in that way, also if the map get dozens or a thousand of civilian, there is never a massive NPC loading, because they are only into the area that jaden explores.

tplace also around every area brushes with system/hint texture can give you some help to reduce loading trouble for the more complex map area... but that way work basically for misc_models, not for NPC.

the area of the maps need to be splitted by triggers are:


- the landing pad

- the swoop trace

- the rancor arena

- the lower city

- the first cantina  and rakto model hideout area.

- the upper city.

- the second cantina

the lower city and the upper city area are the more vaste and expensive areas, so also if there can be some problem of FPS drops caused by NPC, is on that area.

about crashes, JKA crash if they are hitted some code exception, but if NPCs are good configurated and the code is okay there are not crash. if the mod is of for JAE, i think jkhub staff had take care of all eventually code troubles.

personally i am using a custom version that i coded by myself of Openjk for my mod so i cannot tell it.

Ahh, I see what you mean about "splitting" the map into various area's. Much like in the base game, where if you're on a certain map.. The first part of the map loads up and you get half way through the map and the game goes to a loading screen to load up the 2nd part of the level. I guess a good example of this is the Hoth level, where for the first part of the level, you're outside and the 2nd part of the level, you're in Echo Base.


That could be an option, if it's going to improve the mod's functionality. If it's not going to make much difference, though.. We could just go with the standard format we currently have. Whichever you or @@Cerez thinks would work best and is the most viable option.


Ahh, I see what you mean about "splitting" the map into various area's. Much like in the base game, where if you're on a certain map.. The first part of the map loads up and you get half way through the map and the game goes to a loading screen to load up the 2nd part of the level. I guess a good example of this is the Hoth level, where for the first part of the level, you're outside and the 2nd part of the level, you're in Echo Base.


That could be an option, if it's going to improve the mod's functionality. If it's not going to make much difference, though.. We could just go with the standard format we currently have. Whichever you or @@Cerez thinks would work best and is the most viable option.

Nope. JKA is not like many game as skyrim or soul reaver, with a giant map gradually loaded when player is moving.

JKA is a game with closed map and a map is loaded enterely to the level starts.

hoth2 and hoth3 are technically total different map, also if they are done for give the illusion of be parts of the same map.

basically JKA is done with closed map istances, there is NOT any Giant open world to explore. every map is a giant box with a sky and a path, full of brushes, lights, entities and triggers that run scripts.

what i mean is to use some trigger system for recreate the loading system of the open worlds game for this special map for avoid FPS drops and other issue like that.

Otherwise, if you not place more of 20-30 civilian NPC spawn point inside an area, i doubt you will get the lag or fps drop problem.

the crashes are caused not by the map. , it's rarely that a map crash the engine. the crash are caused by engine bugs, overcap the shaders \ NPC \ Item Limit ( a map can contain 2046 entity , NPC included as maximal entity number and something like 300 thousand of brushes, the brushes can get a maximum of 12 vertexes\ edge  \ sides for quake 3 engine, a model can get a maxiaml of 1000 vertexes for mesh or 500 for a shaded mesh )these all the restriction of JKA engine. if you respect all this graphical and scripting restriction you can give this work without trouble.

be careful when you place the amcience sound, the sounset function of the target_noise entity is vicious: if you set a sound_set there is not presente into the sound_Set list of the game, map will crash on loading.

for avoid this, when i use target_noise i prefear to play some loooped sound.  insteand of a soundest sound.

soundset sure are better, but are also more complicated to manage.

Darth Sion and Cerez like this

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