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Level 7: Yun

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Hm. I think Yun's escape spot is not the same lift, so the two events can coexist. Yun is lifted up much closer to the opposite end of the room, where Kyle starts: in the cutscene Kyle turns (theoretically, to the lift from where Yun came) to face the stormtroopers. I believe the Stormtroopers used the same lift Yun used at the start, descending from above, and it's not the same that Yun uses in the escape.


Level 7:



Level 8:


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Yeah the cutscene and level design do not match.


Yun & the stormies use the same lift to come into the room, but yun goes up the shaft at a different place that isn't near the table or the lift. The room in the videos is larger. I'll have to correct my level to reflect this.

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