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G2 Additional animations


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I think would be fine if we could add *.gla animations without edit vanilla animation file.




/models/players/_humanoid.gla ]

/models/players/animation.cfg ] --main animations files ( contains all base anims )

/models/players/animevents.cfg ]




/models/players/_humanoid.gla ]

/models/players/animation.cfg ] --additional animations files ( contains only new FACE_SMILE and FACE_NONSMILE )

/models/players/animevents.cfg ]


In that case zz_somemodname.pk3 will overwrite exist animation ( that defined in that file  e.g: FACE_SMILE etc ) and add non-exist ( FACE_NONSMILE  etc )


Keyten likes this

MP is only going to support humanoid for players.  Both server and client use it.  Also, the mod code and engine code and renderer expects it to be humanoid.  And, the animation file used is attached to the model directly in the header of the file.


And in the mod code it refuses to allow any other animation files if they are not humanoid.


I've given this some thought in the past - I'd prefer for overrides to go at models/player/_humanoid/_humanoid.gla/yourmod.gla.


In SP there are already per-level overrides so the technology is partially there...

Archangel35757 likes this

I don't get that syntax?  A subfile of a file?


Keep in mind both cgame and jampgame both restrict and only have the one humanoid anims compatible for clients.  And animations are used in the bg_pmove code as well.


A folder with the name of the gla - although come to think about it you probably can't have a file and a folder of the same name. Maybe omit the extension then.


Yes... have the engine look for and load all the GLA files found in the player folder???


Does this mean you would need an overarching animation.cfg file that would cover all animation gla files: _humanoid.gla, myCustomAnims.gla, myKravMaga.gla, etc.? Likewise for the animevents.cfg file?


Great sure the engine could do that.......... But the mods will still fail to understand as they would only know about the main one and they couldn't load the other anim cfg files etc.

mrwonko likes this

MBII has an experimental loading of any gla without having to use OpenJK. From what we can tell, it works. We can load models like rocket trooper as a player model, which uses its own gla. So the MP restriction of using only humanoid.gla and its animation.cfg has been overcome. Again, it's experimental.

Archangel35757 likes this

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