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Im Lost here


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Hey i am totally new to these things and i got openjk however i do not think that my changes in the openjk-master did any changes so for example i tried editing a code npc spawn thing with adding the class mandalorian making it killable then i started the game but nothing happened  so is it one step i am missing or doing wrong im not sure i feel like an idiot 

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Hey i am totally new to these things and i got openjk however i do not think that my changes in the openjk-master did any changes so for example i tried editing a code npc spawn thing with adding the class mandalorian making it killable then i started the game but nothing happened  so is it one step i am missing or doing wrong im not sure i feel like an idiot 

It's kind of hard to say what you're doing wrong when you haven't even shown us what you've done :)

Arthor likes this
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Yeah sorry its a bit vague question i can i will try to rephrase myself 


When i make a change in the Openjk-master folder does the game recognize the change directly or is something more that need to be done before it can be read by the game ?

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When you modify the source code, you're just doing that. In order to apply the changes to your game, you will need to compile/build the source code into an executable (EXE/app).


Follow these instructions to compile/build your customised source:



When you are done compiling, you will find your built files in the "build" folder. You will need to copy/move these files to the appropriate location in your installed game directory. Most of them go into "GameData" (just above "base").

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The instructions on that page say what to do:


  1. Open CMake GUI
  2. In the "Where is the source code" text box, enter the path to the OpenJK source code.
  3. Copy and paste the path into the "Where to build the binaries" text box, and add /build at the end of the path.


A word of advice though. Coding isn't anything like editing a script and watching it work. You need at least some knowledge of programming before you should even attempt to edit the JKA code, otherwise you're just in for a world of pain and headaches. You might get lucky and have something working, but then 3 weeks later it might crash and you won't have the faintest clue how to fix it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah i know i just do minimal changes at a time to see if it works like max_data npc things you know to get more npcs in game think it would be fun


OffTopic, does OpenJK Support 64 players or is that JKGalaxies?

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