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REQUEST: A little script I thought off

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I would like to ask someone who knows his way about scripting JKA to create a small addon for my WeaponsHD, I'm finishing the last pack, only 2 sabers left and I would like to incorporate this script with the next release of the Dual Sabers pack.

So, the thing is, you know there are 3 levels for saber throw, right? First one just throws it, as soon as it hits the limited throw length, it returns to the jedi. Second level appears to enable you to hold it at that limit, and third goes like a homing missile into enemy npcs. Now, would it be possible to add return damage for EVERY hilt, when the jedi reaches level 3 saber throw? That's the script or code I'd need. IF POSSIBLE! so please tell me. If the player has saber throw level 1 or 2, the return damage mustn't be there!
If this couldn't work, how about a script or keybind that you could hit once your saber IS ALREADY THROWN SOMEWHERE and it returns doing return damage, not just simply straight into your hand?

Another thing is a script also (with the knowledge I have, it's not possible with just keybindings as it schould work for ANY saber the player chooses) that would enable the player that if, let's say he likes to play with dual sabers. But after a while, he might want some immersion and wants to change to dual-wielding sabers or even a single saber. So, the script would enable with a simple button press to detach the dual saber and star dual wielding it's single saber counterparts. But please keep in mind, it schould work really for ANY dual saber, I DON'T MEAN OTHER SINGLE SABERS INCLUDED! Just the dual sabers to have single saber counterparts, this script would also work nicely with the broken saber option already ingame, also if we could make it to happen more often. In this case, you wouldn't be able to put the sabers back together into the dual-saber until the end of the level.

So it's a good idea I think, but I'm just a little bit afraid that it's not possible. Well, hope dies last so please, help me out a bit here buddies! Of course I will greatly appreciate any help I can get!

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Hey there! Great ideas!


Some of the things should be possible. For instance, I believe return damage is available via the .sab file, so that's not a problem. The problem comes with scripting it to work with the saber throw force levels. Here's the deal: you'd need to make 2 .sabs for each saber, one with return damage, one without. With scripting, you can pretty easily check whether or not the force level is correct, but you'd have to do another check for the saber. For instance, say a player is using saber1. He then toggles to level 3 saber throw, when that happens, it checks to see if the level is correct (it is) then it would have to find the saber name (it finds and entry for saber1) and if it does, it has to change the saber (saber1_return). The problem is, you'd have to manually enter each saber into this scripted list, which isn't feasible considering how many there are and any sabers added by other mods. I'm not sure if the SET_SABER, the thing that checks the saber name, even works properly. 


TLDR: Yes...but it would be a lot of work! Maybe you can add the feature for your sabers only?


Your second idea would just require a key that would change the sabers being wielded to 2 dual sabers. There may be some scripting components we could use...but I'm really not sure, honestly.


BTW - all these suggestions are SP...I don't know anything about that wacky MP.

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It's allright, let's limit ourselves to the sabers for JK Enhanced, or in other words, my recreated vanilla sabers, which would mean 5 dual sabers with their 5 single saber counterparts and the 12 single sabers availible in the game already, which besides the 9 SP sabers means the stinger, kyle's saber and desann's saber. This isn't such a long list, nevermind other mods, if the engine limits us to scripting like that, we would just state that this script works only with the sabers already incorporated into the game. What's more, any modder who would want this to work with his mod, can simply contact us and we could help him create another script for himself.

So, @@therfiles could I count on you to help me out with this? As soon as you find time, we can add it to my last pack of dual sabers to the community for a test run and bug finding. What do you say? Also, we'd need to talk the details of my idea through a bit more, I think. We can do that in my Rooxon's WeaponsHD thread (availible through a simple click on my signature pic) or we can make a new WIP thread inside JK Enhanced. After all, it would bring some immersion to the game, right? Something to have fun with.

EDIT: Allright, I think I'm slowly beginning to grasp the total concept of JK Enhanced and all it's parts, slowly! Though this would make a great addition to the game in any case, so... I'm asking anyone who could help, when you do have the time, add me on skype or write to me in a private message, so we can talk about this a bit more. Many many thanks, guys! If anyone sees this and comes up with additional ideas that would be great, you can write about it in my Rooxon's WeaponsHD WIP topic inside the JK Enhanced category. Or well, wherever you see one of my posts, just hit the signature pic down bellow ;)

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