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skinning issue or a shader file

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I was wondering if someone who's more into this, than me - is it possible to use on a model that has only 1 texture for an entire object and make it as two different to use and i am not talking about making a right hand and left use same texture. For example i will use this two models that i wanna work on:

1. JKA's TIE Fighter vehicle, I made already a version based on the First Order design, but i want to improve it a little bit. The problem with it's body is that it has only one texture for the entire body and when i put the red on just one side, it will automaticly go mirrored on the other side.

2. DT's Episode 7 Stormtrooper helmet. Same problem as with the TIE Fighter, but now with his helmet I wanna make a good reskin of Finn with the blood mark from the hand of his former "friend" in the Order. Do i need to make some extra texture and am I missing a line in the .skin file, or it could be done with a simple shader file and if it's a shader, than how does it work?



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