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Beachtrooper Mod

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Hey guys, I was away from my comp today but I promise to get this model finished up by tommarow :) I was also working on another model yesterday which I made for some other people. Sorry for the delay guys. 

dark_apprentice and Asgarath83 like this

Hey guys, I was away from my comp today but I promise to get this model finished up by tommarow :) I was also working on another model yesterday which I made for some other people. Sorry for the delay guys. 

Please release your version, cuz mine turned out to be so much gaaaaay :D :D :D 


Alright, just got home. I am gonna jam for a little but then I will work on this model :) I also have to work a little on the Galak model (@@McGroose) sometime today so I might be a little slow. Cheers!

KyleKatarn1995 likes this

Ok so here is the "finished" product. I really wanted to keep these guys simple, even if there is more to add. Here are some pictures. 







Disobeying orders lol 


Let me know what you think. Everything is ready to be uploaded :) 

KyleKatarn1995, Langerd and krkarr like this

Ok so here is the "finished" product. I really wanted to keep these guys simple, even if there is more to add. Here are some pictures. 


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Disobeying orders lol 


Let me know what you think. Everything is ready to be uploaded :)


It looks totally perfect!! Now these are the perfect Beachtroopers that hang out at the pool in the Death Star! By the way, can you also those swim trunks to individual colors besides white? :)


I am gonna upload this file as is, but I am gonna try to get multiplayer support working for this meaning Blue and Red bathing suits for the team support! 


Edit: Been pending approval for the past few hours, expect it soon! 

KyleKatarn1995 likes this

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