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Dealing big amount of damage crates EFX

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For example i have droid. Is there any way to make him using the script that works like this?


- If You will deal a big amount of damage for example 2-3 equals his health he will create explosion efx.

maybe a physic clip brush with inside the crate and the physic clip brush set as func_brekealbe with no explosion efx. (set it into material not with no explosion spawnflag) when the invisibile func_brekeable is destroyed fire the script that make the huge explosion with use "targetname" command. the targetname is of the fx_runner of the explosion placed inside the crate. 

you can get concetric physic clip brush more resistance. the outside clipper has 20 health, the central 40, the inside 60... at the end is the crate with very low health that blow with one shot. every funk brekable destroyed clipper shoot a script with a different explosion efx, each effect is more big of the previous. :)

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But i want it with the script on the npc

Or just make the corpse of the enemy npc invisible when dead and it will create some chunks BUT only after being killed by certain weapon (For example consussion)

Edited by Langerd
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But i want it with the script on the npc


Or just make the corpse of the enemy npc invisible when dead and it will create some chunks BUT only after being killed by certain weapon (For example consussion)

Let me understand... you want a droid when is dead or damagin spawn a large explosion efx around his body?

the unique idea i had about this is to make the same thing i told, but there are two method: 


method 1: for droid static.

droid need to be static and inside the invisible func_brekeable bounding box you need to use the heavy_weapon spawnflag for run the script that run the fx_runner on the droid entity.


method2: if the droid is moving, you can use a fleescript run on droid entity when is lower of 50% health (fleescript of NPC runs when they are half health) and a deathscript, that is run when droid get 1 point of health. the problem is that you need to set the fx_runner entity into the same origin of the droid entity, but i think you can place the fx_runner of the explosion into the map with a targetname and a script_targetname and when you run the fleescript or deathscript you put:


affect (Targetname of Efxrunner)

SET_ORIGIN "Droid origin tag"

wait 10

use "targetname of efxrunner"



use the helper and tag function of the SET_ORIGIN icarus parm. in this mode you can give the explosion effect into the droid origin when droid is damaged. 

the problem is this: with this method you cannot use the heavy weapon method...


and so there is method 3: an half way between two method.

1: make the entity droid on the map.

2: make a invisible func_breakable box around droid with physic clip texture (so is invisible) need also to get an origin textured brush  i tbhink, and origin brush need to merge origin of the droid entity. i am not much sure about what kind of texture you need for brush, you need a physic texture because you need to block the projectiles, but you need also a noclipping texture, because this can block the projectile but NOT the npc and player entities, otherwise droid is with a brush inside it and sure not move much good in that situation.

use a spawnscript to the droid about that.

the spawnscript got a looped infinite function that set the origin of the func_breakable on the origin of the droid body. so when droid entity is moving, is moving also the func_breakable.

also you need to make the loopring script for run every second for check ever the position of the brush centered on the droid positiion and align it every time droid is moving. 

when an heavy weapons hit the brush it spawn the fx_runner with the method i told you before, and the script fired by func_brekable brush set origin of the fx_runner centered on the droid origin.

the big problem is the script that center ever the invisible func brekable brush origin to the droid origin. this is the hardest part.


. so you need 3 script:

1 the script of the droid entity that center ever the func_brekable box to the droid itself origin.

2 the script that shoot the func_breakable box when is hitted by an heavy_weapon. (you need an heavy weapon spawnflag into the box,, that shoot fx_runne of the explosion to origin of the droid entity)

3: a third script: the death script of the droid. this will remove the func_brekable entity. 

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