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[JAO] Jedi Academy Order - Role Play -


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Hello everyone. First of all I want to say is thanks!. Thanks for all the people who fights for JA , and still making it work. I love the JA community and that's why I'm sharing my experience with this clan. :)






Word of Zokon, the admin of this community;


Our community consists of members in the USA and from over seas.The community itself is a mix between casual role players and serious roleplayers (depends on the stories setting). We welcome anyone who is interested and enjoy jedi academy as much as we do. In our role play universe, it is set 350 years after the Legacy Era. The clan is made of Jedi whom seek to bring peace to the galaxy. Your character will learn the ways of the force, diplomacy, saber combat, and many more exciting skills. You are to choose one of the three main branches such as Sentinel, Consular, and Guardian. Within these branches there are many paths for you to pick. As far as missions go, we improvise daily so you can have a new adventure and a new expirence everyday when you log on. We even allow you to create your own role play side missions but it must involve everyone. You may have many short, medium or long side missions. After posting you side mission, the council will look into it and decide if it meets the qualifications. Be sure to post it in the forums under plots and side stories so we can stay up to date. (Improvised role plays should not get crazy and try to keep it set in the current timeline). We allow any race you choose. You may also give them some perks such as an extra skill or a early force ability but it must be reasonable! (That means no immortals or over powered characters). Recently, we added some new options for you to choose. You can have up to four characters one being your Jedi and the others can be a Jedi/Fallen Jedi, Smuggler, Soilder or any other profession you can think of. You Will be required to create a character bio for each one and you must keep up with your characters. Also new to JAO is that you may now create Sith characters. Due to the fact that we now switch between playing good and evil characters, we feel that doing this gives the story more feel and helps to see what each side is doing. Never the less, we still play as Jedi. Your Sith may not be allowed to invade the temple unless the role play requiers it. There is no age limit  but that doesn't mean that you can go crazy with the force. Guests who join the server but do not wish to join JAO may still role play and chat out of character but you must read up on the forums to see what we are doing. This helps players understand what's going on so they won't get confused or interrupt a role play session. Or to save time, you can simply ask someone who is online on the server. Try to be active as much as you can. This keeps the role play going and helps to get more people on. If you can't be there let someone know. If you have any questions about the clan that needs to be answered, please feel free to contact us. Thank you for your time.





Couldn't say any better than that  :) . I've been in JAO for like 4 months, and I had a lot of fun. I love the rp experience, and the consideration they have about the activity . Please feel free to check out the site http://jao.enjin.com/home



I hope we rp soon :).



(( Cya- Ingame : Lasha ))

Smoo and Zokon like this
  • 2 weeks later...

yeah, I remember this clan. used to run with it briefly, then RL got hold of me, then I got banned for inactivity...good times! :D


Don't waste your time. @@Luckxzs is a nice person, and I appreciate what he's trying to do, but the leaders of this clan are utterly despicable elitists.


Only join if you like kicking people around, or being kicked around. Otherwise I advise staying as far from it as possible...

Nuhallis likes this

Don't waste your time. @@Luckxzs is a nice person, and I appreciate what he's trying to do, but the leaders of this clan are utterly despicable elitists.


Only join if you like kicking people around, or being kicked around. Otherwise I advise staying as far from it as possible...

really? strange...they seemed nice to me...a bit self-centered (which is kinda normal, considering they pay for the servers, and run everything, and all), but nice...guess something changed since I was a member...


really? strange...they seemed nice to me...a bit self-centered (which is kinda normal, considering they pay for the servers, and run everything, and all), but nice...guess something changed since I was a member...


At first it seemed that way to me, too. But then the cyber-bullying started. We couldn't role-play our characters properly because the staff and the experienced members kept interrupting and taking us on wild 'missions' that made no role-play sense and turned our characters into rabbits to be hunted down, passive (locked in) bystanders in a role-play we were not allowed to understand, and locked away in prison for reasons that made absolutely no sense only so the elite could play their story.


The end result is that I can't play my character anymore because she'd been twisted by all these ridiculous experiences into something I can no longer feel with. As a player I have experienced emotional trauma, utter confusion, and genuine shock while playing with this community.


At first it seemed that way to me, too. But then the cyber-bullying started. We couldn't role-play our characters properly because the staff and the experienced members kept interrupting and taking us on wild 'missions' that made no role-play sense and turned our characters into rabbits to be hunted down, passive (locked in) bystanders in a role-play we were not allowed to understand, and locked away in prison for reasons that made absolutely no sense only so the elite could play their story.


The end result is that I can't play my character anymore because she'd been twisted by all these ridiculous experiences into something I can no longer feel with. As a player I have experienced emotional trauma, utter confusion, and shock while playing with this community.

well, since you put it that way...you may be right...

care to start your own clan? :)


Right.....we don't cyber bully or kick anyone around or enforce our RP.  We never ridiculed anyone or call anyone names. We have a specific rules and all we ask is for them to be followed. I spoke with Luckxzs and it turns out you and him had complications and it lead to his characters death. As for the missions, we have unexpected events and trips to planets in RP. And anything can happen in RP. Nobody has had a problem with us until now. The whole locking your character up was because you injured /killed someone....and if it was a real life situation someone would get caught arrested. Our side plots are not to exclude people, they tie in to our RP but will be revealed in our universe when the time is right. Only reason why we were doing that was because of my busy schedule and we didn't want to do it on the forums to confuse people. But it was also bad because people would see us on the server and we had to rush through it to RP with the others. I apologize for the confusion and any inconvenience Cerez and we were in the wrong i'll take the hit for it. And Raven, I don't remember you. Actually...I didn't ban you at all. I just thought you left :P What was your characters name again? Are you mus?


And Raven, I don't remember you. Actually...I didn't ban you at all. I just thought you left :P What was your characters name again? Are you mus?

well yeah, you didn't ban me, I just didn't use the proper word, sorry...

and yeah, it's Mus :D

Zokon likes this
It looks funny to me to see that people go " OH THEY ARE CYBERBULLYING US HURR DURR WE CANT RP OUR CHARACTERS"  As I didnt witness that event when it happend it seems to me as someone is crying abit to much I read that post about "Mothersday massacre"  also the "despicable elitists" Im sorry you hevent seen the "despicable elitists" such as JEDI or the old DAJ that me and Revan were mambers of. 
On another note the "and turned our characters into rabbits to be hunted down, passive (locked in) bystanders in a role-play we were not allowed to understand, and locked away in prison for reasons that made absolutely no sense only so the elite could play their story." 
You are a jedi In traning ACT LIKE ONE you think that woudl turn your character mad ? Trust me you hevent seen anything. Point to this is if you are a Jedi or Grey Jedi or a god damn holy strudel put on a plater. It is your DUTY to keep calm and help fellow students get trough it  not go on forums and cry about it do what you think is best for you if your character got mentaly hurt ask a mamber of Council or Knights to help you iRP this is what role play is made for or you can handle it on your own by  maditating on it or being like my old character beating up few traning droids and focuse your attention on somthing diffrent helping your character take her/his mid of that be creative. 

Sorry for my horrible gramar just woke up T.T
Zokon likes this

Go on your own forum to solve your problems.

Kalmus: You are a jedi In traning ACT LIKE ONE you think that woudl turn your character mad ?

It's your conception of a Jedi, maybe it's not the conception Cerez has of a Jedi. It's RP, each player plays his character. There are normal jedis and there are mad jedis.
If all jedis were calm, Anakin would never become Darth Vader.
It is the case where the admin wants the player to play character like he thinks in a situation he decided and not like the player would.
DM must know that players can act like they think and not like the DM thinks, and he must adapt himself.
You don't like the way of Cerez to RP,  it's all. She's not a bad roleplayer. She has a different sight of RP which don't reach your own sight of RP.
It seems she tried to help and bring her stones. It was not the good stones for you.
That's all. Don't bullshit her.

Cerez: At first it seemed that way to me, too. But then the cyber-bullying started.

I agree your were disapointed with your experience, and I like your profil's picture, but it's not a reason to bullshit them. Just write that you didnot like their way to RP and explain why, but don't write it's a bullshit RP clan with motherfucker admins.
There exist an infinity of ways to RP, and they have all the same name : RP. That's the problem.
Some people think that players must make their own RP while playing with others, choose the map and invent themselves stories (it's players that make the RP to evolve).
Some people think it's the DM who must organise and put players in RP situations.
They love their way to RP, and you don't like it. Maybe The_Raven will, maybe not.

Don't bullshit them.

Zokon and Avenger like this

really? strange...they seemed nice to me...a bit self-centered (which is kinda normal, considering they pay for the servers, and run everything, and all), but nice...guess something changed since I was a member...

Nothing has changed Mus. Things are still the same when you were with us.

  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...
  • 1 year later...

                                                                       JAO IS STILL FUNCTIONING AND RECRUITING!!! 


Hello all! I am EvilNurseMD1, or, in JAO, Cortana Eve! I have been apart of this clan for about 2 years, still going. This clan is tons of fun, our members are just about active everyday!  :D We are an Jedi RPing clan for JKA, but don't get fooled, we not only RP Jedi, but Sith, Mercenaries, Bounty Hunters, You name it! You can RP here what ever you would like, you truly make your own story, the way you want it.  :winkthumb:  We are always recruiting, always open to new and exciting people, if you like Mission, Sith, and other fun RPs, this is the place you want to be, we work with everyone here and appreciate everyone that joins as we love new people who come to tell their story in a Star Wars Universe. Do not feel nervous to come and talk on our Forums and or Servers, we will not bite  ;)  If you want to scout out and see what we do on the Servers, then by all means, go for it, we welcome it! And if you are scouting in, we don't mind extra people to RP with, we will welcome you in to RP, not shut you out. So please, if you are interested in an awesome RP experience in Star Wars, please go to our Forums, have a look around and put in an application, or as i said, scout through it. :D  :D  I hope i see a lot of new people coming in the future!!! 






Zokon and The4thRemnant like this

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