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JO FFA Bespin, PROPER port to JA

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All JO Specific bespin textures are now in there own folder for JA.  This means not a huge pk3 with a lot of JO assets as well as no issue with confusion or file confliction.  For those who don't also know, ffa_bespin was basically JO's equivalent to mp/ffa3 for JA.


All the drops and spawn points are also on the map as well.


The boundary clip was moved back so people (who have admin) can't tele and walk around the out skirts of the map.


Map lighting was tweaked and improved (lighting on the exterior roofs and a few other map spots).


Few other brush related and texture based fixes (windows now have a proper glow shader on them).  Beyond that, it's jo bespin to JA.  This map was compiled for a relatively empty base folder (mine).  So as such if you run into errors/issues with textures missing (relies also on base JA bespin textures), the error is on your end with a custom map setup that alters base ja bespin textures.


No fancy _skybox in the background.  I kept it closer to the original on that end.  But all other stuff is just more modern implementations on an old map.  FPS wise was also solid through the map for me as well.


Two clips were removed, the main central building and the bevel near the main landing platform just cause it's more areas for people to jump up on.


Little admin "hot box" has a layer of glass inside now. 


This map was also tested live on my own hosted server.  Sometimes live testing can give better feedback.  Map .pk3 size as well is only a small 3.38mbs.


Now for some screenies.















Probably do a proper JO Deathstar to JA port also.  I want to experiment and see if the hangar having a reflective camera/shader will work fine with the overall map OR impact fps to much to work.  Probably also put some kinda chair for the emporers throne room as well.  Maybe look into making it so all the jails on the detention center open up also.


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Shroomduck years ago did something with deathstar map, SJC also did a variation with the trench.  Maps were quite huge also and by looking at servers in game, to much creativity in maps can also mean players don't host them, it has nothing to do with the map being bad either.


I personally don't think core assets that came with the game need huge massive creative overhauls.  Touched up with more modern methods/means perhaps (texture/lighting fixes more or less).  But taking to much creative stride with base things can break up the flow (people have to get used to the content and get a feel where ffa can take place, etc).  All of this simply comes down to the idea of, if you want your content hosted on a server or not.  Lot of detail and models etc sound great in paper.  But in use, people have a weird view on such things going so far as to label the content "RP" or whatever, which is absolutely stupid.  Tthe only thing that truly defines RP is the use of imagination (people play pen and paper still for a reason).


But with JA as it is mostly being a base map hosted only playground, really doesn't matter what anyone makes.  Most of it wont get hosted on a server anyway let alone used regularly.  But that's more in line with peoples idea of "if we host base maps all the time more people will join".  Considering the VAST amounts of ffa based servers do that, just shows lack of variety in peoples minds.  Or to lazy to simply look at a server list to maybe try something different (different is SCAREY, oooga booooga).



Back on topic.  Added some of the bespin wind noises on the main kill trigger and few more texture touch ups.  About it for now.

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I think popularity wise they're about mirrored, just more so to there respective communities.  Which sadly, neither JO or JA community ever really meshed or came together to share content or get cross modding between games, information sharing, etc.  JO was kinda just abandoned in the modding sense due to JA to be honest.  Probably compare the similarties in some way of MoTS is to DF2 as JA is to JO.  Starts with a good solid core to build off of, but the creative changes are hit and miss with some people.  More of a hit for new people, but kinda meh to people who've been around since the start.  But great playing/learning experiences regardless to see things from a more "simpler" perspective.


It's strange in a lot of ways though.  I think in some retrospect people care a lot more for the "idea" of or what they "picture" things to be but don't always add up to being the best let alone actually what is happening in regards to reality itself of the current community and so forth.  I'm on the fence of this more so in regards to it honestly just being, personal taste and not always truly the best of the best.  Plenty of really good maps, and plenty of maps that are meh but still widely used more so due to having a history for lot of people in use for there respective communities.  Base maps are still widely used, I don't think it has to do with the ease of it let alone coming with the core game, but more along the lines of it fits into the game look and style more so than some custom creations people have made.  It's a kinda, dirty or, gritty feel to it.  Where as lot of custom creations either need to be more fleshed out/finished or are to sterile/clean.


I still think JO has the best balance in terms of gameplay and the amount of emotes people setup for use (I have no idea what emotes are taboo or kinda tacked on but not fleshed out on the same level JO was, but that more so has to do with JO had a really good setup with animations already in the core game so it was less work), but the limitations for mapping were a great learning experience going from JA's more freedoms to JO being a lot more strict, but I honestly prefer JA not being HEAVILY restricted with say map ents for example.  But it was great for taking a step back and working on the basics before just going out the gate with things.


I think in general the community is to all over the place to really go back to an old fashioned sense of clan/community interaction, even with one another.  It's very "robotic" these days with attitudes and just continuing the same kinda trends.  I honestly don't think anyone really knows how to go back to just having a standard structured community where more focus is on being a player and less on admins being babysitters, beyond just putting in place same kinda rules/admin stuff that everyone has been using/doing for years which doesn't really address player retention or getting people more involved (modding diverts attention away from playing more so than getting people more interested in the player to player interactions).  But enough with this rant and off topic stuff, easy to nit pick but we really don't have a whole lot of alternative examples and ways to do things beyond what has worked in the past or is currently in place.



Well judging by the looks of it, I think this map is basically done and cleaned up of most of the bugs I could find.  But as for a release, meh don't really care to.  But I did have fun showing it off.  Plus a nice addition to my server for another map to use besides same old standard base maps (which I also removed all of including SP ones).  :shifty:

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