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shader help

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I need some help to get a texture to work using a shader.


It's the K-3PO mod I made, I tried to give him glowing eyes by texture editing but it just doesn't show as bright as it should.


Here is the texture file I am trying to get it to work with:




Can anyone help with this? I'm not very good with shaders.

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        map models/players/protocol/k3po_face
        rgbGen lightingDiffuse
        map models/players/protocol/k3po_face_glow
        blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE

It should work. ;)

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        map models/players/protocol/k3po_face
        rgbGen lightingDiffuse
        map models/players/protocol/k3po_face_glow
        blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE

It should work. ;)



For some reason it doesn't work, I have 2 NPCs setup, so if I spawn k3po, it spawns with non glow eyes (this is normal does not need altering), and when I spawn k3pog , it should have the glowing eyes but for some reason they do not glow.


Here is the current .pk3




If anyone can fix this I will give credit. :)


I find it strange how the default game doesn't contain the shader code for the original c3po face glow, yet they still provide the texture.

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I find it strange how the default game doesn't contain the shader code for the original c3po face glow, yet they still provide the texture.

It sure does. In players.shader.


        map models/players/protocol/c3po_face
        blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO
        rgbGen lightingDiffuse
        map models/players/protocol/c3po_face_glow
        blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE
        rgbGen identity
        map gfx/effects/chr_inv
        blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_SRC_COLOR
        tcGen environment
        map models/players/protocol/c3po_face_s
        blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE
        alphaGen lightingSpecular
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It works. Here's a screenshot. ;) Protocol without glow and your version of protocol with glow.


And here is a link ^^' https://copy.com/2SO6KpuPVetCrk8p/zz_K3PO.pk3



But you have changed the npc file completely..


There was supposed to be 2 versions.. one version is regular k3po with no eye glow, then a second npc with eye glow.. you removed it I don't know why, but when you make 2 versions, like what I provided, the glow eyes does not work with "k3pog" npc. I only need that fixing thanks

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Put at least a little effort in this. We gave you working shader and proved it works. Now it's your turn to combine this into what you want.


No hard feelings - i just try to encourage you into modding itself. Just try, mess araound with shaders, discover new things. ^_^


Not your fault, I just had to re-install my JKA game. There was some bug forcing the glows to no show on screen, I got it working now so I can continue debugging. Thanks :)

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