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Lightsaber/Model/Skinning Request!

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Alright, I'm asking since I have little idea on what I'm actually doing and I realize that anyone taking up this request is an absolute beast since I can't offer anything in return! :D I happen to require a customized lightsaber and skin. I have a vague idea for this lightsaber and can give out some materials for the skin- to anyone that decides to take this (if anyone does!) this is the link I have for the lightsaber:




Anyone willing to take that and give me the actual file so I can use it in game, well you'll be a doll! Don't worry, I know to download PK.3's I'm not a complete idiot :P


Secondly, a skin. This goes for both of these pieces that I don't need them in any great rush so please take your time, quality over swiftness an' all! The model/skin I require is of a Zabrak origin. Please keep in mind that currently this model is supposed to be a kiddish kind of Zabrak, so I don't need any giant muscle or anything like that! Those that are familiar with how the Zabrak aging process works, horn development etc, will likely help. I couldn't give you an actual image to do this justice, but a dark skinned Zabrak, something along these lines:




Mind you, I would only like the custom Zabrak being made to have a skin shade along those lines, although perhaps a deeper Red? Or a tint of it. I'll leave that up to the creator! I like to give a wide birth and not hurt the creativity of the creator that happens to be doing it, as I believe that their work is likely to be better given it's something them in particular can appreciate. I don't have much else to say regarding this, the Zabrak must be a male, young one, likely not to have fully developed horns, around that shade of skin color with perhaps a red tint of sorts. And the tribal designs and marking for their face I will leave up to the creator as well! The only thing I ask there is that it is genuine and isn't just some random assortment of lines, well maybe it can be, just has to be pretty! xD I'm not looking for a Darth Maul with this, as that would be a common sterotype given the use I have for this skin.


Additionally! I'd like to ask a few more things for this skin. I need some clothes for this guy, obviously! I'll leave the clothes up to the creator, but here is something to think about; this character that you're creating is supposed to be a Jedi of sorts, a young one albeit. That being said, I was hoping for this character I could get a few things:


Formal tunic, Outdoors tunic, 2 customized robes, 2-3 temple attire/regular tunics, and 2 civilian tunics outfits.


I know I'm asking a lot... it's basically an entire skin! For that reason, I don't need it anytime soon, although I would really, really, really, really, appreciate someone taking on this request! It would really make my day, and you'd definitely get some internet cookies. If you have any questions, please just ask! And if you do decide to take this on, please let me know below just so I don't end up trying to get someone else to do this! Thank you in advance, and thank you for all those who decided to even read this! Cheers, maties :D

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