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Steep Maps - The quest to blend.

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Today I extended the steep map blending system I added a while back.
The system is used to easily blend between different textures for terrains (or other stuff) without needing to screw around with quake 3 shaders.

Using steep maps is as simple as adding an extra <texturename>_steep texture file for a high slope texture, and/or a <texturename>_steep2 texture file for water edges and below water.

Here is a screenshot to show how this works.


... and here is a few more screenshots of how it looks without the red writing covering up the picture ...


You can also specify steepmap and steepmap2 in shaders if you require.
In the future I will probably add randomization to the blend to the beach textures.


can that involve an alpha mask (or something) so as to break up the uniform blend?


Hmm at the moment no, its just the basics, but that is something I plan to add soon.


EDIT: See below.


Just added texture splatting blending to steep map beach blend. Also added support for alpha channel textures for extra customization.

There is info on what it is here: http://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/AndreyMishkinis/20130716/196339/Advanced_Terrain_Texture_Splatting.php



Here is how it looks with just the built in warzone heightmap generation for textures and no alpha channels on the textures. The looks and blend can be adjusted using an alpha channel in the <texturename>_steep2 texture.



And here is another scene because... why not :)


Stoiss, Onysfx, Keyten and 3 others like this
  • 2 weeks later...

if I recall correctly, EasyGen (terrain editor) allowed you to "paint" a 2D texture image which would then replace the color with a game shader terrain texture. Do you have something equivalent that would let you apply different colors which would then get replaced with your flowers, grass, etc.? maybe I need to go back and read the beginning of this thread...

  • 1 month later...

if I recall correctly, EasyGen (terrain editor) allowed you to "paint" a 2D texture image which would then replace the color with a game shader terrain texture. Do you have something equivalent that would let you apply different colors which would then get replaced with your flowers, grass, etc.? maybe I need to go back and read the beginning of this thread...

See the new thread :)

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