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Hello JKHub! and everyone in it!

I'm Vezon122 but I also go by: Vezonia Lithium, Prime, Vez, etc. <-- (lol see what I did there?)

I just recently joined this site after knowing the unforgettable loss of jk3files : and now have more hopes to start making mods!!! *eye balls popping out, explosions, JJ Abrams lens flares..*


I have been looking at the very useful tutorials on here to see if there was a way to use blender for modding and omg I was extremely excited to see my first saber hilt into jka XD. I am also a concept/illustrator artist so modding is something I can also use to bring out my concepts to "life" and since I spend alot of time on the computer, word "life" isn't too far from it xP. I am really excited to be a part in this community. It reminds me of the hunt. So far from being here and searching around and stuff, this site seems very good in managing stuff here. Like editing profile info, cropping image option, uploading is nice, so ya.. If I could, I would hug the person to who ever made this site. A BIG hug god damn it! If it wasn't for you guys, I wouldn't be able to type this here!! I mean if I need to get a saber, I get it HERE. If I need to get a vehicle or map, I get it HERE. If I need a inflatable bed that supports hdmi, more storage, and comes with a limited edition wireless extension cords, I get them HERE!! Why get a mattress anywhere else??


Anyway, I really look forward to the future of this wonderful community and join in on the hate of Rosh Penin.


Oh and here is my deviant if anyone is interested ---> vezon122.deviantart.com


P.S. When I typed this, the word "JKHub" was shown as if it is spelt incorrectly. I don't think that would be a good thing for this site thinking its own name is incorrect and start contradicting itself to the point it explodes.

Might have to get the guys down in engineering to fix that :0

Futuza, Smoo and Cerez like this
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Seamen? So like sailors then.

I swear the Urban Dictionary stands on the opposite side of Wikipedia -- it is as useless and misleading as tactful and useful Wikipedia as a community powered dictionary is. :lol:


Welcome on-board, matey! :winkthumb: I definitely get all my sleeping mattresses here, so I know where you're coming from. :D

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