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[HELP] Shinigami

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I found close-to-perfect models to combine to create a playable Shinigami for this game. The problem was not with the head model, but with the torso.
Seemed like all robed models looked akward and unpleasing to work with, but then I hit the jackpot; The Old Ben Kenobi model from MovieBattles.

I'm very busy with a big mapping project, I'd really like it if someone would add the HS_anakin head on the Ben Kenobi model. I've already roughly re-skinned the torso,
so by all means I'm not asking anyone to do a skin for me, just this small favor. I can send the 2 player models needed, for who ever wants to take on this task;



Aizen_Sousuke_full_1399757.jpg Aizen_Sousuke_full_395428.jpg


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