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Multi dimensional door? two 3D maps in one?

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Is it possible to have a map that is essentially two maps connected through one door, for instance say you have one map of corridoors amongst a star destroyer, then walk through a door and in the three dimesnional location where that map and corridoors existed it is suddenly a huge open desert area etc.

I tried to draw this in an image but it turned out to be easier just explaining it, now why would one want to do this? no partiular reason it's just you could do some very tricky and creative things with it that would make a great map, I know it's not impossible (nothing is) but probably fairly unlikely to be something readily availiable.

Suggestions, thoughts on the topic welcome...

EDIT: You could obviously make a map of a star destroyer in a space box then have another tattooine box connected through a door in the star destroyer but that is not my goal, my question also has nothing to do with star destroyers or tattooine, I just used them as references.

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