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New player. I want to play Jedi Academy online

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I'm looking at buying this game, and I especially want it because I love SW and it's only $10 on steam. I heard the multiplayer in this game is phenomenal, and I heard that people still play. is the population a good enough size to get some good gameplay in? Please excuse me if this is seen as a stupid question, I just recently started getting into online gaming communities. 

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Compared to what it used to be, it's a tiny population. Depending on the time of day, and the day itself, you'll find some fairly populated servers.


So yes, it's worth getting for $10. Though you could wait for a sale and get it for $5, which would be around Christmas probably.

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Compared to what it used to be, it's a tiny population. Depending on the time of day, and the day itself, you'll find some fairly populated servers.


So yes, it's worth getting for $10. Though you could wait for a sale and get it for $5, which would be around Christmas probably.

There's players 24/7 but the population of course varies and is sometimes thin. Just saying this because you made it sound like there's people only on specific times ;d

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