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NPCs Don't Move....

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So, now that my first problem is fixed (and I now know HOW to fix it in the future), I have another.

I downloaded the Minecraft player model by @@AshuraDX, and the models look great on the player, but the built-in NPCs...well...they just stutter. Literally, they just STAND THERE, look like they're trying to move every 2 seconds, and are basically just there for me to kill them.

I'm hoping I'll be able to get some help with this. (I have seen working in a specific video by VenturianTale, although that MAY have been in MP.) 

I have opened and looked at every NPC in NPCTool, and their movement type is set to "runjump", so I don't know.

I will supply the .pk3 if needed.

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It's because their team is set to TEAM_NEUTRAL so they have nothing to do. I think the devs intended on that team to walk around naturally but never happened.


You can fix it by changing the team to TEAM_PLAYER if you want them to follow you and be your ally, or TEAM_ENEMY if you wan them to be an enemy, or TEAM_FREE if you want them to attack anyone.


Or you can ask Ashura to change it in his mod and release an update.

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