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[SP Mode] Adding more than 3 Lightsaberstyles to the HUD

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sorry for my bad english . I'm German.

I'm trying to add more than 3 Lightsaberstyles to the HUD.


That's what I 've done so far:

I edited the "single*.sab" Files and the "hud.Menu" File

	saberModel	"models/weapons2/saber_1/saber_1.glm"
	soundOn		"sound/weapons/saber/saberon.wav"
	soundLoop	"sound/weapons/saber/saberhum4.wav"
	soundOff	"sound/weapons/saber/saberoff.wav"
	saberLength	40
	saberColor	random
	saberstylelearned fast
	saberstylelearned medium
	saberstylelearned strong
	saberstylelearned tavion


// Saber style graphics
			name				saberstyle_strong
			background			"gfx/hud/saber_strong"
			forecolor			1 1 1 1
			rect				-49 24 26 26			

			name				saberstyle_medium
			background			"gfx/hud/saber_med"
			forecolor			1 1 1 1
			rect				-70 43 26 26			

			name				saberstyle_fast
			background			"gfx/hud/saber_fast"
			forecolor			1 1 1 1
			rect				-85 69 24 24			
			name				saberstyle_tavion
			background			"gfx/hud/saber_tavion"
			forecolor			1 1 1 1
			rect				-85 69 24 24			

and I created a new .tga file."

I zipped my edited Files and placed the new *.pk3 File in my base Directory. But it is not working.


I do not know what I did wrong. Can someone give me a few tips/hints?


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