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Another .skin file for an existing model... cursed shader issues.

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Trying to make this as short as possible...


In the jawa folder, I have a new .skin file that points to new textures.  It's not taking the place of the original, nor creating a new model.  It's simply a skin variation.


I'm 99% positive that the .shader file is the problem, but I don't understand why.  All it contains is the original jawa shader, edited to point to the new eyes so they glow.  The eyes work fine.  But other shaders go invisible.  Specifically, the rgb shaders for playermodels go invisible...  or in the trandoshan/weequay cases, they simply don't change from white.  I'm guessing this has to do with the players.shader, but I have no clue as to how I can get the eyes working and keep the rgb stuff intact.


It wouldn't be a big deal to make a 'new' model; I'm just trying to save space.

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